Feature: Showing Test Anything Protocol-compatible test output Scenario: Showing failed tests Given I have a failing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--tap" Then I should see text beginning with "not ok 1" Scenario: Showing passing tests Given I have a passing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--tap" Then I should see text beginning with "ok 1" Scenario: Showing pending tests Given I have a pending test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--tap" Then I should see text containing " # TODO" and beginning with "not ok 1" Scenario: Showing how many tests completed Given I have a pending test in my suite And I have a passing test in my suite And I have a failing test in my suite And the test suite has finished When I pipe to xcpretty with "--tap" Then I should see text matching "1..3" Scenario: Showing a running test counter Given I have a passing test in my suite And I have a failing test in my suite When I pipe to xcpretty with "--tap" Then I should see text beginning with "ok 1" And I should see text beginning with "not ok 2"