def legacy_resolve_template_path(file) # Figure out the actual location of the file. # Originally all the potential source files were in the repository alongside the application. # Now the files could be provided by an included Ruby gem, so we allow those Ruby gems to register their base # path and then we check them in order to see which template we should use. do |base_path| base_path = resolved_path = base_path.join(file).to_s File.exist?(resolved_path) ? resolved_path : nil end.compact.first || raise("Couldn't find the Super Scaffolding template for `#{file}` in any of the following locations:\n\n#{BulletTrain::SuperScaffolding.template_paths.join("\n")}") end def legacy_replace_in_file(file, before, after) puts "Replacing in '#{file}'." target_file_content = target_file_content.gsub!(before, after) File.write(file, target_file_content) end def legacy_add_line_to_file(file, content, hook, child, parent, options = {}) increase_indent = options[:increase_indent] add_before = options[:add_before] add_after = options[:add_after] transformed_file_name = file transformed_content = content transform_hook = hook target_file_content = if target_file_content.include?(transformed_content) puts "No need to update '#{transformed_file_name}'. It already has '#{transformed_content}'." else new_target_file_content = [] target_file_content.split("\n").each do |line| if /#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}\s*$/.match?(line) if add_before new_target_file_content << "#{line} #{add_before}" else unless options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end end # get leading whitespace. line =~ /^(\s*).*#{Regexp.escape(transform_hook)}.*/ leading_whitespace = $1 new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{" " if increase_indent}#{transformed_content}" new_target_file_content << "#{leading_whitespace}#{add_after}" if add_after if options[:prepend] new_target_file_content << line end else new_target_file_content << line end end puts "Updating '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, new_target_file_content.join("\n") + "\n") end end def encode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.chars.join("~!@BT@!~") end def decode_double_replacement_fix(string) string.gsub("~!@BT@!~", "") end def oauth_scaffold_directory(directory, options) transformed_directory_name = oauth_transform_string(directory, options) begin Dir.mkdir(transformed_directory_name) rescue Errno::EEXIST => _ puts "The directory #{transformed_directory_name} already exists, skipping generation.".yellow rescue Errno::ENOENT => _ puts "Proceeding to generate '#{transformed_directory_name}'." end Dir.foreach(legacy_resolve_template_path(directory)) do |file| file = "#{directory}/#{file}" unless oauth_scaffold_file(file, options) end end end # there is a bunch of stuff duplicate here, but i'm OK with that for now. def oauth_scaffold_file(file, options) transformed_file_name = oauth_transform_string(file, options) transformed_file_content = [] skipping = false do |line| if line.include?("# 🚅 skip when scaffolding.") next end if line.include?("# 🚅 skip this section when scaffolding.") skipping = true next end if line.include?("# 🚅 stop any skipping we're doing now.") skipping = false next end if skipping next end # remove lines with 'remove in scaffolded files.' unless line.include?("remove in scaffolded files.") # only transform it if it doesn't have the lock emoji. if line.include?("🔒") # remove any comments that start with a lock. line.gsub!(/\s+?#\s+🔒.*/, "") else line = oauth_transform_string(line, options) end transformed_file_content << line end end transformed_file_content = transformed_file_content.join transformed_directory_name = File.dirname(transformed_file_name) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(transformed_directory_name) end puts "Writing '#{transformed_file_name}'." File.write(transformed_file_name, transformed_file_content) end def oauth_transform_string(string, options) name = options[:our_provider_name] # get these out of the way first. string = string.gsub("stripe_connect: Stripe", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:gems_provider_name] + ": " + name.titleize)) string = string.gsub("ti-money", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:icon])) if options[:icon] string = string.gsub("omniauth-stripe-connect", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:omniauth_gem])) string = string.gsub("stripe_connect", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:gems_provider_name])) string = string.gsub("STRIPE_CLIENT_ID", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:api_key])) string = string.gsub("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY", encode_double_replacement_fix(options[:api_secret])) # then try for some matches that give us a little more context on what they're looking for. string = string.gsub("stripe-account", encode_double_replacement_fix(name.underscore.dasherize + "_account")) string = string.gsub("stripe_account", encode_double_replacement_fix(name.underscore + "_account")) string = string.gsub("StripeAccount", encode_double_replacement_fix(name + "Account")) string = string.gsub("Stripe Account", encode_double_replacement_fix(name.titleize + " Account")) string = string.gsub("Stripe account", encode_double_replacement_fix(name.titleize + " account")) string = string.gsub("with Stripe", encode_double_replacement_fix("with " + name.titleize)) # finally, just do the simplest string replace. it's possible this can produce weird results. # if they do, try adding more context aware replacements above, e.g. what i did with 'with'. string = string.gsub("stripe", encode_double_replacement_fix(name.underscore)) string = string.gsub("Stripe", encode_double_replacement_fix(name)) decode_double_replacement_fix(string) end def oauth_scaffold_add_line_to_file(file, content, after, options, additional_options = {}) file = oauth_transform_string(file, options) content = oauth_transform_string(content, options) after = oauth_transform_string(after, options) legacy_add_line_to_file(file, content, after, nil, nil, additional_options) end