module PgMigrate class CommandLine < Thor @@packaged_source = '.' def initialize(*args) super end def self.packaged_source @@packaged_source end def self.packaged_source=(value) @@packaged_source = value end desc "up", "migrates the database forwards, applying migrations found in the source directory" method_option :source, :aliases => "-s", :default => nil, :banner => 'input directory', :desc => "a pg_migrate built manifest. Should contain your processed manifest and up|down|test folders" method_option :connopts, :aliases => "-c", :type => :hash, :required => true, :banner => "connection options", :desc => "database connection options used by gem 'pg': dbname|host|hostaddr|port|user|password|connection_timeout|options|sslmode|krbsrvname|gsslib|service" method_option :verbose, :aliases => "-v", :type => :boolean, :banner => "verbose", :desc=> "set to raise verbosity" def up source = options[:source] if source.nil? source = @@packaged_source end method_defaults = {"verbose" => false} local_options = set_defaults_from_file(method_defaults, "up", source) local_options = local_options.merge(options) bootstrap_logger(local_options["verbose"]) manifest_reader = sql_reader = connopts = local_options["connopts"] if !connopts["port"].nil? connopts[:port] = connopts[:port].to_i end migrator =, sql_reader, connopts) begin migrator.migrate(source) rescue Exception => e if !local_options["verbose"] # catch common exceptions and make pretty on command-line if !e.message.index("ManifestReader: code=unloadable_manifest").nil? puts "Unable to load manifest in source directory '#{source}' . Check -s|--source option and run again." exit 1 else raise e end else raise e end end end desc "down", "not implemented" def down local_options = options options = set_defaults_from_file(location_options) bootstrap_logger(options[:verbose]) raise 'Not implemented' end desc "build", "processes a pg_migrate source directory and places the result in the specified output directory" method_option :source, :aliases => "-s", :default => nil, :banner => 'input directory', :desc => "the input directory containing a manifest file and up|down|test folders" method_option :out, :aliases => "-o", :banner => "output directory", :desc => "where the processed migrations will be placed" method_option :force, :aliases => "-f", :type => :boolean, :banner => "overwrite out", :desc => "if specified, the out directory will be created before processing occurs, replacing any existing directory" method_option :verbose, :aliases => "-v", :type => :boolean, :banner => "verbose", :desc=> "set to raise verbosity" method_option :test, :aliases => "-t", :default => false, :type => :boolean, :banner => "run tests", :desc => "run tests by creating a test database and executing migrations" method_option :oob_connopts, :aliases => "-b",:default=> nil, :type => :hash, :banner => "out-of-band connection options", :desc => "this is a 'landing pad' database from which pg_migrate can execute 'create/drop' against the database specified by the connopts argument. database connection options used by gem 'pg': dbname|host|hostaddr|port|user|password|connection_timeout|options|sslmode|krbsrvname|gsslib|service" method_option :connopts, :aliases => "-c", :default => nil, :type => :hash, :banner => "connection options", :desc => "database connection options used by gem 'pg': dbname|host|hostaddr|port|user|password|connection_timeout|options|sslmode|krbsrvname|gsslib|service" def build source = options[:source] if source.nil? source = @@packaged_source end method_defaults = {"force" => false, "verbose" => false, "test" => false} local_options = set_defaults_from_file(method_defaults, "build", source) local_options = local_options.merge(options) bootstrap_logger(local_options["verbose"]) if !local_options["out"] puts "error: --out not specified" exit 1 end if local_options["test"].to_s == "true" if !local_options["oob_connopts"] puts "error: --oob_connopts not specified when test = true" exit 1 else # type safety; if string is found, convert to hash local_options["oob_connopts"] = parse_to_hash(local_options["oob_connopts"]) end if !local_options["connopts"] puts "error: --connopts not specified when test = true" exit 1 else # type safety; if string is found, convert to hash local_options["connopts"] = parse_to_hash(local_options["connopts"]) end end manifest_reader = sql_reader = builder =, sql_reader) begin, local_options["out"], :force => local_options["force"], :test => local_options["test"], :oob_connopts => local_options["oob_connopts"], :connopts => local_options["connopts"]) rescue PG::Error => pge puts "test failure" puts pge end end desc "package", "packages a built pg_migrate project into a custom gem containing schemas and simpler migration interface" method_option :source, :aliases => "-s", :default => nil, :banner => 'input directory', :desc => "the input directory containing a manifest file and up|down|test folders that has been previously built by pg_migrate build" method_option :out, :aliases => "-o", :banner => "output directory", :desc => "where the gem will be placed (as well as the exploded gem's contents)" method_option :name, :aliases => "-n", :banner => "the name of the schema gem", :desc => "the name of the gem" method_option :version, :aliases => "-e", :banner => "the version of the schema gem", :desc => "the version of the gem" method_option :force, :aliases => "-f", :type => :boolean, :banner => "overwrite out", :desc => "if specified, the out directory will be created before processing occurs, replacing any existing directory" method_option :verbose, :aliases => "-v", :type => :boolean, :banner => "verbose", :desc=> "set to raise verbosity" def package source = options[:source] if source.nil? source = @@packaged_source end method_defaults = {"force" => false, "verbose" => false} local_options = set_defaults_from_file(method_defaults, "package", source) local_options = local_options.merge(options) if !local_options["out"] puts "error: --out not specified" exit 1 end if !local_options["name"] puts "error: --version not specified" exit 1 end if !local_options["version"] puts "error: --version not specified" exit 1 end bootstrap_logger(local_options["verbose"]) manifest_reader = builder = builder.package(source, local_options["out"], local_options["name"], local_options["version"], :force => local_options["force"]) end no_tasks do def bootstrap_logger(verbose) # bootstrap logger if verbose Logging.logger.root.level = :debug else Logging.logger.root.level = :info end Logging.logger.root.appenders = Logging.appenders.stdout end def set_defaults_from_file(default_options, context, source) @file_defaults = @file_defaults ||= load_file(context, source) merged = default_options.merge(@file_defaults) end def load_file(context, source) defaults = nil config = File.join(source, PG_CONFIG) if FileTest::exist? (config) puts "found #{PG_CONFIG}" defaults = else defaults = end map = {} defaults.each_pair do |k, v| map[k.upcase] = v # make a context-removed version of a key, if it starts with 'context.' prefix = "#{context}." if k.start_with? prefix map[k[prefix.length..-1]] = v end end return map end def parse_to_hash(value) hash = {} bits = value.split() bits.each do |bit| key, value = bit.split(':',2) hash[key] = value end return hash end end end end