require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "Menu" do before_all { View.instance_variable_set("@config", :width=>Hirb::View::DEFAULT_WIDTH) } def menu(*args, &block) # testing via menu's main use case (through console) instead of Menu.render @console ||=*args, &block) end def basic_menu(*args, &block) menu_input('1') capture_stdout { menu(*args, &block).should == [1] } end def menu_input(input='') $stdin.expects(:gets).returns(input) end describe "menu" do it "by default renders table menu" do expected_menu = <<-MENU.unindent +--------+-------+ | number | value | +--------+-------+ | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | +--------+-------+ 3 rows in set MENU basic_menu([1,2,3]).include?(expected_menu).should == true end it "with block renders" do menu_input "1,2" expected_result = [1,2] capture_stdout { menu([1,2,3]) {|e| e.should == expected_result }.should == expected_result } end it "with block and no chosen doesn't call block" do menu_input "" block = lambda {|e| @called = true } capture_stdout { menu([1,2,3], &block).should == [] } assert !@called end it "with valid helper_class option renders" do Helpers::Table.expects(:render) basic_menu [1,2,3], :helper_class=>"Hirb::Helpers::Table" end it "with invalid helper_class option renders default menu" do expected_menu = <<-MENU.unindent 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 MENU basic_menu([1,2,3], :helper_class=>"SomeHelper").include?(expected_menu).should == true end it "with false helper_class option renders default menu" do expected_menu = <<-MENU.unindent 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 MENU basic_menu([1,2,3], :helper_class=>false).include?(expected_menu).should == true end it "prints prompt option" do prompt = "Input or else ..." basic_menu([1,2,3], :prompt=>prompt).include?(prompt).should == true end it "converts non-array inputs to array" do Helpers::AutoTable.expects(:render).with([1], anything) basic_menu 1 end it "with false ask option returns one choice without asking" do $stdin.expects(:gets).never menu([1], :ask=>false).should == [1] end it "with no items to choose from always return without asking" do $stdin.expects(:gets).never menu([], :ask=>false).should == [] menu([], :ask=>true).should == [] end it "with directions option turns off directions" do menu_input('blah') capture_stdout { menu([1], :directions=>false) }.should.not =~ /range.*all/ end it "with true reopen option reopens" do $stdin.expects(:reopen).with('/dev/tty') basic_menu [1], :reopen=>true end it "with string reopen option reopens" do $stdin.expects(:reopen).with('/dev/blah') basic_menu [1], :reopen=>'/dev/blah' end end def two_d_menu(options={}) if options[:invokes] || options[:invoke] cmd = options[:command] || 'p' (options[:invokes] || [options[:invoke]]).each {|e| Menu.any_instance.expects(:invoke).with(cmd, e) } end capture_stdout { return menu(options[:output] || [{:a=>1, :bro=>2}, {:a=>3, :bro=>4}], {:two_d=>true}.merge(options)) } end describe "2d menu" do it "with default field from last_table renders" do menu_input "1" two_d_menu.should == [1] end it "with default field from fields option renders" do menu_input "1" two_d_menu(:fields=>[:bro, :a]).should == [2] end it "with default field option renders" do menu_input "1" two_d_menu(:default_field=>:bro).should == [2] end it "with non-table helper class renders" do menu_input "1" two_d_menu(:helper_class=>false, :fields=>[:a,:bro]).should == [1] end it "with no default field prints error" do menu_input "1" capture_stderr { two_d_menu(:fields=>[]) }.should =~ /No default.*found/ end it "with invalid field prints error" do menu_input "1:z" capture_stderr { two_d_menu }.should =~ /Invalid.*'z'/ end it "with choice from abbreviated field" do menu_input "2:b" two_d_menu.should == [4] end it "with choices from multiple fields renders" do menu_input "1 2:bro" two_d_menu.should == [1,4] end end describe "action menu" do it "invokes" do menu_input "p 1 2:bro" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :invoke=>[[1,4]]) end it "with 1d invokes" do menu_input "p 1" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :two_d=>nil, :invoke=>[[{:a=>1, :bro=>2}]]) end it "with non-choice arguments invokes" do menu_input "p arg1 1" two_d_menu :action=>true, :invoke=>['arg1', [1]] end it "with multiple choice arguments flattens them into arg" do menu_input "p arg1 1 2:bro arg2" two_d_menu :action=>true, :invoke=>['arg1', [1,4], 'arg2'] end it "with nothing chosen prints error" do menu_input "cmd" capture_stderr { two_d_menu(:action=>true) }.should =~ /No rows chosen/ end it "with all choices" do menu_input "p *" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :invoke=>[[{:a => 1, :bro => 2}, {:a => 3, :bro => 4}]]) end it "with multiple all choices" do menu_input "p * * 2:bro" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :invoke=>[[{:a => 1, :bro => 2}, {:a => 3, :bro => 4}, {:a => 1, :bro => 2}, {:a => 3, :bro => 4}, 4]]) end it "with all choices with field" do menu_input "p *:bro" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :invoke=>[[2, 4]]) end it "with no command given prints error" do menu_input "1" capture_stderr { two_d_menu(:action=>true) }.should =~ /No command given/ end it "with array menu items" do menu_input "p 1" two_d_menu :action=>true, :output=>[['some', 'choice'], ['and', 'another']], :invokes=>[[['some']]] end it "with array menu items and all choices" do menu_input "p 1 *" two_d_menu :action=>true, :output=>[['some', 'choice'], ['and', 'another']], :invokes=>[[['some', 'some', 'choice', 'and', 'another']]] end it "with multi_action option invokes" do menu_input "p 1 2:bro" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :multi_action=>true, :invokes=>[[1], [4]]) end it "with command option invokes" do menu_input "1" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :command=>'p', :invoke=>[[1]]) end it "with command option and empty input doesn't invoke action and exists silently" do Menu.any_instance.expects(:invoke).never menu_input "" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :command=>'p').should == nil end it "with action_object option invokes" do obj = mock(:blah=>true) menu_input "blah 1" two_d_menu(:action=>true, :action_object=>obj) end it "with ask false and defaults invokes" do two_d_menu(:output=>[{:a=>1, :bro=>2}], :action=>true, :ask=>false, :default_field=>:a, :command=>'p', :invoke=>[[1]]) end it "with ask false and no defaults prints error" do capture_stderr { two_d_menu(:output=>[{:a=>1, :bro=>2}], :action=>true, :ask=>false, :command=>'p') }.should =~ /Default.*required/ end end end