module Gluttonberg class Setting < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "gb_settings" after_save :update_settings_in_config before_destroy :destroy_cache attr_accessible :name, :value, :values_list, :help, :category, :row , :delete_able , :enabled def self.generate_or_update_settings(settings={}) settings.each do |key , val | obj = self.find(:first , :conditions => {:name => key }) if obj.blank? obj => key , :value => val[0] , :row => val[1] , :delete_able => false , :help => val[2] , :values_list => val[3])! else obj.update_attributes(:name=> key , :row => val[1] , :delete_able => false , :help => val[2]) end end end def user_friendly_name name.titlecase end def self.generate_common_settings settings = { :title => [ "" , 0, "Website Title"], :keywords => ["" , 1, "Please separate keywords with a comma."], :description => ["" ,2 , "The Description will appear in search engine's result list."], :fb_icon => ["" , 3 , "Facebook Icon for the website"], :google_analytics => ["", 4, "Google Analytics ID"], :comment_notification => ["No" , 5 , "Enable comment notification" , "Yes;No" ], :number_of_revisions => ["10" , 6 , "Number of revisions to maintain for versioned contents."], :library_number_of_recent_assets => ["15" , 7 , "Number of recent assets in asset library."], :number_of_per_page_items => ["20" , 8 , "Number of per page items for any paginated content."], :enable_WYSIWYG => ["Yes" , 9 , "Enable WYSIWYG on textareas" , "Yes;No" ], :backend_logo => ["" , 10 , "Logo for backend" ] , :restrict_site_access => ["" , 11 , "If this setting is provided then user needs to enter password to access public site."] , :from_email => ["" , 12 , "This email address is used for 'from' email address for all emails sent through system."], :video_assets => ["" , 13 , "FFMPEG settings" , "Enable;Disable"], :s3_key_id => ["" , 14 , "S3 Key ID"], :s3_access_key => ["" , 15 , "S3 Access Key"], :s3_server_url => ["" , 16 , "S3 Server URL"], :s3_bucket => ["" , 17 , "S3 Bucket Name"], :audio_assets => ["" , 18 , "Audio settings" , "Enable;Disable"], :comment_blacklist => ["" , 19 , "When a comment contains any of these words in its comment, Author Name, Author website, Author e-mail, it will be marked as spam. It will match inside words, so \"able\" will match \"comparable\". Please separate words with a comma."], :comment_email_as_spam => ["Yes" , 20 , "Do you want to mark those comments as spam which only contains emails and urls?" , "Yes;No" ], :comment_number_of_emails_allowed => ["2" , 21 , "How many email addresses should a comment include to be marked as spam?" ], :comment_number_of_urls_allowed => ["2" , 21 , "How many URLs should a comment include to be marked as spam?" ] } self.generate_or_update_settings(settings) end def self.has_deletable_settings? self.where(:delete_able => true).count > 0 end def dropdown_required? !values_list.blank? end def parsed_values_list_for_dropdown unless values_list.blank? values_list.split(";") end end def self.get_setting(key) if Gluttonberg::Setting.table_exists? data = nil begin data ="setting_#{key}") rescue end if data.blank? setting = Setting.find(:first , :conditions => { :name => key }) data = ( (!setting.blank? && !setting.value.blank?) ? setting.value : "" ) Rails.cache.write("setting_#{key}" , (data.blank? ? "~" : data)) data elsif data == "~" # empty setting "" else data end end end def self.update_settings(settings={}) settings.each do |key , val | obj = self.where(:name=> key).first obj.value = val! end end def update_settings_in_config begin setting = self Rails.cache.write("setting_#{}" , setting.value) rescue => e e end end def destroy_cache Rails.cache.write("setting_#{}" , "") end end end