# help.rb: displaying the documentation of commands # copyright (c) 2009 by Vincent Fourmond # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details (in the COPYING file). require 'ctioga2/utils' require 'ctioga2/commands/commands' require 'ctioga2/commands/parsers/command-line' require 'ctioga2/commands/doc/wordwrap' module CTioga2 Version::register_svn_info('$Revision: 532 $', '$Date: 2013-09-29 12:13:33 +0200 (Sun, 29 Sep 2013) $') module Commands module Documentation # Displays help about command-line options and such. class CommandLineHelp # How much space to leave for the options ? attr_accessor :options_column_width # How many columns do we have at all ? attr_accessor :total_width # Whether output has (moderate) terminal capabilities attr_accessor :to_tty # Whether we should send output to pager if output has # terminal support. attr_accessor :to_pager # Styles, ie a hash 'object' (option, argument...) => ANSI # color code. attr_accessor :styles # Color output ? attr_accessor :color # The default value for the #styles attribute. DefaultStyles = { 'switch' => "01", 'title' => "01;04", 'arguments' => '32', 'options' => '34' } # Creates an object to display command-line help. Available # values for the options are given by the hash # CommandLineHelpOptions. Their meaning is: # # * 'pager': disables or enables the use of a pager when # sending output to a terminal def initialize(options) @options_column_width = 20 @to_pager = if options.key? 'pager' options['pager'] else true end @styles = DefaultStyles.dup @color = true end # Prints short help text suitable for a --help option about # available commands, by groups (ungrouped last). It takes a # list of all commands (_cmds_) and the list of _groups_ to # display. # # \todo maybe the part about sending to the pager should be # factorized into a neat utility class ? def print_commandline_options(cmds, groups) @to_tty = false if STDOUT.tty? begin require 'curses' Curses.init_screen @total_width = Curses.cols Curses.close_screen @to_tty = true rescue end end @total_width ||= 80 # 80 by default # Disable color output if not a to a terminal if ! @to_tty @color = false end should_close = false output = $stdout if @to_tty and @to_pager # We pass -R as default value... ENV['LESS'] = 'R' pager = 'pager' for w in [ENV['PAGER'], 'less', 'pager' ] if Utils::which(w) pager = w break end end begin output = IO::popen(pager, "w") should_close = true rescue end end for group in groups output.puts unless group == groups[0] name = (group && group.name) || "Ungrouped commands" if group && group.blacklisted name << " (blacklisted)" end output.puts style(name, 'title') for cmd in cmds[group].sort {|a,b| a.long_option <=> b.long_option } output.puts format_one_entry(cmd) end end output.close if should_close end protected # Formats one entry of the commands def format_one_entry(cmd) sh, long, desc = cmd.option_strings str = "#{leading_spaces}%2s%1s %-#{@options_column_width}s" % [ sh, (sh ? "," : " "), long] size = @total_width - total_leading_spaces.size # Do the coloring: we need to parse option string first if str =~ /(.*--\S+)(.*)/ switch = $1 args = $2 str = "#{style(switch,'switch')}#{style(args,'arguments')}" end # Now, add the description. desc_lines = WordWrapper.wrap(desc, size) if long.size >= @options_column_width str += "\n#{total_leading_spaces}" end str += desc_lines.join("\n#{total_leading_spaces}") if cmd.has_options? op_start = ' options: ' options = cmd.optional_arguments. keys.sort.map { |x| "/#{cmd.normalize_option_name(x)}"}.join(' ') opts_lines = WordWrapper.wrap(options, size - op_start.size) str += "\n#{total_leading_spaces}#{style(op_start,'switch')}" + style(opts_lines.join("\n#{total_leading_spaces}#{' ' * op_start.size}"), 'options') end return str end # Leading spaces to align a string with the other option texts def total_leading_spaces return "#{leading_spaces}#{" " *(@options_column_width + 4)}" # 4: '-o, ' end # Spaces before any 'short' option appears def leading_spaces return " " end # Colorizes some text with the given ANSI code. # # Word wrapping should be used *before*, as it will not work # after. def colorize(str, code) # We split into lines, as I'm unsure color status is kept # across lines return str.split("\n").map {|s| "\e[#{code}m#{s}\e[0m" }.join("\n") end # Changes the style of the object. def style(str, what) if ! @color return str end if @styles[what] return colorize(str, @styles[what]) else return str end end end end end end