require File.expand_path('spec/spec_helper') describe ZombiePassengerKiller do let(:killer){ k = || {}) k.stub!(:passenger_pids).and_return([111]) k } it "has a VERSION" do ZombiePassengerKiller::VERSION.should =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ end describe "#hunt_zombies" do it "does not kill anything by default" do killer.should_not_receive(:kill_zombie) killer.hunt_zombies end it "finds the right zombies" do killer.stub!(:passenger_pids).and_return([123]) killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 124, :cpu => 0}]) killer.should_receive(:kill_zombie).with(124) killer.hunt_zombies end it "kills zombies with high cpu over max" do @options = {:max => 1} killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 100}]) killer.should_receive(:kill_zombie).with(111) killer.hunt_zombies end it "does not kills zombies with high cpu under max" do @options = {:max => 2} killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 100}]) killer.should_not_receive(:kill_zombie).with(111) killer.hunt_zombies end it "ignores high cpu levels in old history" do @options = {:max => 2, :history => 2} killer.should_not_receive(:kill_zombie).with(111) killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 100}]) killer.hunt_zombies killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 0}]) killer.hunt_zombies killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 100}]) killer.hunt_zombies end it "kills on high cpu levels in recent history" do @options = {:max => 2, :history => 2} killer.stub!(:process_status).and_return([{:pid => 111, :cpu => 100}]) killer.hunt_zombies killer.should_receive(:kill_zombie).with(111) killer.hunt_zombies end end describe "#kill_zombies" do before do killer.out = killer.instance_eval{ @grace_time = 0.1 @strace_time = 0.1 } end def pid_of(marker) processes = `ps -ef | grep '#{marker}' | grep -v grep` processes.strip.split("\n").last.split(/\s+/)[1].to_i end def start_bogus_process(options={}) marker = "TEST---#{rand(999999999999)}" do `ruby -e 'at_exit{ puts "proper exit"; #{'sleep 10' if options[:hang]}}; sleep 10; puts "#{marker}"' 2>&1` end sleep 1 # give process time to spin up pid_of(marker) end def process_alive?(pid) Process.getpgid(pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH false end def output killer.out.rewind end it "kills normal processes" do pid = start_bogus_process lambda{ killer.kill_zombie(pid) sleep 0.1 }.should change{ process_alive?(pid) } end it "kills hanging processes" do pid = start_bogus_process :hang => true lambda{ killer.kill_zombie(pid) sleep 0.1 }.should change{ process_alive?(pid) } end it "prints an strace of the process" do pid = start_bogus_process killer.kill_zombie(pid) output.should include('attach:') end it "does not take a strace of a dead process" do killer.kill_zombie(111) output.should_not include('attach:') end it "does not fail with an unknown pid" do killer.kill_zombie(111) output.should include('No such process') end end describe "cli" do it "prints its version" do `./bin/zombie_passenger_killer -v`.should =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/m end it "prints help" do `./bin/zombie_passenger_killer -h`.should include('Usage') end end end