# Alphametics Write a function to solve alphametics puzzles. [Alphametics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphametics) is a puzzle where letters in words are replaced with numbers. For example `SEND + MORE = MONEY`: ```text S E N D M O R E + ----------- M O N E Y ``` Replacing these with valid numbers gives: ```text 9 5 6 7 1 0 8 5 + ----------- 1 0 6 5 2 ``` This is correct because every letter is replaced by a different number and the words, translated into numbers, then make a valid sum. Each letter must represent a different digit, and the leading digit of a multi-digit number must not be zero. Write a function to solve alphametics puzzles. ## Hints You can solve this exercise with a brute force algorithm, but this will possibly have a poor runtime performance. Try to find a more sophisticated solution. Hint: You could try the column-wise addition algorithm that is usually taught in high school. ## Getting Started For installation and learning resources, refer to the [exercism help page](http://exercism.io/languages/haskell). ## Running the tests To run the test suite, execute the following command: ```bash stack test ``` #### If you get an error message like this... ``` No .cabal file found in directory ``` You are probably running an old stack version and need to upgrade it. #### Otherwise, if you get an error message like this... ``` No compiler found, expected minor version match with... Try running "stack setup" to install the correct GHC... ``` Just do as it says and it will download and install the correct compiler version: ```bash stack setup ``` ## Running *GHCi* If you want to play with your solution in GHCi, just run the command: ```bash stack ghci ``` ## Feedback, Issues, Pull Requests The [exercism/haskell](https://github.com/exercism/haskell) repository on GitHub is the home for all of the Haskell exercises. If you have feedback about an exercise, or want to help implementing a new one, head over there and create an issue. We'll do our best to help you! ## Submitting Incomplete Solutions It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.