class Middleman::Extensions::Model < ::Middleman::Extension def initialize(app, options_hash={}) super require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' end helpers do # Requires either `&block` or `location` # `location` - string with remote location to fetch the HTML from. # Options: # * `title` (optional) - Model title # * `description` (optional) - Model description # * `css` (optional, defaults to `body`) - element(s) with CSS selector # to extract from the page. If a particular element is required it can # be requested by providing 0-based index of the list of matches. # e.g. `img #0` # * `&block` (optional) def model(*options, &block) location = options.first.is_a?(String) && options.shift || nil options = options.first || {} if block_given? html = capture_html(&block) metadata = options elsif location # Remote location if location.start_with?('http') result = grab_remote(location, options[:css], options) metadata = options html = result.to_html # Assume local path else html = partial(relative_dir(current_page.path, location).to_s) end else raise "Model `#{options[:title]}`: `url` or HTML block is missing" end if metadata options.reverse_merge!(metadata.symbolize_keys!) end options[:title] = options[:title] || options[:description] = options[:description] || options[:html] = html current_page.add_metadata({ page: { iframe: options[:iframe] || false }}) partial('glyptotheque/model', locals: options) end def model_iframe(location=nil, options={}, &block) options[:iframe] = true model(location, options, &block) end def model_source(type, &block) source_code = capture_html(&block) partial('glyptotheque/model-source', locals: { source_type: type, source_code: source_code }) end private def grab_remote(url, css, options) puts "Fetching from #{url}" css ||= 'body' selector_index_pair = css.split(/\s+#(\d+)$/) if options[:pretty] == true doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(url), &:noblanks) else doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url), &:noblanks) end result = doc.css(selector_index_pair[0]) puts "Matching CSS: `#{selector_index_pair[0]}` (found #{pluralize(result.count, 'element')})" # Select element with specified index e.g. `.selector #1` if selector_index_pair[1] puts "Select index #{selector_index_pair[1].to_i} from the list" result = result[selector_index_pair[1].to_i] end @root_url = "#{URI(url).scheme}://#{URI(url).host}/" if result.class == Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet result.css('[src]').map do |e| e.set_attribute('src', parse_relative_url(url, e.attr('src'))) end elsif result.class == Nokogiri::XML::Element result.set_attribute('src', parse_relative_url(url, result.attr('src'))) if result.attr('src') end if !result || result.is_a?(Array) && result.empty? raise "Selector `#{selector_index_pair[0]}`#{selector_index_pair[1] ? '(index: ' + selector_index_pair[1] + ')': ''} not found at remote location`#{url}`" end return result end def parse_relative_url(url, path) is_root = path.match(/^\/[^\/].*/) if is_root path.sub(/^\/(.*)/, @root_url + $1) elsif path.match(/^\.{1,2}\//) relative_dir(url, path).to_s elsif path.match(/^\/\//) "#{URI(url).scheme}:#{path}" else path end end end end