class SimpleSqs::Worker attr_reader :client, :processor # Allow another worker to get the message after this long. Suggest 25%-50% more # than your average job VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT = ENV.fetch('SIMPLE_SQS_VISABILITY_TIMEOUT', 15).to_i.freeze # Set to false if you're using a redrive policy on your queue. DELETE_AFTER_MAX_RETRY = (ENV.fetch('DELETE_AFTER_MAX_RETRY', 'true').downcase == 'true').freeze # If DELETE_AFTER_MAX_RETRY enabled, delete after this many retrys MAX_RETRY = ENV.fetch('MAX_SQS_MESSAGE_RETRY', 5).to_i.freeze def initialize queue_url: @queue_url = queue_url @client = access_key_id: ENV.fetch('SIMPLE_SQS_PUBLIC_KEY'), secret_access_key: ENV.fetch('SIMPLE_SQS_SECRET_KEY'), region: ENV.fetch('SIMPLE_SQS_REGION') ) @processor = @poller =, {client: @client}) @transaction = !ENV.key?('SIMPLE_SQS_NO_AR_TRANSACTION') end def transaction? @transaction end def start 'Starting SQS polling' receive_and_process end def receive_and_process @poller.before_request do |stats| trap "INT", -> (*args) { stop_polling } trap "TERM", -> (*args) { stop_polling } end @poller.poll(visibility_timeout: VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT) do |message| process(message) end end private def stop_polling "Stopping SQS polling" throw :stop_polling end def process(message) json_message_body = MultiJson.decode(message.body) begin processor.process_sqs_message(json_message_body, message, transaction?) rescue Exception => e logger.error "SQS: #{message.message_id}\t#{e.message}\t#{e.backtrace}" Librato.increment('sqs.error') handle_message_error(message, exception: e) end end def handle_message_error(message, exception: nil) if exception Raven.capture_exception(exception, extra: {parameters: message, cgi_data: ENV}) end if DELETE_AFTER_MAX_RETRY && message.attributes['ApproximateReceiveCount'].to_i > MAX_RETRY logger.error "Deleting SQS message after multiple failures. #{message.body} #{exception}" Librato.increment('sqs.fatal_error') client.delete_message(queue_url: @queue_url, receipt_handle: message.receipt_handle) else # The `poll` loop usually deletes the messages in SQS by default, but we want to # retry to run those as they errored out. throw :skip_delete end end def logger @logger ||= end end