1. Introduction

WebROaR is an application server that makes deployments of ruby web applications extremely simple. It provides an integrated solution to view the run time performance numbers and email notifications in case any exceptions occur in any of the deployed applications.

1.1. Key Features

2. Supported Operating Systems

WebROaR has been tested on Ubuntu 8.1/9.04, Debian 5 (64 Bit), Mac OS X (10.5) and Cent OS 5.2. Basically, it should be able to run on any *IX OS.

Currently it does not support Microsoft® Windows.

3. Install

3.1. Prerequisites

Ruby Shared Library

The server needs the shared library - libruby.so to run the ruby web applications.

If you are building ruby from source, please ensure you pass the flag —enable-shared while executing its ./configure script.

3.2. Procedure

WebROaR can installed using the following commands:

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
sudo gem install webroar
sudo webroar install
SSL Support

In case you would like to setup SSL support for the server, use the following command line switch with sudo webroar install command mentioned above.

sudo webroar install --ssl-support

Configure further SSL options in the server's admin panel http://<yourservername>:<port>/admin-panel/configuration

After restarting the server, admin panel would now also be accessible over SSL. https://<yourservername>:<port>/admin-panel

Or if you like living in the fast lane, you can install the edge version giving the following commands:

git clone git://github.com/webroar/webroar.git
cd webroar
sudo rake install
SSL Support

To build with SSL support, use the following additional switch with the sudo rake install command:

sudo rake install ssl=yes

Configure further SSL options in the server's admin panel http://<yourservername>:<port>/admin-panel/configuration

After restarting the server, admin panel would now also be accessible over SSL. https://<yourservername>:<port>/admin-panel

3.3. Troubleshooting

Important It is suggested that rubygems software should be setup correctly beforehand, and you should be successfully able to access and use the already installed gems. (If you use Ubuntu, you might be able to relate to this point better.)

3.4. Setting up database for server admin panel

The server's admin panel itself is a Ruby on Rails™ web application, and by default uses sqlite as it's database. You can edit admin_panel/config/database.yml to setup a database of your liking and follow it up by running these commands from the admin_panel directory.

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

admin_panel directory would be present under the server's rubygem directory.

4. Usage

Start/Stop/Restart WebROaR:

sudo webroar start
sudo webroar stop
sudo webroar restart

Start/Stop/Restart a deployed application:

sudo webroar start <Application Name>
sudo webroar stop <Application Name>
sudo webroar restart <Application Name>

You can stop the admin panel application of the server any time, to conserve resources and ensure better security.

sudo webroar stop "Admin Panel"

To start it whenever you want, use the following command:

sudo webroar start "Admin Panel"

Please note that analytics data and exceptions are still captured by the server even when the admin panel is stopped.

5. Deploying applications

If the server got installed successfully, you should be able access it's admin panel using the link:

You can log in with the username: admin and password that you had entered during server installation. Deploy the ruby web application of your choice accessing the Configuration link of the admin panel.

Tip You do "not" need to restart the server when you deploy a new application. The application starts up automatically after deployment.

5.1. Rack applications (other than Rails)

To deploy any Rack based application (other than Rails) the following are required in it's root directory:

Here are some examples of the Rackup files:


  require 'rubygems'
  require 'merb-core'
  Merb::Config.setup(:merb_root   => ENV['APP_ROOT'],
                     :environment => ENV['APP_ENV'],
                     :path_prefix => ENV['APP_BASE_URI'])
  Merb.environment = Merb::Config[:environment]
  Merb.root = Merb::Config[:merb_root]
  run Merb::Rack::Application.new


  require 'rubygems'
  require 'rack'
  require 'sinatra'
  set :env, ENV['APP_ENV'] || :production
  set :raise_errors, true
  run Sinatra::Application

You can use following environment variables in config.ru to access the few application configuration parameters given at a time of application deployment in WebROaR.

6. Accessing run time statistics

For those applications whose Analytics are Enabled in their configuration, the following graphs are available under the Analytics link of the admin panel.

  1. URL Breakdown

  2. Most Time Consuming URLs

  3. URL Hits

  4. Slowest URLs

  5. Top Database Consuming URLs

  6. Percentage Time Spent in Database Layer

  7. Average Response Time

  8. Peak Requests in Second

  9. Percentage CPU Utilization

  10. Physical Memory Utilization

Additionally, CPU and Physical Memory usage graphs for the entire server are also available.

Note Currently, Analytics are only supported for Ruby on Rails™ applications. Also, after a specific request has been processed by the server, it takes about a minute for it’s data to show up in the graphs.

7. Exception Tracking and Notifications

Any exceptions that occur in any of the deployed application are captured by the server. An email notification is also sent out immediately with details of the exception, if the mail settings have been configured in the admin panel.

All the exceptions can be seen under the Exceptions link of the server admin panel.

Note Currently, this feature is only supported for Ruby on Rails™ applications. Also, it takes about a minute for an exception to show up in the Admin Panel after it has occurred.

8. Uninstall

If you didn't like the server, use the following commands in sequence to uninstall it.

sudo webroar uninstall
sudo gem uninstall webroar

9. Test Suite

If you are a programmer and wish to play around with the server's code, you might like to use it's test suite to test the robustness of your changes.

It can be run using the following command:

sudo webroar test

We execute this suite on our nightly builds and it currently has the following tests: