en: activemodel: attributes: spree/order_cancellations: quantity: Quantity state: State shipment: Shipment cancel: Cancel activerecord: attributes: spree/address: address1: Street Address address2: Street Address (cont'd) city: City company: Company firstname: First Name lastname: Last Name phone: Phone zipcode: Zip Code spree/adjustment: adjustable: Adjustable amount: Amount label: Description name: Name state: State adjustment_reason_id: Reason spree/adjustment_reason: active: Active code: Code name: Name state: State spree/calculator/flat_rate: preferred_amount: Amount spree/calculator/tiered_flat_rate: preferred_base_amount: Base Amount preferred_currency: Currency preferred_tiers: Tiers spree/calculator/tiered_percent: preferred_base_percent: Base Percent preferred_currency: Currency preferred_tiers: Tiers spree/carton: tracking: Tracking spree/country: iso: ISO iso3: ISO3 iso_name: ISO Name name: Name numcode: ISO Code states_required: States Required spree/credit_card: base: '' cc_type: Brand card_code: Card Code expiration: Expiration month: Month name: Name number: Card Number verification_value: Verification Value year: Year spree/customer_return: number: Return Number pre_tax_total: Pre-Tax Total total: Total created_at: "Date/Time" reimbursement_status: Reimbursement status name: Name spree/image: alt: Alternative Text attachment: Filename spree/inventory_unit: state: State spree/legacy_user: email: Email password: Password password_confirmation: Password Confirmation spree/line_item: description: Item Description name: Name price: Price quantity: Quantity total: Total price spree/option_type: name: Name presentation: Presentation spree/option_value: name: Name presentation: Presentation spree/order: additional_tax_total: Tax approved_at: Approved at approver_id: Approver canceled_at: Canceled at canceler_id: Canceler checkout_complete: Checkout Complete completed_at: Completed At coupon_code: Coupon Code created_at: Order Date email: Customer E-Mail included_tax_total: Tax (incl.) ip_address: IP Address item_total: Item Total number: Number payment_state: Payment State shipment_state: Shipment State shipment_total: Ship Total special_instructions: Special Instructions state: State total: Total considered_risky: Risky spree/order/bill_address: address1: Billing address street city: Billing address city firstname: Billing address first name lastname: Billing address last name phone: Billing address phone state: Billing address state zipcode: Billing address zipcode spree/order/ship_address: address1: Shipping address street city: Shipping address city firstname: Shipping address first name lastname: Shipping address last name phone: Shipping address phone state: Shipping address state zipcode: Shipping address zipcode spree/payment: amount: Amount created_at: Date/Time number: Identifier response_code: Transaction ID state: Payment State spree/payment_method: active: Active auto_capture: Auto Capture description: Description display_on: Display name: Name preference_source: Preference Source type: Type spree/price: currency: Currency amount: Price is_default: Currently Valid spree/product: available_on: Available On cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price description: Description depth: Depth height: Height master_price: Master Price meta_description: Meta Description meta_keywords: Meta Keywords meta_title: Meta Title name: Name on_hand: On Hand price: Master Price promotionable: Promotable shipping_category: Shipping Category slug: Slug tax_category: Tax Category weight: Weight width: Width spree/product_property: value: Value spree/promotion: advertise: Advertise apply_automatically: Apply Automatically code: Code description: Description event_name: Event Name expires_at: Expiration date name: Name path: Path per_code_usage_limit: Per Code Usage Limit promotion_uses: Promotion Uses starts_at: Start date usage_limit: Overall Usage Limit spree/promotion/actions/create_adjustment: description: Creates a promotion credit adjustment on the order spree/promotion/actions/create_item_adjustments: description: Creates a promotion credit adjustment on a line item spree/promotion/actions/create_quantity_adjustments: description: Creates an adjustment on a line item based on quantity spree/promotion/actions/free_shipping: description: Makes all shipments for the order free spree/promotion/rules/item_total: description: Order total meets these criteria spree/promotion/rules/first_order: description: Must be the customer's first order spree/promotion/rules/landing_page: description: Customer must have visited the specified page spree/promotion/rules/one_use_per_user: description: Only One Use Per User spree/promotion/rules/option_value: description: Order includes specified product(s) with matching option value(s) spree/promotion/rules/product: description: Order includes specified product(s) spree/promotion/rules/user: description: Available only to the specified users spree/promotion/rules/user_logged_in: description: Available only to logged in users spree/promotion/rules/taxon: description: Order includes products with specified taxon(s) spree/promotion/rules/nth_order: description: Apply a promotion to every nth order a user has completed. form_text: "Apply this promotion on the users Nth order: " spree/promotion/rules/first_repeat_purchase_since: description: Available only to user who have not purchased in a while form_text: "Apply this promotion to users whose last order was more than X days ago: " spree/promotion/rules/user_role: description: Order includes User with specified Role(s) spree/promotion_category: name: Name spree/property: name: Name presentation: Presentation spree/refund: amount: Amount description: Description refund_reason_id: Reason spree/refund_reason: active: Active name: Name code: Code spree/reimbursement: created_at: "Date/Time" number: Number reimbursement_status: Status total: Total spree/reimbursement/credit: amount: Amount spree/reimbursement_type: name: Name type: Type created_at: "Date/Time" spree/return_authorization: amount: Amount pre_tax_total: Pre-Tax Total spree/return_item: acceptance_status: Acceptance status acceptance_status_errors: Acceptance errors amount: Amount Before Sales Tax charged: Charged exchange_variant: Exchange for inventory_unit_state: State item_received?: "Item Received?" override_reimbursement_type_id: Reimbursement Type Override preferred_reimbursement_type_id: Preferred Reimbursement Type reception_status: Reception Status resellable: "Resellable?" return_reason: Reason total: Total spree/return_reason: name: Name active: Active created_at: "Date/Time" memo: Memo number: RMA Number state: State spree/role: name: Name spree/shipping_category: name: Name spree/shipment: tracking: Tracking Number spree/shipping_method: admin_name: Internal Name carrier: Carrier code: Code display_on: Display name: Name service_level: Service Level tracking_url: Tracking URL spree/shipping_rate: label: Label tax_rate: Tax Rate shipping_rate: Shipping Rate amount: Amount spree/state: abbr: Abbreviation name: Name spree/store: url: Site URL meta_description: Meta Description meta_keywords: Meta Keywords seo_title: Seo Title name: Site Name mail_from_address: Mail From Address cart_tax_country_iso: Tax Country for Empty Carts spree/store_credit: amount: Amount amount_authorized: Amount Authorized amount_credited: Amount Credited amount_used: Amount Used category_id: Credit Type created_at: Issued On created_by_id: Created By invalidated_at: Invalidated memo: Memo spree/store_credit_event: action: Action user_total_amount: Total Unused spree/store_credit_update_reason: name: Reason For Updating spree/stock_item: count_on_hand: Count On Hand spree/stock_location: admin_name: Internal Name active: Active address1: Street Address address2: Street Address (cont'd) backorderable_default: Backorderable default check_stock_on_transfer: Check stock on transfer city: City code: Code country_id: Country default: Default fulfillable: Fulfillable internal_name: Internal Name name: Name phone: Phone propagate_all_variants: Propagate all variants restock_inventory: Restock Inventory state_id: State zipcode: Zip spree/stock_movement: action: Action quantity: Quantity spree/stock_transfer: created_at: Created At created_by_id: Created By description: Description destination_location_id: Destination Location finalized_at: Finalized At finalized_by_id: Finalized By number: Transfer Number shipped_at: Shipped At source_location_id: Source Location tracking_number: Tracking Number spree/tax_category: description: Description name: Name is_default: Default tax_code: Tax Code spree/tax_rate: amount: Rate included_in_price: Included In Price name: Name show_rate_in_label: Show Rate In Label starts_at: Start date expires_at: Expiration date spree/taxon: description: Description icon: Icon meta_description: Meta Description meta_keywords: Meta Keywords meta_title: Meta Title name: Name permalink: Permalink position: Position spree/taxonomy: name: Name spree/tracker: analytics_id: Analytics ID active: Active spree/user: email: Email password: Password password_confirmation: Password Confirmation spree/variant: cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price depth: Depth height: Height price: Price sku: SKU tax_category: Variant tax category weight: Weight width: Width spree/zone: description: Description name: Name default_tax: Default Tax Zone models: # LegacyUser maps to this model_name so we want to provide translations for it user: one: User other: Users spree/address: one: Address other: Addresses spree/adjustment: one: Adjustment other: Adjustments spree/adjustment_reason: one: Adjustment Reason other: Adjustment Reasons spree/calculator: one: Base Calculator other: Base Calculators spree/calculator/default_tax: one: Default Tax other: Default Tax spree/calculator/distributed_amount: one: Distributed Amount other: Distributed Amount spree/calculator/flat_percent_item_total: one: Flat Percent other: Flat Percent spree/calculator/flat_rate: one: Flat Rate other: Flat Rate spree/calculator/flexi_rate: one: Flexible Rate other: Flexible Rate spree/calculator/free_shipping: one: Free Shipping other: Free Shipping spree/calculator/percent_on_line_item: one: Percent Per Item other: Percent Per Item spree/calculator/percent_per_item: one: Percent Per Item other: Percent Per Item spree/calculator/price_sack: one: Price Sack other: Price Sack spree/calculator/tiered_percent: one: Tiered Percent other: Tiered Percent spree/calculator/tiered_flat_rate: one: Tiered Flat Rate other: Tiered Flat Rate spree/calculator/returns/default_refund_amount: one: Default Refund Amount other: Default Refund Amount spree/calculator/shipping/flat_percent_item_total: one: Flat Percent other: Flat Percent spree/calculator/shipping/flat_rate: one: Flat rate other: Flat rate spree/calculator/shipping/flexi_rate: one: Flexible Rate per package item other: Flexible Rate per package item spree/calculator/shipping/per_item: one: Flat rate per package item other: Flat rate per package item spree/calculator/shipping/price_sack: one: Price sack other: Price sack spree/country: one: Country other: Countries spree/credit_card: one: Credit Card other: Credit Cards spree/customer_return: one: Customer Return other: Customer Returns spree/exchange: one: Exchange other: Exchanges spree/image: one: Image other: Images spree/inventory_unit: one: Inventory Unit other: Inventory Units spree/legacy_user: one: User other: Users spree/line_item: one: Line Item other: Line Items spree/log_entry: one: Log Entry other: Log Entries spree/option_type: one: Option Type other: Option Types spree/option_value: one: Option Value other: Option Values spree/order: one: Order other: Orders spree/payment: one: Payment other: Payments spree/payment_capture_event: one: Capture Event other: Capture Events spree/payment_method: one: Payment Method other: Payment Methods spree/payment_method/check: Check Payments spree/payment_method/store_credit: Store Credit Payments spree/payment_method/bogus_credit_card: Bogus Credit Card Payments spree/payment_method/simple_bogus_credit_card: Simple Bogus Credit Card Payments spree/price: one: Price other: Prices spree/product: one: Product other: Products spree/product_property: one: Product Property other: Product Properties spree/promotion: one: Promotion other: Promotions spree/promotion/actions/create_adjustment: Create whole-order adjustment spree/promotion/actions/create_item_adjustments: Create per-line-item adjustment spree/promotion/actions/create_quantity_adjustments: Create per-quantity adjustment spree/promotion/actions/free_shipping: Free shipping spree/promotion/rules/first_order: First order spree/promotion/rules/item_total: Item total spree/promotion/rules/landing_page: Landing Page spree/promotion/rules/one_use_per_user: One Use Per User spree/promotion/rules/option_value: Option Value(s) spree/promotion/rules/product: Product(s) spree/promotion/rules/user: User spree/promotion/rules/user_logged_in: User Logged In spree/promotion/rules/taxon: Taxon(s) spree/promotion/rules/nth_order: Nth Order spree/promotion/rules/first_repeat_purchase_since: First Repeat Purchase Since spree/promotion/rules/user_role: User Role(s) spree/promotion_category: one: Promotion Category other: Promotion Categories spree/promotion_code_batch: one: Promotion Code Batch other: Promotion Code Batches spree/promotion_code: one: Promotion Code other: Promotion Codes spree/property: one: Property Type other: Property Types spree/refund: one: Refund other: Refunds spree/refund_reason: one: Refund Reason other: Refund Reasons spree/reimbursement: one: Reimbursement other: Reimbursements spree/reimbursement_type: one: Reimbursement Type other: Reimbursement Types spree/return_authorization: one: Return Authorization other: Return Authorizations spree/return_reason: one: RMA Reason other: RMA Reasons spree/role: one: Roles other: Roles spree/shipment: one: Shipment other: Shipments spree/shipping_category: one: Shipping Category other: Shipping Categories spree/shipping_method: one: Shipping Method other: Shipping Methods spree/state: one: State other: States spree/stock: stock spree/stock_item: one: Stock Item other: Stock Items spree/stock_movement: one: Stock Movement other: Stock Movements spree/stock_location: one: Stock Location other: Stock Locations spree/stock_transfer: one: Stock Transfer other: Stock Transfers spree/store: one: Store other: Stores spree/store_credit: one: Store Credit other: Store Credits spree/store_credit_category: one: Category other: Categories spree/tax_category: one: Tax Category other: Tax Categories spree/tax_rate: one: Tax Rate other: Tax Rates spree/taxon: one: Taxon other: Taxons spree/taxonomy: one: Taxonomy other: Taxonomies spree/tracker: one: Analytics Tracker other: Analytics Trackers spree/transfer_item: one: Transfer Item other: Transfer Items spree/user: one: User other: Users spree/variant: one: Variant other: Variants spree/zone: one: Zone other: Zones errors: models: spree/calculator/tiered_flat_rate: attributes: base: keys_should_be_positive_number: "Tier keys should all be numbers larger than 0" preferred_tiers: should_be_hash: "should be a hash" spree/calculator/tiered_percent: attributes: base: keys_should_be_positive_number: "Tier keys should all be numbers larger than 0" values_should_be_percent: "Tier values should all be percentages between 0% and 100%" preferred_tiers: should_be_hash: "should be a hash" spree/classification: attributes: taxon_id: already_linked: "is already linked to this product" spree/credit_card: attributes: base: card_expired: "Card has expired" expiry_invalid: "Card expiration is invalid" spree/inventory_unit: attributes: state: cannot_destroy: "Cannot destroy a %{state} inventory unit" base: cannot_destroy_shipment_state: "Cannot destroy an inventory unit for a %{state} shipment" spree/line_item: attributes: price: not_a_number: "is not valid" spree/price: attributes: currency: invalid_code: "is not a valid currency code" spree/promotion: attributes: apply_automatically: disallowed_with_code: Disallowed for promotions with a code disallowed_with_path: Disallowed for promotions with a path spree/refund: attributes: amount: greater_than_allowed: is greater than the allowed amount. spree/reimbursement: attributes: base: return_items_order_id_does_not_match: One or more of the return items specified do not belong to the same order as the reimbursement. spree/return_item: attributes: reimbursement: cannot_be_associated_unless_accepted: cannot be associated to a return item that is not accepted. inventory_unit: other_completed_return_item_exists: "%{inventory_unit_id} has already been taken by return item %{return_item_id}" spree/shipment: attributes: state: cannot_destroy: "Cannot destroy a %{state} shipment" base: cannot_remove_items_shipment_state: "Cannot remove items from a %{state} shipment" spree/store: attributes: base: cannot_destroy_default_store: Cannot destroy the default Store. spree/user_address: attributes: user_id: default_address_exists: "already has a default address" spree/wallet_payment_source: attributes: payment_source: has_to_be_payment_source_class: "has to be a Spree::PaymentSource" devise: confirmations: confirmed: Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in. send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes. failure: inactive: Your account was not activated yet. invalid: Invalid email or password. invalid_token: Invalid authentication token. locked: Your account is locked. timeout: Your session expired, please sign in again to continue. unauthenticated: You need to sign in or sign up before continuing. unconfirmed: You have to confirm your account before continuing. mailer: confirmation_instructions: subject: Confirmation instructions reset_password_instructions: subject: Reset password instructions unlock_instructions: subject: Unlock Instructions oauth_callbacks: failure: "Could not authorize you from %{kind} because %{reason}." success: Successfully authorized from %{kind} account. unlocks: send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to unlock your account in a few minutes. unlocked: Your account was successfully unlocked. You are now signed in. user_passwords: user: cannot_be_blank: Your password cannot be blank. send_instructions: You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes. updated: Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in. user_registrations: destroyed: Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon. inactive_signed_up: You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is %{reason}. signed_up: Welcome! You have signed up successfully. updated: You updated your account successfully. user_sessions: signed_in: Signed in successfully. signed_out: Signed out successfully. errors: messages: already_confirmed: was already confirmed not_found: not found not_locked: was not locked not_saved: one: ! '1 error prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:' other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:' spree: abbreviation: Abbreviation accept: Accept acceptance_status: Acceptance status acceptance_errors: Acceptance errors accepted: Accepted account: Account account_updated: Account updated action: Action actions: add: Add cancel: Cancel continue: Continue create: Create delete: Delete destroy: Destroy edit: Edit list: List listing: Listing new: New receive: Receive refund: Refund remove: Remove save: Save ship: Ship split: Split update: Update activate: Activate active: Active add: Add added: Added add_action_of_type: Add action of type add_country: Add Country add_coupon_code: Add Coupon Code add_line_item: Add Item add_new_header: Add New Header add_new_style: Add New Style add_one: Add One add_option_value: Add Option Value add_product: Add Product add_product_properties: Add Product Properties add_variant_properties: Add Variant Properties add_rule_of_type: Add rule of type add_state: Add State add_stock: Add Stock add_stock_management: Add Stock Management add_taxon: Add taxon add_to_cart: Add To Cart add_to_stock_location: Add to location add_variant: Add Variant adding_match: Adding match additional_item: Additional Item address1: Address address2: Address (contd.) adjustable: Adjustable adjustment: Adjustment adjustment_amount: Amount adjustment_labels: line_item: '%{promotion} (%{promotion_name})' order: '%{promotion} (%{promotion_name})' tax_rates: sales_tax: '%{name}' vat: '%{name} (Included in Price)' sales_tax_with_rate: '%{name} %{amount}' vat_with_rate: '%{name} %{amount} (Included in Price)' sales_tax_refund: 'Refund: %{name}' vat_refund: 'Refund: %{name} (Included in Price)' sales_tax_refund_with_rate: 'Refund: %{name} %{amount}' vat_refund_with_rate: 'Refund: %{name} %{amount} (Included in Price)' adjustment_reasons: Adjustment Reasons adjustment_successfully_closed: Adjustment has been successfully closed! adjustment_successfully_opened: Adjustment has been successfully opened! adjustment_total: Adjustment Total adjustments: Adjustments admin: stores: form: no_cart_tax_country: "No taxes on carts without address" images: index: choose_files: Choose files to upload drag_and_drop: or drag and drop them here image_process_failed: Server failed to process the image upload_images: Upload Images payments: source_forms: storecredit: not_supported: "Creating store credit payments via the admin is not currently supported." prices: any_country: "Any Country" index: amount_greater_than: Amount greater than amount_less_than: Amount less than new_price: New Price edit: edit_price: Edit Price new: new_price: New Price promotions: form: starts_at_placeholder: Immediately expires_at_placeholder: Never activation: Activation general: General activations_new: auto: Apply to all orders multiple_codes: Multiple promotion codes path: URL Path single_code: Single promotion code activations_edit: auto: All orders will attempt to use this promotion single_code_html: "This promotion uses the promotion code: %{code}" multiple_codes_html: "This promotion uses %{count} promotion codes" store_credits: add: "Add store credit" amount_authorized: "Amount Authorized" amount_credited: "Amount Credited" amount_used: "Amount Used" back_to_edit: "Back to edit" back_to_user_list: "Back to user list" back_to_store_credit_list: "Store credit list" change_amount: "Change amount" created_by: "Created By" credit_type: "Credit type" current_balance: "Current balance:" edit: "Editing store credit" edit_amount: "Editing store credit amount" history: "Store credit history" invalidate_store_credit: "Invalidating store credit" invalidated: "Invalidated" issued_on: "Issued On" new: "New store credit" no_store_credit_selected: "No store credit was selected" payment_originator: "Payment - Order #%{order_number}" reason_for_updating: "Reason for updating" refund_originator: "Refund - Order #%{order_number}" resource_name: "store credits" user_originator: "User - %{email}" unable_to_create: "Unable to create store credit" unable_to_update: "Unable to update store credit" unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete store credit" unable_to_invalidate: "Unable to invalidate store credit" select_reason: "Select a reason for this store credit" select_amount_update_reason: "Select a reason for updating the amount" total_unused: "Total unused" type_html_header: "Credit Type" view: "View store credit" errors: cannot_change_used_store_credit: "Store credit that has been claimed cannot be changed" cannot_be_modified: "cannot be modified" amount_used_cannot_be_greater: "cannot be greater than the credited amount" amount_authorized_exceeds_total_credit: " exceeds the available credit" amount_used_not_zero: "is greater than zero. Can not delete store credit" update_reason_required: "A reason for the change must be selected" tab: areas: Locations checkout: Refunds and Returns configuration: Configuration display_order: Display Order option_types: Option Types orders: Orders overview: Overview payments: Payments products: Products promotions: Promotions promotion_categories: Promotion Categories properties: Property Types reports: Reports rma: RMA settings: Settings shipping: Shipping stock: Stock stock_items: Store Stock stock_transfers: Stock Transfers stores: Stores taxes: Taxes taxonomies: Taxonomies taxons: Taxons users: Users taxons: display_order: Display Order user: account: Account addresses: Addresses items: Items items_purchased: Items Purchased order_history: Order History order_num: "Order #" orders: Orders store_credit: Store Credit user_information: User Information users: user_page_actions: create_order: Create order for this user variants: table_filter: show_deleted: Show deleted variants new: new_variant: New variant edit: edit_variant: Edit Variant form: dimensions: Dimensions use_product_tax_category: Use Product Tax Category pricing: Pricing pricing_hint: These values are populated from the product details page and can be overridden below administration: Administration agree_to_privacy_policy: Agree to Privacy Policy agree_to_terms_of_service: Agree to Terms of Service all: All all_adjustments_finalized: All adjustments successfully finalized! all_adjustments_unfinalized: All adjustments successfully unfinalized! all_departments: All departments all_items_have_been_returned: All items have been returned already_signed_up_for_analytics: You have already signed up for Spree Analytics alt_text: Alternative Text alternative_phone: Alternative Phone amount: Amount analytics_desc_header_1: Spree Analytics analytics_desc_header_2: Live analytics integrated into your Spree dashboard analytics_desc_list_1: Get live sales information as it happens analytics_desc_list_2: Requires only a free Spree account to activate analytics_desc_list_3: Absolutely no code to install analytics_desc_list_4: It's completely free! analytics_trackers: Analytics Trackers and: and apply_code: Apply Code approve: approve approver: Approver approved_at: Approved at are_you_sure: Are you sure? are_you_sure_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this record? are_you_sure_ship_stock_transfer: Are you sure you want to ship this stock transfer? authorization_failure: Authorization Failure authorized: Authorized auto_capture: Auto Capture auto_receive: Auto Receive available_on: Available On average_order_value: Average Order Value avs_response: AVS Response back: Back back_end: Backend backordered: Backordered back_to_adjustments_list: Back To Adjustments List back_to_adjustment_reason_list: Back To Adjustment Reason List back_to_countries_list: Back To Countries List back_to_customer_return: Back To Customer Return back_to_customer_return_list: Back To Customer Return List back_to_images_list: Back To Images List back_to_option_types_list: Back To Option Types List back_to_orders_list: Back To Orders List back_to_payment: Back To Payment back_to_payment_methods_list: Back To Payment Methods List back_to_payments_list: Back To Payments List back_to_products_list: Back To Products List back_to_promotions_list: Back To Promotions List back_to_promotion_categories_list: Back To Promotions Categories List back_to_properties_list: Back To Property Types List back_to_reports_list: Back To Reports List back_to_refund_reason_list: Back To Refund Reason List back_to_reimbursement_type_list: Back To Reimbursement Type List back_to_return_authorizations_list: Back To RMA List back_to_rma_reason_list: Back To RMA Reason List back_to_shipping_categories: Back To Shipping Categories back_to_shipping_categories_list: Back To Shipping Categories List back_to_shipping_methods_list: Back To Shipping Methods List back_to_states_list: Back To States List back_to_stock_locations_list: Back to Stock Locations List back_to_stock_movements_list: Back to Stock Movements List back_to_stock_transfers_list: Back to Stock Transfers List back_to_store: View store back_to_tax_categories_list: Back To Tax Categories List back_to_tax_rates_list: Back To Tax Rates List back_to_taxonomies_list: Back To Taxonomies List back_to_trackers_list: Back To Trackers List back_to_users_list: Back To Users List back_to_zones_list: Back To Zones List backorderable: Backorderable backorderable_default: Backorderable default backorderable_header: Back orderable backorders_allowed: backorders allowed balance_due: Balance Due base_amount: Base Amount base_percent: Base Percent bill_address: Bill Address billing: Billing billing_address: Billing Address both: Both calculated_reimbursements: Calculated Reimbursements calculator: Calculator calculator_settings_warning: If you are changing the calculator type or preference source, you must save first before you can edit the calculator settings cancel: cancel cancel_inventory: 'Cancel Items' canceled: canceled canceled_at: Canceled at canceler: Canceler cancellation: Cancellation cannot_create_payment_without_payment_methods_html: You cannot create a payment for an order without any payment methods defined. %{link} cannot_create_payment_link: Please define some payment methods first. cannot_create_returns: Cannot create returns as this order has no shipped units. cannot_rebuild_shipments_order_completed: Cannot rebuild shipments for a completed order. cannot_rebuild_shipments_shipments_not_pending: Cannot rebuild shipments for an order with non-pending shipments. cannot_perform_operation: Cannot perform requested operation cannot_set_shipping_method_without_address: Cannot set shipping method until customer details are provided. cannot_update_email: You do not have access to update this user's email address.
Please contact a superuser if you need to perform this action. capture: Capture capture_events: Capture events card_code: Card Code card_number: Card Number card_type: Brand card_type_is: Card type is cart: Cart cart_subtotal: one: 'Subtotal (1 item)' other: 'Subtotal (%{count} items)' carton_external_number: External Number carton_orders: 'Other orders with Carton' categories: Categories category: Category charged: Charged check: Check check_stock_on_transfer: Check stock on transfer checkout: Checkout choose_a_customer: Choose a customer choose_a_taxon_to_sort_products_for: "Choose a taxon to sort products for" choose_currency: Choose Currency choose_dashboard_locale: Choose Dashboard Locale choose_location: Choose location city: City clear_cache: Clear Cache clear_cache_ok: Cache was flushed clear_cache_warning: Clearing cache will temporarily reduce the performance of your store. clone: Clone close: Close close_stock_transfer: confirm: "Are you sure you want to close this stock transfer?\n\nStock levels will be changed for the received items and you will no longer be able to edit the stock transfer." code: Code company: Company complete: complete complete_order: Complete Order configuration: Configuration configurations: Configurations confirm: Confirm confirm_delete: Confirm Deletion confirm_order: Confirm Order confirm_password: Password Confirmation continue: Continue continue_shopping: Continue shopping cost_currency: Cost Currency cost_price: Cost Price could_not_connect_to_jirafe: Could not connect to Jirafe to sync data. This will be automatically retried later. could_not_create_customer_return: Could not create customer return could_not_create_stock_movement: There was a problem saving this stock movement. Please try again. count_on_hand: Count On Hand countries: Countries country: Country country_based: Country Based country_name: Name country_names: CA: Canada FRA: France ITA: Italy US: United States of America coupon: Coupon coupon_code: Coupon code coupon_code_already_applied: The coupon code has already been applied to this order coupon_code_applied: The coupon code was successfully applied to your order. coupon_code_better_exists: The previously applied coupon code results in a better deal coupon_code_expired: The coupon code is expired coupon_code_max_usage: Coupon code usage limit exceeded coupon_code_not_eligible: This coupon code is not eligible for this order coupon_code_not_found: The coupon code you entered doesn't exist. Please try again. coupon_code_unknown_error: This coupon code could not be applied to the cart at this time. customer: Customer customer_return: Customer Return customer_returns: Customer Returns create: Create create_a_new_account: Create a new account create_reimbursement: Create reimbursement create_one: Create One. created_at: Created At created_by: Created by created_successfully: Created successfully credit: Credit credits: Credits credit_allowed: Credit Allowed credit_card: Credit Card credit_cards: Credit Cards credit_owed: Credit Owed currency: Currency currency_settings: Currency Settings current: Current current_promotion_usage: ! 'Current Usage: %{count}' customer: Customer customer_details: Customer Details customer_details_updated: Customer Details Updated customer_search: Customer Search cut: Cut cvv_response: CVV Response dash: jirafe: app_id: App ID app_token: App Token currently_unavailable: Jirafe is currently unavailable. Spree will automatically connect to Jirafe once it is available. explanation: The fields below may already be populated if you chose to register with Jirafe from the admin dashboard. header: Jirafe Analytics Settings site_id: Site ID token: Token jirafe_settings_updated: Jirafe Settings have been updated. date: Date date_completed: Date Completed date_picker: first_day: 0 format: ! '%Y/%m/%d' js_format: yy/mm/dd date_range: Date Range default: Default default_refund_amount: Default Refund Amount default_tax: Default Tax default_tax_zone: Default Tax Zone delete: Delete deleted_variants_present: Some line items in this order have products that are no longer available. deleted_successfully: Deleted successfully delivery: Delivery depth: Depth description: Description destination: Destination destination_location: Destination location destroy: Destroy details: Details discount_amount: Discount Amount dismiss_banner: No. Thanks! I'm not interested, do not display this message again display: Display download_promotion_code_list: Download Code List edit: Edit editing_country: Editing Country editing_adjustment_reason: Editing Adjustment Reason editing_option_type: Editing Option Type editing_payment_method: Editing Payment Method editing_product: Editing Product editing_promotion: Editing Promotion editing_promotion_category: Editing Promotion Category editing_property: Editing Property Type edit_refund_reason: Edit Refund Reason editing_refund: Editing Refund editing_refund_reason: Editing Refund Reason editing_reimbursement: Editing Reimbursement editing_reimbursement_type: Editing Reimbursement Type editing_rma_reason: Editing RMA Reason editing_shipping_category: Editing Shipping Category editing_shipping_method: Editing Shipping Method editing_state: Editing State editing_stock_location: Editing Stock Location editing_stock_movement: Editing Stock Movement editing_stock_transfer: Editing Stock Transfer editing_tax_category: Editing Tax Category editing_tax_rate: Editing Tax Rate editing_tracker: Editing Tracker editing_user: Editing User editing_zone: Editing Zone eligibility_errors: messages: has_excluded_product: Your cart contains a product that prevents this coupon code from being applied. has_excluded_taxon: Your cart contains a product from an excluded category that prevents this coupon code from being applied. item_total_less_than: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than %{amount}. item_total_less_than_or_equal: This coupon code can't be applied to orders less than or equal to %{amount}. limit_once_per_user: This coupon code can only be used once per user. missing_product: This coupon code can't be applied because you don't have all of the necessary products in your cart. missing_taxon: You need to add a product from all applicable categories before applying this coupon code. no_applicable_products: You need to add an applicable product before applying this coupon code. no_matching_taxons: You need to add a product from an applicable category before applying this coupon code. no_user_or_email_specified: You need to login or provide your email before applying this coupon code. no_user_specified: You need to login before applying this coupon code. not_first_order: This coupon code can only be applied to your first order. email: Email empty: Empty empty_cart: Empty Cart enable_mail_delivery: Enable Mail Delivery end: End ending_in: Ending in error: error errors: messages: cannot_modify_transfer_item_closed_stock_transfer: Transfer items that are part of a closed stock transfer cannot be modified. cannot_delete_finalized_stock_transfer: Finalized stock transfers cannot be destroyed. cannot_delete_transfer_item_with_finalized_stock_transfer: Transfer items that are part of a finalized stock transfer cannot be destroyed. cannot_update_expected_transfer_item_with_finalized_stock_transfer: The expected quantity cannot be updated on transfer items that are part of a finalized stock transfer. could_not_create_taxon: Could not create taxon transfer_item_insufficient_stock: Transfer item's variant does not have enough stock in the stock transfer's source location no_payment_methods_available: No payment methods are configured for this environment no_shipping_methods_available: No shipping methods available for selected location, please change your address and try again. errors_prohibited_this_record_from_being_saved: one: 1 error prohibited this record from being saved other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this record from being saved' event: Event events: spree: cart: add: Add to cart checkout: coupon_code_added: Coupon code added content: visited: Visit static content page order: contents_changed: Order contents changed page_view: Static page viewed user: signup: User signup exceptions: count_on_hand_setter: Cannot set count_on_hand manually, as it is set automatically by the recalculate_count_on_hand callback. Please use `update_column(:count_on_hand, value)` instead. exchange_for: Exchange for excl: excl. expected: Expected expected_items: Expected Items expiration: Expiration extension: Extension existing_shipments: Existing shipments hints: spree/price: country: "This determines in what country the price is valid.
Default: Any Country" master_variant: "Changing master variant prices will not change variant prices below, but will be used to populate all new variants" options: "These options are used to create variants in the variants table. They can be changed in the variants tab" spree/product: promotionable: "This determines whether or not promotions can apply to this product.
Default: Checked" shipping_category: "This determines what kind of shipping this product requires.
Default: Default" tax_category: "This determines what kind of taxation is applied to this product.
Default: None" spree/promotion: starts_at: "This determines when the promotion can be applied to orders.
If no value is specified, the promotion will be immediately available." expires_at: "This determines when the promotion expires.
If no value is specified, the promotion will never expire." spree/store: cart_tax_country_iso: "This determines which country is used for taxes on carts (orders which don't yet have an address).
Default: None." spree/variant: tax_category: "This determines what kind of taxation is applied to this variant.
Default: Use tax category of the product associated with this variant" deleted: "Deleted Variant" deleted_explanation: "This variant was deleted on %{date}." deleted_explanation_with_replacement: "This variant was deleted on %{date}. It has since been replaced by another with the same SKU." spree/tax_rate: validity_period: "This determines the validity period within which the tax rate is valid and will be applied to eligible items.
If no start date value is specified, the tax rate will be immediately available.
If no expiration date value is specified, the tax rate will never expire" failed_payment_attempts: Failed Payment Attempts failure: Failure filename: Filename fill_in_customer_info: Please fill in customer info filter_results: Filter Results finalize: Finalize finalize_all_adjustments: Finalize All Adjustments finalize_stock_transfer: confirm: "Are you sure you want to finalize this stock transfer?\n\nYou will no longer be able to add or edit any transfer items" find_a_taxon: Find a Taxon finalized: Finalized finalized_at: Finalized at finalized_by: Finalized by first_item: First Item first_name: First Name first_name_begins_with: First Name Begins With flat_percent: Flat Percent flat_rate_per_order: Flat Rate flexible_rate: Flexible Rate forgot_password: Forgot Password? free_shipping: Free Shipping free_shipping_amount: "-" from: From front_end: Front End gateway: Gateway gateway_config_unavailable: Gateway unavailable for environment gateway_error: Gateway Error general: General general_settings: Store google_analytics: Google Analytics google_analytics_id: Analytics ID group_size: Group size guest_checkout: Guest Checkout guest_user_account: Checkout as a Guest has_no_shipped_units: has no shipped units height: Height helpers: products: price_diff_add_html: "(Add: %{amount_html})" price_diff_subtract_html: "(Subtract: %{amount_html})" hidden: hidden hide_out_of_stock: Hide out of stock home: Home i18n: available_locales: Available Locales fields: Fields language: Language localization_settings: Localization Settings only_incomplete: Only incomplete only_complete: Only complete select_locale: Select locale show_only: Show only supported_locales: Supported Locales this_file_language: English (US) translations: Translations icon: Icon id: ID identifier: Identifier image: Image images: Images implement_eligible_for_return: "Must implement #eligible_for_return? for your EligibilityValidator." implement_requires_manual_intervention: "Must implement #requires_manual_intervention? for your EligibilityValidator." inactive: Inactive incl: incl. included_in_price: Included in Price included_price_validation: cannot be selected unless you have set a Default Tax Zone incomplete: Incomplete info_product_has_multiple_skus: "This product has %{count} variants:" info_number_of_skus_not_shown: one: "and one other" other: "and %{count} others" instructions_to_reset_password: Please enter your email on the form below insufficient_stock: Insufficient stock available, only %{on_hand} remaining insufficient_stock_for_order: Insufficient stock for order insufficient_stock_lines_present: Some line items in this order have insufficient quantity. intercept_email_address: Intercept Email Address intercept_email_instructions: Override email recipient and replace with this address. internal_name: Internal Name invalid_exchange_variant: Invalid exchange variant. invalid_payment_method_type: Invalid payment method type. invalid_promotion_action: Invalid promotion action. invalid_promotion_rule: Invalid promotion rule. invalidate: Invalidate inventory: Inventory inventory_adjustment: Inventory Adjustment inventory_canceled: Inventory canceled inventory_error_flash_for_insufficient_quantity: "%{names} became unavailable." inventory_not_available: Inventory not available for %{item}. inventory_state: Inventory State inventory_states: backordered: backordered canceled: canceled on_hand: on hand returned: returned shipped: shipped is_not_available_to_shipment_address: is not available to shipment address iso_name: Iso Name item: Item item_description: Item Description item_not_in_stock_transfer: Item is not part of the stock transfer item_total: Item Total item_total_rule: operators: gt: greater than gte: greater than or equal to items_cannot_be_shipped: We are unable to calculate shipping rates for the selected items. items_in_rmas: Items in RMA's (Return Merchandise Authorizations) items_to_be_reimbursed: Items to be reimbursed items_reimbursed: Items reimbursed jirafe: Jirafe landing_page_rule: path: Path last_name: Last Name last_name_begins_with: Last Name Begins With learn_more: Learn More lifetime_stats: Lifetime Stats line_item_adjustments: "Line item adjustments" list: List listing_countries: Countries listing_orders: Orders listing_products: Products listing_reports: Reports listing_tax_categories: Tax Categories listing_users: Users loading: Loading locale_changed: Locale Changed location: Location lock: Lock log_entries: "Log Entries" logs: "Logs" logged_in_as: Logged in as logged_in_succesfully: Logged in successfully logged_out: You have been logged out. login: Login login_as_existing: Login as Existing Customer login_failed: Login authentication failed. login_name: Login logout: Logout look_for_similar_items: Look for similar items make_refund: Make refund make_sure_the_above_reimbursement_amount_is_correct: Make sure the above reimbursement amount is correct manage_promotion_categories: Manage Promotion Categories manage_stock: Store Stock manual_intervention_required: Manual intervention required manage_variants: Manage Variants master_price: Master Price master_variant: Master Variant match_choices: all: All none: None max_items: Max Items member_since: Member Since memo: Memo meta_description: Meta Description meta_keywords: Meta Keywords meta_title: Meta Title metadata: Metadata minimal_amount: Minimal Amount month: Month more: More move_stock_between_locations: Move Stock Between Locations my_account: My Account my_orders: My Orders name: Name name_on_card: Name on card name_or_sku: Name or SKU (enter at least first 4 characters of product name) negative_movement_absent_item: Cannot create negative movement for absent stock item. new: New new_adjustment: New Adjustment new_adjustment_reason: New Adjustment Reason new_customer: New Customer new_customer_return: New Customer Return new_country: New Country new_image: New Image new_option_type: New Option Type new_order: New Order new_order_completed: New Order Completed new_payment: New Payment new_payment_method: New Payment Method new_product: New Product new_promotion: New Promotion new_promotion_category: New Promotion Category new_promotion_code_batch: New Promotion Code Batch new_property: New Property Type new_refund: New Refund new_refund_reason: New Refund Reason new_rma_reason: New RMA Reason new_return_authorization: New RMA new_shipping_category: New Shipping Category new_shipping_method: New Shipping Method new_shipment_at_location: New shipment at location new_state: New State new_stock_location: New Stock Location new_stock_movement: New Stock Movement new_stock_transfer: New Stock Transfer new_store_credit: New Store Credit new_store: New Store new_tax_category: New Tax Category new_tax_rate: New Tax Rate new_taxon: New Taxon new_taxonomy: New Taxonomy new_tracker: New Analytics Tracker new_user: New User new_variant: New Variant new_zone: New Zone next: Next no_actions_added: No actions added no_images_found: No images found no_inventory_selected: No inventory selected no_orders_found: No orders found no_option_values_on_product_html: "This product has no associated option values. Add some to it through Option Types in the %{link}." no_payment_methods_found: No payment methods found no_payment_found: No payment found no_pending_payments: No pending payments no_products_found: No products found no_promotions_found: No promotions found no_results: No results no_rules_added: No rules added no_resource: 'No %{resource} found.' no_resource_found_html: 'No %{resource} found, %{add_one_link}!' no_resource_found_link: Add One no_resource_found: ! 'No %{resource} found' no_shipping_methods_found: No shipping methods found no_shipping_method_selected: No shipping method selected. no_trackers_found: No Trackers Found no_stock_locations_found: No stock locations found no_tracking_present: No tracking details provided. no_variants_found: No variants found. no_variants_found_try_again: No variants found. Try changing the search values. none: None none_selected: None Selected normal_amount: Normal Amount not: not not_available: N/A not_enough_stock: There is not enough inventory at the source location to complete this transfer. not_found: ! '%{resource} is not found' note: Note note_already_received_a_refund: "Note: This order has already received a refund. Make sure the above reimbursement amount is correct." notice_messages: product_cloned: Product has been cloned product_deleted: Product has been deleted product_not_cloned: Product could not be cloned product_not_deleted: Product could not be deleted variant_deleted: Variant has been deleted variant_not_deleted: Variant could not be deleted num_orders: "# Orders" number: Number number_of_codes: ! '%{count} codes' on_hand: On Hand open: Open option_type: Option Type option_type_placeholder: Choose an option type option_types: Option Types option_value: Option Value option_values: Option Values optional: Optional options: Options or: or or_over_price: ! '%{price} or over' order: Order order_adjustments: Order adjustments order_already_completed: Order is already completed order_approved: Order approved order_canceled: Order canceled order_completed: Order completed order_details: Order Details order_email_resent: Order Email Resent order_information: Order Information order_mailer: cancel_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Your order has been CANCELED. Please retain this cancellation information for your records. order_summary_canceled: Order Summary [CANCELED] subject: Cancellation of Order subtotal: ! 'Subtotal:' total: ! 'Order Total:' confirm_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Please review and retain the following order information for your records. order_summary: Order Summary subject: Order Confirmation subtotal: ! 'Subtotal:' thanks: Thank you for your business. total: ! 'Order Total:' inventory_cancellation: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Some items in your order have been CANCELED. Please retain this cancellation information for your records. order_summary_canceled: Canceled Items subject: Cancellation of Items order_mutex_admin_error: Order is being modified by someone else. Please try again. order_mutex_error: Something went wrong. Please try again. order_not_found: We couldn't find your order. Please try that action again. order_number: Order %{number} order_please_refresh: Order is not ready to be completed. Please refresh totals. order_processed_successfully: Your order has been processed successfully order_ready_for_confirm: Order ready for confirmation order_refresh_totals: Refresh Totals order_resumed: Order resumed order_state: address: address awaiting_return: awaiting return canceled: canceled cart: cart complete: complete confirm: confirm delivery: delivery payment: payment resumed: resumed returned: returned order_summary: Order Summary order_sure_want_to: Are you sure you want to %{event} this order? order_total: Order Total order_updated: Order Updated orders: Orders other_items_in_other: Other Items in Order out_of_stock: Out of Stock overview: Overview package_from: package from pagination: next_page: next page » previous_page: ! '« previous page' truncate: ! '…' password: Password paste: Paste path: Path pay: pay payment: Payment payment_amount: Payment Amount payment_could_not_be_created: Payment could not be created. payments_failed_count: one: 1 Payment other: '%{count} Payments' payment_identifier: Payment Identifier payment_information: Payment Information payment_method: Payment Method payment_methods: Payment Methods payment_method_not_supported: That payment method is unsupported. Please choose another one. payment_processing_failed: Payment could not be processed, please check the details you entered payment_processor_choose_banner_text: If you need help choosing a payment processor, please visit payment_processor_choose_link: our payments page payment_state: Payment State payment_states: balance_due: balance due checkout: checkout completed: completed credit_owed: credit owed failed: failed paid: paid pending: pending processing: processing void: void payment_updated: Payment Updated payments: Payments percent: Percent percent_per_item: Percent Per Item permalink: Permalink pending: Pending phone: Phone place_order: Place Order please_define_payment_methods: Please define some payment methods first. please_enter_reasonable_quantity: Please enter a reasonable quantity. populate_get_error: Something went wrong. Please try adding the item again. powered_by: Powered by pre_tax_refund_amount: Pre-Tax Refund Amount pre_tax_amount: Pre-Tax Amount pre_tax_total: Pre-Tax Total preferred_reimbursement_type: Preferred Reimbursement Type presentation: Presentation previous: Previous price: Price price_range: Price Range price_sack: Price Sack preference_source_none: '(custom)' preference_source_using: 'Using static preferences "%{name}"' process: Process product: Product product_details: Product Details product_has_no_description: This product has no description product_not_available_in_this_currency: This product is not available in the selected currency. product_properties: Product Properties product_rule: choose_products: Choose products label: Order must contain %{select} of these products match_all: all match_any: at least one match_none: none product_source: group: From product group manual: Manually choose products: Products promotion: Promotion promotionable: Promotable promotion_action: Promotion Action promotion_actions: Actions promotion_code_batch_mailer: promotion_code_batch_finished: subject: Promotion code batch finished message: "All %{number_of_codes} codes have been created for promotion: " promotion_code_batch_errored: subject: Promotion code batch errored message: "Promotion code batch errored (%{error}) for promotion: " promotion_code_batches: errored: "Errored: %{error}" finished: "All %{number_of_codes} codes have been created." processing: "Processing: %{number_of_codes_processed} / %{number_of_codes}" promotion_form: match_policies: all: Match all of these rules any: Match any of these rules promotion_rule: Promotion Rule promotions: Promotions promotion_successfully_created: Promotion has been successfully created! promotion_total_changed_before_complete: "One or more of the promotions on your order have become ineligible and were removed. Please check the new order amounts and try again." promotion_uses: Promotion uses propagate_all_variants: Propagate all variants properties: Property Types property: Property Type provider: Provider payment_method_settings_warning: If you are changing the payment method type, you must save first before you can edit the payment method settings qty: Qty quantity: Quantity quantity_returned: Quantity Returned quantity_shipped: Quantity Shipped rate: Rate ready_to_ship: Ready to ship reason: Reason receive: receive received: Received receive_stock: Receive Stock received_items: Received Items received_successfully: Received Successfully receiving: Receiving receiving_match: Receiving match reception_status: Reception Status reference: Reference refund: Refund refund_amount_must_be_greater_than_zero: Refund amount must be greater than zero refund_reasons: Refund Reasons refunded_amount: Refunded Amount refunds: Refunds refund_amount_must_be_greater_than_zero: Refund amount must be greater than zero register: Register registration: Registration reimburse: Reimburse reimbursed: Reimbursed reimbursement: Reimbursement reimbursement_perform_failed: "Reimbursement could not be performed. Error: %{error}" reimbursement_status: Reimbursement status reimbursement_type: Reimbursement type reimbursement_type_override: Reimbursement Type Override reimbursement_types: Reimbursement Types reimbursements: Reimbursements reject: Reject rejected: Rejected remember_me: Remember me remove: Remove rename: Rename reports: Reports resend: Resend reset_password: Reset my password response_code: Response Code restock_inventory: Restock Inventory resume: resume resumed: Resumed return: return return_authorization: Return Merchandise Authorization return_authorizations: Return Merchandise Authorizations return_authorization_updated: Return merchandise authorization updated return_item_inventory_unit_ineligible: Return item's inventory unit must be shipped return_item_inventory_unit_reimbursed: Return item's inventory unit is already reimbursed return_item_order_not_completed: Return item's order must be completed return_item_rma_ineligible: Return item requires an RMA return_item_time_period_ineligible: Return item is outside the eligible time period return_items: Return Items return_items_cannot_be_associated_with_multiple_orders: Return items cannot be associated with multiple orders. return_items_cannot_be_created_for_inventory_units_that_are_already_awaiting_exchange: Return items cannot be created for inventory units that are already awaiting exchange. reimbursement_mailer: reimbursement_email: days_to_send: ! 'You have %{days} days to send back any items awaiting exchange.' dear_customer: Dear Customer, exchange_summary: Exchange Summary for: for instructions: Your reimbursement has been processed. refund_summary: Refund Summary subject: Reimbursement Notification total_refunded: ! 'Total refunded: %{total}' return_number: Return Number return_quantity: Return Quantity return_reasons: Return Reasons returned: Returned review: Review risk: Risk risk_analysis: Risk Analysis risky: Risky rma_credit: RMA Credit rma_number: RMA Number rma_value: RMA Value roles: Roles rules: Rules sales_total: Sales Total sales_total_description: Sales Total For All Orders sales_totals: Sales Totals save_and_continue: Save and Continue save_my_address: Save my address say_no: 'No' say_yes: 'Yes' scope: Scope search: Search search_results: Search results for '%{keywords}' searching: Searching secure_connection_type: Secure Connection Type security_settings: Security Settings select: Select select_a_reason: Select a reason select_a_stock_location: Select a stock location select_stock: Select stock selected_quantity_not_available: ! 'selected of %{item} is not available.' send_copy_of_all_mails_to: Send Copy of All Mails To send_mailer: Send Mailer send_mails_as: Send Mails As server: Server server_error: The server returned an error settings: Settings ship: ship ship_address: Ship Address ship_address_required: Valid shipping address required ship_stock_transfer: confirm: "Are you sure you want to mark this stock transfer as shipping?\n\nYou will no longer be able to make changes to the stock transfer" ship_total: Ship Total shipped_at: Shipped At shipment: Shipment shipment_adjustments: "Shipment adjustments" shipment_details: "From %{stock_location} via %{shipping_method}" shipment_mailer: shipped_email: dear_customer: Dear Customer, instructions: Your order has been shipped shipment_summary: Shipment Summary subject: Shipment Notification thanks: Thank you for your business. track_information: ! 'Tracking Information: %{tracking}' track_link: ! 'Tracking Link: %{url}' shipment_date: Shipment date shipment_number: Shipment Number shipment_numbers: Shipment numbers shipment_state: Shipment State shipment_states: backorder: backorder canceled: canceled partial: partial pending: pending ready: ready shipped: shipped shipment_transfer_success: 'Variants successfully transferred' shipment_transfer_error: 'There was an error transferring variants' shipments: Shipments shipped: Shipped shipping: Shipping shipping_address: Shipping Address shipping_categories: Shipping Categories shipping_category: Shipping Category shipping_flat_rate_per_item: Flat rate per package item shipping_flat_rate_per_order: Flat rate shipping_flexible_rate: Flexible Rate per package item shipping_instructions: Shipping Instructions shipping_method: Shipping Method shipping_methods: Shipping Methods shipping_price_sack: Price sack shipping_rate: display_price: display_price_with_explanations: "%{price} (%{explanations})" tax_label_separator: ", " shipping_rate_tax: label: sales_tax: "+ %{amount} %{tax_rate_name}" vat: "incl. %{amount} %{tax_rate_name}" vat_refund: "excl. %{amount} %{tax_rate_name}" shipping_total: Shipping total shop_by_taxonomy: Shop by %{taxonomy} shopping_cart: Shopping Cart show: Show show_active: Show Active show_deleted: Show Deleted show_only_complete_orders: Only show complete orders show_only_considered_risky: Only show risky orders show_only_open_transfers: Only show open transfers show_rate_in_label: Show rate in label sku: SKU skus: SKUs slug: Slug source: Source source_location: Source location special_instructions: Special Instructions split: Split split_failed: Unable to complete split spree_gateway_error_flash_for_checkout: There was a problem with your payment information. Please check your information and try again. ssl: change_protocol: "Please switch to using HTTP (rather than HTTPS) and retry this request." start: Start state: State state_based: State Based states: States states_required: States Required status: Status stock_location: Stock Location stock_location_info: Stock location info stock_locations: Stock Locations stock_locations_need_a_default_country: You must create a default country before creating a stock location. stock_management: Product Stock stock_management_requires_a_stock_location: Please create a stock location in order to manage stock. stock_movements: Stock Movements stock_movements_for_stock_location: Stock Movements for %{stock_location_name} stock_not_below_zero: Stock must not be below zero. stock_successfully_transferred: Stock was successfully transferred between locations. stock: Stock stock_transfer: Stock Transfer stock_transfer_cannot_be_finalized: Stock transfer cannot be finalized stock_transfer_complete: Stock Transfer Complete stock_transfer_must_be_receivable: Stock transfer must be closed and shipped stock_transfers: Stock Transfers stop: Stop store: Store store_credit: actions: invalidate: Invalidate credit_allocation_memo: "This is a credit from store credit ID %{id}" currency_mismatch: "Store credit currency does not match order currency" display_action: adjustment: Adjustment allocation: Added capture: Used credit: Credit invalidate: Invalidated void: Credit admin: authorize: "Authorized" eligible: "Eligibility Verified" void: "Voided" errors: unable_to_fund: "Unable to pay for order using store credits" cannot_invalidate_uncaptured_authorization: "Cannot invalidate a store credit with an uncaptured authorization" expiring: Expiring insufficient_authorized_amount: "Unable to capture more than authorized amount" insufficient_funds: "Store credit amount remaining is not sufficient" non_expiring: Non-expiring select_one_store_credit: "Select store credit to go towards remaining balance" store_credit: Store Credit successful_action: "Successful store credit %{action}" unable_to_credit: "Unable to credit code: %{auth_code}" unable_to_void: "Unable to void code: %{auth_code}" unable_to_find: "Could not find store credit" unable_to_find_for_action: "Could not find store credit for auth code: %{auth_code} for action: %{action}" user_has_no_store_credits: "User does not have any available store credit" store_credit_category: default: Default street_address: Street Address street_address_2: Street Address (cont'd) subtotal: Subtotal subtract: Subtract success: Success successfully_created: ! '%{resource} has been successfully created!' successfully_refunded: ! '%{resource} has been successfully refunded!' successfully_removed: ! '%{resource} has been successfully removed!' successfully_signed_up_for_analytics: Successfully signed up for Spree Analytics successfully_updated: ! '%{resource} has been successfully updated!' tax: Tax tax_included: "Tax (incl.)" tax_categories: Tax Categories tax_category: Tax Category tax_code: Tax Code tax_rate_amount_explanation: Tax rates are a decimal amount to aid in calculations, (i.e. if the tax rate is 5% then enter 0.05) tax_rates: Tax Rates taxon: Taxon taxon_edit: Edit Taxon taxon_placeholder: Add a Taxon taxon_rule: choose_taxons: Choose taxons label: Order must contain %{select} of these taxons match_all: all match_any: at least one match_none: none taxonomies: Taxonomies taxonomy: Taxonomy taxonomy_edit: Edit taxonomy taxonomy_tree_error: The requested change has not been accepted and the tree has been returned to its previous state, please try again. taxonomy_tree_instruction: ! '* Right click a child in the tree to access the menu for adding, deleting or sorting a child.' taxons: Taxons test: Test test_mailer: test_email: greeting: Congratulations! message: If you have received this email, then your email settings are correct. subject: Test Mail test_mode: Test Mode thank_you_for_your_order: Thank you for your business. Please print out a copy of this confirmation page for your records. there_are_no_items_for_this_order: There are no items for this order. Please add an item to the order to continue. there_were_problems_with_the_following_fields: There were problems with the following fields this_order_has_already_received_a_refund: This order has already received a refund thumbnail: Thumbnail tiers: Tiers tiered_flat_rate: Tiered Flat Rate tiered_percent: Tiered Percent time: Time to: to to_add_variants_you_must_first_define: To add variants, you must first define total: Total total_per_item: Total per item total_pre_tax_refund: Total Pre-Tax Refund total_price: Total price total_sales: Total Sales track_inventory: Track Inventory tracking: Tracking tracking_info: Tracking Info tracking_number: Tracking Number tracking_url: Tracking URL tracking_url_placeholder: e.g. http://quickship.com/package?num=:tracking transaction_id: Transaction ID transfer_items: Transfer Items transfer_from_location: Transfer From transfer_stock: Transfer Stock transfer_to_location: Transfer To transfer_number: Transfer Number tree: Tree try_changing_search_values: Try changing the search values. type: Type type_to_search: Type to search unable_to_find_all_inventory_units: Unable to find all specified inventory units unable_to_connect_to_gateway: Unable to connect to gateway. unable_to_create_reimbursements: Unable to create reimbursements because there are items pending manual intervention. unable_to_create_stock_transfer: Unable to create the stock transfer unfinalize_all_adjustments: Unfinalize All Adjustments under_price: Under %{price} unlock: Unlock unrecognized_card_type: Unrecognized card type unshippable_items: Unshippable Items update: Update updated_successfully: Updated successfully updating: Updating usage_limit: Usage Limit use_app_default: Use App Default use_billing_address: Use Billing Address use_existing_cc: Use an existing card on file use_new_cc: Use a new card use_new_cc_or_payment_method: Use a new card / payment method user: User user_rule: choose_users: Choose users user_role_rule: choose_roles: Choose Roles label: User must contain %{select} of these roles match_all: all match_any: at least one users: Users validation: unpaid_amount_not_zero: "Amount was not fully reimbursed. Still due: %{amount}" cannot_be_less_than_shipped_units: cannot be less than the number of shipped units. cannot_destroy_line_item_as_inventory_units_have_shipped: Cannot destroy line item as some inventory units have shipped. exceeds_available_stock: exceeds available stock. Please ensure line items have a valid quantity. is_too_large: is too large -- stock on hand cannot cover requested quantity! must_be_int: must be an integer must_be_non_negative: must be a non-negative value validity_period: Validity Period value: Value variant: Variant variant_placeholder: Choose a variant variant_pricing: Variant Pricing variant_properties: Variant Properties variant_search: Variant Search variant_search_placeholder: "SKU or Option Value" variant_to_add: Variant to add variant_to_be_received: Variant to be received variants: Variants version: Version void: Void weight: Weight what_is_a_cvv: What is a (CVV) Credit Card Code? what_is_this: What's This? width: Width year: Year you_have_no_orders_yet: You have no orders yet you_cannot_undo_action: You will not be able to undo this action your_cart_is_empty: Your cart is empty your_order_is_empty_add_product: Your order is empty, please search for and add a product above zip: Zip zipcode: Zip Code zone: Zone zones: Zones