module Seer # =USAGE # # In your controller: # # @data = Widgets.all # Must be an array, and must respond # # to the data method specified below (in this example, 'quantity') # # In your view: # #
# # <%= Seer::visualize( # @data, # :as => :gauge, # :in_element => 'chart', # :series => {:series_label => 'name', :data_method => 'quantity'}, # :chart_options => { # :green_from => 0, # :green_to => 50, # :height => 300, # :max => 100, # :min => 0, # :minor_ticks => 5, # :red_from => 76, # :red_to => 100, # :width => 600, # :yellow_from => 51, # :yellow_to => 75 # } # ) # -%> # # For details on the chart options, see the Google API docs at # # class Gauge include Seer::Chart # Chart options accessors attr_accessor :green_from, :green_to, :height, :major_ticks, :max, :min, :minor_ticks, :red_from, :red_to, :width, :yellow_from, :yellow_to # Graph data attr_accessor :data, :data_method, :data_table, :label_method def initialize(args={}) #:nodoc: # Standard options args.each{ |method,arg| self.send("#{method}=",arg) if self.respond_to?(method) } # Chart options args[:chart_options].each{ |method, arg| self.send("#{method}=",arg) if self.respond_to?(method) } # Handle defaults @height ||= args[:chart_options][:height] || DEFAULT_HEIGHT @width ||= args[:chart_options][:width] || DEFAULT_WIDTH @data_table = [] end def data_table #:nodoc: data.each_with_index do |datum, column| @data_table << [ " data.setValue(#{column}, 0,'#{datum.send(label_method)}');\r", " data.setValue(#{column}, 1, #{datum.send(data_method)});\r" ] end @data_table end def is_3_d #:nodoc: @is_3_d.blank? ? false : @is_3_d end def nonstring_options #:nodoc: [:green_from, :green_to, :height, :major_ticks, :max, :min, :minor_ticks, :red_from, :red_to, :width, :yellow_from, :yellow_to] end def string_options #:nodoc: [] end def to_js #:nodoc: %{ } end def self.render(data, args) #:nodoc: graph = :data => data, :label_method => args[:series][:series_label], :data_method => args[:series][:data_method], :chart_options => args[:chart_options], :chart_element => args[:in_element] || 'chart' ) graph.to_js end end end