# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require 'danger' require 'packwerk' require 'parse_packwerk' require 'sorbet-runtime' require 'danger-packwerk/packwerk_wrapper' module DangerPackwerk # Note that Danger names the plugin (i.e. anything that inherits from `Danger::Plugin`) by taking the name of the class and gsubbing out "Danger" # Therefore this plugin is simply called "packwerk" class DangerPackwerk < Danger::Plugin extend T::Sig # We choose 15 because we want to err on the side of completeness and give users all of the information they need to help make their build pass, # especially given all violations should fail the build anyways. # We set a max (rather than unlimited) to avoid GitHub rate limiting and general spam if a PR does some sort of mass rename. DEFAULT_MAX_COMMENTS = 15 OnFailure = T.type_alias { T.proc.params(offenses: T::Array[Packwerk::ReferenceOffense]).void } DEFAULT_ON_FAILURE = T.let(->(offenses) {}, OnFailure) OffensesFormatter = T.type_alias { T.proc.params(offenses: T::Array[Packwerk::ReferenceOffense]).returns(String) } DEFAULT_OFFENSES_FORMATTER = T.let(->(offenses) { offenses.map(&:message).join("\n\n") }, OffensesFormatter) DEFAULT_FAIL = false DEFAULT_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'Packwerk violations were detected! Please resolve them to unblock the build.' class CommentGroupingStrategy < ::T::Enum enums do PerConstantPerLocation = new PerConstantPerPack = new end end PerConstantPerPackGrouping = CommentGroupingStrategy::PerConstantPerPack sig do params( max_comments: Integer, offenses_formatter: OffensesFormatter, fail_build: T::Boolean, failure_message: String, on_failure: OnFailure, grouping_strategy: CommentGroupingStrategy ).void end def check( max_comments: DEFAULT_MAX_COMMENTS, offenses_formatter: DEFAULT_OFFENSES_FORMATTER, fail_build: DEFAULT_FAIL, failure_message: DEFAULT_FAILURE_MESSAGE, on_failure: DEFAULT_ON_FAILURE, grouping_strategy: CommentGroupingStrategy::PerConstantPerLocation ) # This is important because by default, Danger will leave a concantenated list of all its messages if it can't find a commentable place in the # diff to leave its message. This is an especially bad UX because it will be a huge wall of text not connected to the source of the issue. # Furthermore, dismissing these ensures that something like moving a file from pack to pack does not trigger the danger message. That is, # the danger message will only be triggered by actual code that someone has actually written in their PR. # Another example would be if someone changes the list of dependencies of a package (e.g. to resolve a cyclic dependency). This would not # trigger the warning message, which is good, since we only want to trigger on new code. github.dismiss_out_of_range_messages # https://github.com/danger/danger/blob/eca19719d3e585fe1cc46bc5377f9aa955ebf609/lib/danger/danger_core/plugins/dangerfile_git_plugin.rb#L80 renamed_files_after = git.renamed_files.map { |f| f[:after] } targeted_files = (git.modified_files + git.added_files + renamed_files_after).select do |f| path = Pathname.new(f) # We probably want to check the `include` key of `packwerk.yml`. By default, this value is "**/*.{rb,rake,erb}", # so we hardcode this in for now. If this blocks a user, we can take that opportunity to read from `packwerk.yml`. extension_is_targeted = ['.erb', '.rake', '.rb'].include?(path.extname) # If a file has been modified via a rename, then `git.modified_files` will return an array that includes that file's *original* name. # Packwerk will ignore input files that do not exist, and when the PR only contains renamed Ruby files, that means packwerk check works # off of an empty list. It's default behavior in that case is to scan *all* files, which can lead to abnormally long run times. # To avoid this, we gracefully return if there are no targeted files. # To avoid false negatives, we also look at renamed files after (above) file_exists = path.exist? extension_is_targeted && file_exists end return if targeted_files.empty? current_comment_count = 0 packwerk_reference_offenses = PackwerkWrapper.get_offenses_for_files(targeted_files.to_a).compact renamed_files = git.renamed_files.map { |before_after_file| before_after_file[:after] } # Ignore references that have been renamed packwerk_reference_offenses_to_care_about = packwerk_reference_offenses.reject do |packwerk_reference_offense| constant_name = packwerk_reference_offense.reference.constant.name filepath_that_defines_this_constant = Private.constant_resolver.resolve(constant_name)&.location renamed_files.include?(filepath_that_defines_this_constant) end # We group by the constant name, line number, and reference path. Any offenses with these same values should only differ on what type of violation # they are (privacy or dependency). We put privacy and dependency violation messages in the same comment since they would occur on the same line. packwerk_reference_offenses_to_care_about.group_by do |packwerk_reference_offense| case grouping_strategy when CommentGroupingStrategy::PerConstantPerLocation [ packwerk_reference_offense.reference.constant.name, packwerk_reference_offense.location&.line, packwerk_reference_offense.reference.relative_path ] when CommentGroupingStrategy::PerConstantPerPack [ packwerk_reference_offense.reference.constant.name, ParsePackwerk.package_from_path(packwerk_reference_offense.reference.relative_path) ] else T.absurd(grouping_strategy) end end.each do |_group, unique_packwerk_reference_offenses| break if current_comment_count >= max_comments current_comment_count += 1 reference_offense = T.must(unique_packwerk_reference_offenses.first) line_number = reference_offense.location&.line referencing_file = reference_offense.reference.relative_path message = offenses_formatter.call(unique_packwerk_reference_offenses) markdown(message, file: referencing_file, line: line_number) end if current_comment_count > 0 fail(failure_message) if fail_build on_failure.call(packwerk_reference_offenses) end end end end