require 'rails/generators/base' require 'mangopay' module Mangopay module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../../templates', __FILE__) argument :client_id, type: :string, desc: 'The id you want to use to query the MangoPay API (must match with the regex ^[a-z0-9_-]{4,20}$)' argument :client_name, type: :string, desc: "Full name of you're organization" argument :client_email, type: :string, desc: "An email for future contacts" class_option :preproduction, type: :boolean, default: true, desc: 'Whether or not use the preproduction environment' desc 'Installs all the basic configuration of the mangopay gem' def setup begin client = client_id_valid? remove_file 'config/initializers/mangopay.rb' @client_id = client_id @client_apiKey = client['APIKey'] template 'mangopay.rb.erb', 'config/initializers/mangopay.rb' rescue => e puts e.message end end protected def client_id_valid? check_client_id_validity check_client_id_availablility end def check_client_id_validity if (/^[a-z0-9_-]{4,20}$/ =~ client_id).nil? raise "The client_id must match the regexp ^[a-z0-9_-]{4,20}$" end end def check_client_id_availablility client = create_client if client['Type'] == 'ClientID_already_exist' raise client['Message'] end client end def create_client MangoPay.configure do |c| c.preproduction = options[:preproduction] end MangoPay::Client.create({ ClientID: client_id, Name: client_name, Email: client_email }) end end end end