# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # This Vagrantfile was inspired by Joshua Timberman's blog # http://jtimberman.housepub.org/blog/2012/03/18/multivm-vagrantfile-for-chef/ # # Vagrantfile for two-machine test topology. Runs with a private network # and port forwarding from 3001 on appserver guest, to port 303n on host (i.e. 3031 for topo with id 1). # ipaddresses are, for dbserver, appserver. # Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" id = 1 qual = "0#{id}" # Define the options for each node nodes = { :dbserver => { :hostname => "dbserver#{qual}", :ipaddress => "10.0.#{id}.2" }, :appserver => { :hostname => "appserver#{qual}", :ipaddress => "10.0.#{id}.3", :forwardports => [ { :guest => 3001, :host => (3030 + id) } ] } } Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| # setup each node using config ("options") defined above nodes.each do |node, options| config.vm.define node do |node_config| # setup networking using private network, with port forwarding where needed to access # TODO how to let ip be optional in either case net_type = ( options.has_key?(:public)) ? :public_network : :private_network if options.has_key?(:public) node_config.vm.network net_type, ip: options[:ipaddress] else node_config.vm.network net_type, ip: options[:ipaddress] end if options.has_key?(:forwardports) options[:forwardports].each do |port| node_config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: port[:guest], host: port[:host] end end node_config.vm.hostname = options[:hostname] end end # Setup the generic config across both servers config.vm.box = "ubuntu64" # The url from where the 'config.vm.box' box will be fetched if it # doesn't already exist on the user's system. config.vm.box_url = "http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box" end