# Watch Tower [![Build Status](http://travis-ci.org/TechnoGate/watch_tower.png)](http://travis-ci.org/TechnoGate/watch_tower) ![Still Maintained](http://stillmaintained.com/TechnoGate/watch_tower.png) Click here to lend your support to: Open Source Projects and make a donation at www.pledgie.com ! WatchTower helps you track the time you spend on each project. # Introduction Are you tired of not-knowing how much each of your projects really costs? Watch Tower comes to the rescue. WatchTower runs in the background and it monitors your editors (see Supported Editors) and records the time you spend on each file and thus on the project in total, and using a web interface, it presents you with statistics on each project # Installation The installation has been made as simple as possible, here's the steps required: ```bash $ gem install watch_tower $ watchtower intall ``` This creates a configuration file which you __should__ review before invoking __WatchTower__, located at __~/.watch_tower/config.yml__ the configuration file is self explanatory. # Usage The installation process should create a launcher on login which starts __WatchTower__ you can open the web interface by going to http://localhost:9282 or using the command ```bash $ watchtower open ```