class Sack include Enumerable attr_reader :capacity, :weight, :available_capacity, :current_weight, :contents def initialize(capacity:, weight:, contents: nil) @capacity = capacity @weight = weight self.contents = contents || [] ## Use the setter to enforce weight/capacity restrictions @current_weight = self.current_weight @available_capacity = self.available_capacity end def method_missing(method_id) Enumerable.respond_to? method_id ? @contents.send(method_id) : raise(NoMethodError) end def contents=(new_contents) raise Haversack::KnapsackContentError if has_non_items? new_contents raise Haversack::KnapsackCapacityExceededError if exceeds_capacity? new_contents raise Haversack::KnapsackWeightExceededError if exceeds_weight? new_contents @contents = new_contents end def has_non_items?(contents) ## TODO: Consider refactor: Static method? Doesn't rely on instance data. contents.any? { |e| !e.is_a? Haversack::Item } end def current_weight @contents.empty? ? 0 : { |item| item.weight }.sum end ## TODO: the *fit* methods duplicate behavior. Consolidate them in a future itteration. def fits_item_weight?(item) item.weight + @current_weight <= @weight end def available_capacity @contents.empty? ? @capacity : (@capacity - @contents.length) end def fits_item_capacity?(item) item.size < @available_capacity end def will_fit?(item) (item.is_a? Haversack::Item) && (fits_item_capacity?(item) && fits_item_weight?(item)) end def push(item) ## TODO: This should return an error that describes which constraint failed will_fit? item ? @contents.push(item) : raise(Haversack::KnapsackContentError) @contents end def fits_contents?(contents) fits_weight?(contents) && fits_capacity?(contents) end def fits_weight?(contents) new_weight = { |item| item.weight }.sum new_weight <= @weight end def exceeds_weight?(contents) !fits_weight? contents end def fits_capacity?(contents) new_capacity = { |item| item.size }.sum new_capacity <= @capacity end def exceeds_capacity?(contents) !fits_capacity? contents end end