var CabooseModal = function(w, h) { if (!h) { $('#modal_content').css('width', w); h = $('#modal_content').outerHeight(true); } if (parent.$.fn.colorbox) this.resize(w, h); }; CabooseModal.prototype = { width: 0, height: 0, set_width: function(w) { this.width = w; this.colorbox(); }, set_height: function(h) { this.height = h; this.colorbox(); }, resize: function(w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.colorbox(); }, // Resizes the height of the modal based on the content height autosize: function(msg, msg_container) { if (msg) $('#' + (msg_container ? msg_container : 'message')).empty().append(msg); this.height = $('#modal_content').outerHeight(true); this.colorbox(); }, colorbox: function() { if (parent && parent.$.fn.colorbox) { parent.$.fn.colorbox.resize({ innerWidth: '' + this.width + 'px', innerHeight: '' + this.height + 'px' }); } }, close: function() { if (parent && parent.$.fn.colorbox) parent.$.fn.colorbox.close(); } }; $(document).ready(function() { //caboose_modal('caboose_login'); //caboose_modal('caboose_register'); //caboose_modal('caboose_station'); $('a.caboose_modal').each(function(i, a) { caboose_modal_iframe($(a)); }); }); function caboose_modal_iframe(el) { var options = { iframe: true, initialWidth: 400, initialHeight: 200, innerWidth: 400, innerHeight: 200, scrolling: false, transition: 'fade', closeButton: false, onComplete: caboose_fix_colorbox, opacity: 0.50 }; if (typeof(el) == 'string') $('#'+el).colorbox(options); else el.colorbox(options); } function caboose_modal(el) { var options = { initialWidth: 400, initialHeight: 200, innerWidth: 400, innerHeight: 200, scrolling: false, transition: 'fade', closeButton: false, onComplete: caboose_fix_colorbox, opacity: 0.50 }; if (typeof(el) == 'string') $('#'+el).colorbox(options); else el.colorbox(options); } function caboose_modal_url(url) { $.colorbox({ href: url, iframe: true, innerWidth: 200, innerHeight: 50, scrolling: false, transition: 'fade', closeButton: false, onComplete: caboose_fix_colorbox, opacity: 0.50 }); } var caboose_modal_close_handler = function(var1){}; function caboose_fix_colorbox() { var color = '#111'; if (typeof COLORBOX_COLOR !== 'undefined') color = COLORBOX_COLOR; var padding = 21; // 21 is default $("#cboxTopLeft" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxTopRight" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxBottomLeft" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxBottomRight" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxMiddleLeft" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxMiddleRight" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxTopCenter" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxBottomCenter" ).css('background', color); $("#cboxClose" ).hide(); }