// Initialize some vars. Dasht = new function(){ this.fontsize_small = 12; this.fontsize_medium = 30; this.fontsize_large = 80; this.pending_requests = []; }(); Dasht.add_tile = function(options) { // Generate the html. var template_key = "#" + options.type + "-template"; var html = $(template_key).last().html(); if (html == undefined) { alert("Template not found: " + template_key); } var el = $.parseHTML($.trim(Mustache.render(html, options)))[0]; // Update the page. $("#container").append(el); // Initialize the element. if (Dasht[options.type + "_init"] != undefined) { Dasht[options.type + "_init"](el, options); } } Dasht.init = function() { Dasht.scale_fontsize_loop(); Dasht.process_pending_requests_loop(); Dasht.watchdog_loop(); } Dasht.fill_tile = function(el, do_width, do_height) { var parent = $(el).parent(); if (do_width || do_width == undefined) { var marginsize = parseInt($(el).css("margin-left")) + parseInt($(el).css("margin-right")); $(el).outerWidth(parent.width() - marginsize); } if (do_height || do_height == undefined) { var marginsize = parseInt($(el).css("margin-top")) + parseInt($(el).css("margin-bottom")); $(el).outerHeight(parent.height() - marginsize); } } Dasht._scale_fontsize = function(selector, size, min_size, max_size) { var elements = $(selector); var any_too_small = function() { return _.any(elements, function(el) { return (($(el)[0].scrollWidth <= $(el).innerWidth()) || ($(el)[0].scrollHeight <= $(el).innerHeight())); }); } var any_too_big = function() { return _.any(elements, function(el) { return (($(el)[0].scrollWidth > $(el).innerWidth()) || ($(el)[0].scrollHeight > $(el).innerHeight())); }); } while (size <= max_size && any_too_small()) { size = size + 1; $(elements).css("font-size", size + "px"); } while (size >= min_size && any_too_big()) { size = size - 1; $(elements).css("font-size", size + "px"); } return size; } Dasht.scale_fontsize_loop = function() { Dasht.fontsize_small = Dasht._scale_fontsize(".fontsize-small", Dasht.fontsize_small, 10, 20); Dasht.fontsize_medium = Dasht._scale_fontsize(".fontsize-medium", Dasht.fontsize_medium, 25, 45); Dasht.fontsize_large = Dasht._scale_fontsize(".fontsize-large", Dasht.fontsize_large, 55, 90); setTimeout(Dasht.scale_fontsize_loop, 1000); } Dasht.get_value = function(options, callback) { // Add to the list of pending requests. Dasht.pending_requests.push({ metric: options["metric"], resolution: options["resolution"] || 60, periods: options["periods"] || 1, refresh: options["refresh"] || 5, callback: callback }); } Dasht.process_pending_requests_loop = function() { // Nothing to do. Return. if (Dasht.pending_requests.length == 0) { setTimeout(Dasht.process_pending_requests_loop, 500); return; } // Split pending_requests into query data and callback data. var queries = []; var callbacks = []; _.each(Dasht.pending_requests, function(o) { callbacks.push(o.callback); delete o.callback; queries.push(o); }); Dasht.pending_requests = []; var successFN = function(responses) { Dasht.loaded_data = true; $("body").removeClass("waiting"); // Process the responses. _.each(responses, function(response, i) { var query = queries[i]; var callback = callbacks[i]; callback(response); setTimeout(function() { Dasht.get_value(query, callback); }, query.refresh * 1000); }); // Loop. setTimeout(Dasht.process_pending_requests_loop, 500); } // Perform the request. $("body").addClass("waiting"); $.ajax({ url: "/data", type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: JSON.stringify(queries), success: successFN }); } Dasht.loaded_data = true; Dasht.watchdog_loop = function() { // The page could get stuck for a variety of reasons. This is the // last resort. Run every 2 minutes. If we haven't loaded new data // in that time, then reload the page. if (Dasht.loaded_data == true) { Dasht.loaded_data = false; setTimeout(Dasht.watchdog_loop, 2 * 60 * 1000); } else { document.location.reload(); } }