o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@created_atf1321037615.6252868³: @value{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"id;F"%210cf569ebc0782850281d42e4808e0eI"logical_path;FI"=quic_cms/ckeditor/_source/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js;FI" pathname;FI"€/Users/mwagner72/Dropbox/rails_projects/quic_cms/app/assets/javascripts/quic_cms/ckeditor/_source/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js;FI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2011-09-13T14:23:26-05:00;FI" body;FI"î /* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass( { $ : function() { this._ = { output : [] }; }, proto : { /** * Writes the tag opening part for a opener tag. * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag. * @param {Object} attributes The attributes defined for this tag. The * attributes could be used to inspect the tag. * @example * // Writes "<p". * writer.openTag( 'p', { class : 'MyClass', id : 'MyId' } ); */ openTag : function( tagName, attributes ) { this._.output.push( '<', tagName ); }, /** * Writes the tag closing part for a opener tag. * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag. * @param {Boolean} isSelfClose Indicates that this is a self-closing tag, * like "br" or "img". * @example * // Writes ">". * writer.openTagClose( 'p', false ); * @example * // Writes " />". * writer.openTagClose( 'br', true ); */ openTagClose : function( tagName, isSelfClose ) { if ( isSelfClose ) this._.output.push( ' />' ); else this._.output.push( '>' ); }, /** * Writes an attribute. This function should be called after opening the * tag with {@link #openTagClose}. * @param {String} attName The attribute name. * @param {String} attValue The attribute value. * @example * // Writes ' class="MyClass"'. * writer.attribute( 'class', 'MyClass' ); */ attribute : function( attName, attValue ) { // Browsers don't always escape special character in attribute values. (#4683, #4719). if ( typeof attValue == 'string' ) attValue = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr( attValue ); this._.output.push( ' ', attName, '="', attValue, '"' ); }, /** * Writes a closer tag. * @param {String} tagName The element name for this tag. * @example * // Writes "</p>". * writer.closeTag( 'p' ); */ closeTag : function( tagName ) { this._.output.push( '' ); }, /** * Writes text. * @param {String} text The text value * @example * // Writes "Hello Word". * writer.text( 'Hello Word' ); */ text : function( text ) { this._.output.push( text ); }, /** * Writes a comment. * @param {String} comment The comment text. * @example * // Writes "<!-- My comment -->". * writer.comment( ' My comment ' ); */ comment : function( comment ) { this._.output.push( '' ); }, /** * Writes any kind of data to the ouput. * @example * writer.write( 'This is an <b>example</b>.' ); */ write : function( data ) { this._.output.push( data ); }, /** * Empties the current output buffer. * @example * writer.reset(); */ reset : function() { this._.output = []; this._.indent = false; }, /** * Empties the current output buffer. * @param {Boolean} reset Indicates that the {@link reset} function is to * be automatically called after retrieving the HTML. * @returns {String} The HTML written to the writer so far. * @example * var html = writer.getHtml(); */ getHtml : function( reset ) { var html = this._.output.join( '' ); if ( reset ) this.reset(); return html; } } }); ;FI"asset_paths;F[I"€/Users/mwagner72/Dropbox/rails_projects/quic_cms/app/assets/javascripts/quic_cms/ckeditor/_source/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js;FI"dependency_paths;F[{I" path;FI"€/Users/mwagner72/Dropbox/rails_projects/quic_cms/app/assets/javascripts/quic_cms/ckeditor/_source/core/htmlparser/basicwriter.js;FI" mtime;FIu: Time ³á€ ]: @_zone"CDT: offsetiþ°¹I"hexdigest;F"%1fdbd9babea18407688f6629f940e4c4I" _version;F"%46dde6621c301f4928e3b34efee9e3b5:@expires_in0:@compressedF