{% assign cohort = include.cohort | strip %} {% assign people = site.data.people %} {% assign cohort_data = site.data.openseeds[cohort] %} {% assign projects = cohort_data.projects %} {% assign experts = cohort_data.metadata.experts %} {% assign cohorts = site.data.openseeds | sort %} {% for c in cohorts %} {% if c[0] == cohort %} {% assign current_cohort_index = forloop.index0 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign prev_cohort_index = current_cohort_index | minus: 1 %} {% for c in cohorts %} {% if forloop.index0 == prev_cohort_index %} {% assign prev_cohort = c %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <!-- extract previous participants and mentors and count them later among mentors --> {% assign prev_projects = prev_cohort[1].projects %} {% assign prev_participants = '' %} {% assign prev_mentors = '' %} {% for project in prev_projects %} {% for p in project.participants %} {% capture prev_participants %}{{ prev_participants }}, {{ p }}{% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {% for m in project.mentors %} {% capture prev_mentors %}{{ prev_mentors }}, {{ m }}{% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% assign all-participants = '' %} {% assign all-p-countries = '' %} {% assign all-mentors = '' %} {% assign all-m-countries = '' %} {% assign all-keywords = '' %} {% assign prev-part-count = 0 %} {% assign prev-mentor-count = 0 %} <!-- parse project participants, mentors and their countries --> {% for project in projects %} {% for p in project.participants %} {% capture all-participants %}{{ all-participants }}, [{{ people[p].first-name }} {{ people[p].last-name }}]({% link openseeds/{{ cohort }}/projects-participants.md %}#{{ p }}){% endcapture %} {% assign p_country = people[p].country | strip %} {% if p_country != '' %} {% capture all-p-countries %}{{ all-p-countries }}, {{ p_country }}{% endcapture %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for m in project.mentors %} {% capture all-mentors %}{{ all-mentors }}, [{{ people[m].first-name }} {{ people[m].last-name }}]({% link openseeds/{{ cohort }}/index.md %}#{{ m }}){% endcapture %} {% assign m_country = people[m].country | strip %} {% if m_country != '' %} {% capture all-m-countries %}{{ all-m-countries }}, {{ m_country }}{% endcapture %} {% endif %} <!-- add +1 if participant in previous cohort --> {% if prev_participants contains m %} {% assign prev-part-count = prev-part-count | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} <!-- add +1 if mentor in previous cohort --> {% if prev_mentors contains m %} {% assign prev-mentor-count = prev-mentor-count | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} <!-- parse keywords --> {% for k in project.keywords %} {% capture all-keywords %}{{ all-keywords }}, {{ k }}{% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} <!-- transform into lists --> {% assign p-participants = all-participants | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} {% assign p-countries = all-p-countries | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} {% assign p-mentors = all-mentors | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} {% assign m-countries = all-m-countries | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} {% assign keywords = all-keywords | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %}