var focusSelectNode = function(inNode){
try{, "focus");, "select");
}catch(e){// IE sux bad
var whenIdle = function(/*inContext, inMethod, args ...*/){
setTimeout(dojo.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments), 0);
var dgc = dojox.grid.cells;
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells._Base", null, {
// summary:
// Respresents a grid cell and contains information about column options and methods
// for retrieving cell related information.
// Each column in a grid layout has a cell object and most events and many methods
// provide access to these objects.
styles: '',
classes: '',
editable: false,
alwaysEditing: false,
formatter: null,
defaultValue: '...',
value: null,
hidden: false,
_valueProp: "value",
_formatPending: false,
constructor: function(inProps){
this._props = inProps || {};
dojo.mixin(this, inProps);
// data source
format: function(inRowIndex, inItem){
// summary:
// provides the html for a given grid cell.
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// returns: html for a given grid cell
var f,, d=this.get ? this.get(inRowIndex, inItem) : (this.value || this.defaultValue);
if(this.editable && (this.alwaysEditing || (i.rowIndex==inRowIndex && i.cell==this))){
return this.formatEditing(d, inRowIndex);
var v = (d != this.defaultValue && (f = this.formatter)) ?, d, inRowIndex) : d;
return (typeof v == "undefined" ? this.defaultValue : v);
formatEditing: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
// summary:
// formats the cell for editing
// inDatum: anything
// cell data to edit
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// returns: string of html to place in grid cell
// utility
getNode: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// gets the dom node for a given grid cell.
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// returns: dom node for a given grid cell
return this.view.getCellNode(inRowIndex, this.index);
getHeaderNode: function(){
return this.view.getHeaderCellNode(this.index);
getEditNode: function(inRowIndex){
return (this.getNode(inRowIndex) || 0).firstChild || 0;
canResize: function(){
var uw = this.unitWidth;
return uw && (uw=='auto');
isFlex: function(){
var uw = this.unitWidth;
return uw && (uw=='auto' || uw.slice(-1)=='%');
// edit support
applyEdit: function(inValue, inRowIndex){
this.grid.edit.applyCellEdit(inValue, this, inRowIndex);
cancelEdit: function(inRowIndex){
_onEditBlur: function(inRowIndex){
if(this.grid.edit.isEditCell(inRowIndex, this.index)){
//console.log('editor onblur', e);
registerOnBlur: function(inNode, inRowIndex){
dojo.connect(inNode, "onblur", function(e){
// hack: if editor still thinks this editor is current some ms after it blurs, assume we've focused away from grid
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_onEditBlur", inRowIndex), 250);
needFormatNode: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
this._formatPending = true;
whenIdle(this, "_formatNode", inDatum, inRowIndex);
cancelFormatNode: function(){
this._formatPending = false;
_formatNode: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
this._formatPending = false;
// make cell selectable
dojo.setSelectable(this.grid.domNode, true);
this.formatNode(this.getEditNode(inRowIndex), inDatum, inRowIndex);
formatNode: function(inNode, inDatum, inRowIndex){
// summary:
// format the editing dom node. Use when editor is a widget.
// inNode: dom node
// dom node for the editor
// inDatum: anything
// cell data to edit
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// IE sux bad
whenIdle(this, "focus", inRowIndex, inNode);
this.focus(inRowIndex, inNode);
dispatchEvent: function(m, e){
if(m in this){
return this[m](e);
getValue: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// returns value entered into editor
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// returns:
// value of editor
return this.getEditNode(inRowIndex)[this._valueProp];
setValue: function(inRowIndex, inValue){
// summary:
// set the value of the grid editor
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// inValue: anything
// value of editor
var n = this.getEditNode(inRowIndex);
n[this._valueProp] = inValue
focus: function(inRowIndex, inNode){
// summary:
// focus the grid editor
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
// inNode: dom node
// editor node
focusSelectNode(inNode || this.getEditNode(inRowIndex));
save: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// save editor state
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
this.value = this.value || this.getValue(inRowIndex);
//console.log("save", this.value, inCell.index, inRowIndex);
restore: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// restore editor state
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
this.setValue(inRowIndex, this.value);
//console.log("restore", this.value, inCell.index, inRowIndex);
_finish: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// called when editing is completed to clean up editor
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
dojo.setSelectable(this.grid.domNode, false);
apply: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// apply edit from cell editor
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
this.applyEdit(this.getValue(inRowIndex), inRowIndex);
cancel: function(inRowIndex){
// summary:
// cancel cell edit
// inRowIndex: int
// grid row index
dgc._Base.markupFactory = function(node, cellDef){
var d = dojo;
var formatter = d.trim(d.attr(node, "formatter")||"");
cellDef.formatter = dojo.getObject(formatter);
var get = d.trim(d.attr(node, "get")||"");
cellDef.get = dojo.getObject(get);
var sortDesc = d.trim(d.attr(node, "sortDesc")||"");
cellDef.sortDesc = !(sortDesc.toLowerCase()=="false");
var value = d.trim(d.attr(node, "loadingText")||d.attr(node, "defaultValue")||"");
cellDef.defaultValue = value;
var editable = d.trim(d.attr(node, "editable")||"");
cellDef.editable = !(editable.toLowerCase()=="false");
var alwaysEditing = d.trim(d.attr(node, "alwaysEditing")||"");
cellDef.alwaysEditing = !(alwaysEditing.toLowerCase()=="false");
var styles = d.trim(d.attr(node, "styles")||"");
cellDef.styles = styles;
var classes = d.trim(d.attr(node, "classes")||"");
cellDef.classes = classes;
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells.Cell", dgc._Base, {
// summary
// grid cell that provides a standard text input box upon editing
constructor: function(){
this.keyFilter = this.keyFilter;
// keyFilter: RegExp
// optional regex for disallowing keypresses
keyFilter: null,
formatEditing: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
this.needFormatNode(inDatum, inRowIndex);
return '';
formatNode: function(inNode, inDatum, inRowIndex){
// FIXME: feels too specific for this interface
this.registerOnBlur(inNode, inRowIndex);
doKey: function(e){
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
if( == -1){
_finish: function(inRowIndex){
var n = this.getEditNode(inRowIndex);
try{, "blur");
dgc.Cell.markupFactory = function(node, cellDef){
dgc._Base.markupFactory(node, cellDef);
var d = dojo;
var keyFilter = d.trim(d.attr(node, "keyFilter")||"");
cellDef.keyFilter = new RegExp(keyFilter);
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells.RowIndex", dgc.Cell, {
name: 'Row',
postscript: function(){
this.editable = false;
get: function(inRowIndex){
return inRowIndex + 1;
dgc.RowIndex.markupFactory = function(node, cellDef){
dgc.Cell.markupFactory(node, cellDef);
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells.Select", dgc.Cell, {
// summary:
// grid cell that provides a standard select for editing
// options: Array
// text of each item
options: null,
// values: Array
// value for each item
values: null,
// returnIndex: Integer
// editor returns only the index of the selected option and not the value
returnIndex: -1,
constructor: function(inCell){
this.values = this.values || this.options;
formatEditing: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
this.needFormatNode(inDatum, inRowIndex);
var h = [ '');
return h.join('');
getValue: function(inRowIndex){
var n = this.getEditNode(inRowIndex);
var i = n.selectedIndex, o = n.options[i];
return this.returnIndex > -1 ? i : o.value || o.innerHTML;
dgc.Select.markupFactory = function(node, cell){
dgc.Cell.markupFactory(node, cell);
var d=dojo;
var options = d.trim(d.attr(node, "options")||"");
var o = options.split(',');
if(o[0] != options){
cell.options = o;
var values = d.trim(d.attr(node, "values")||"");
var v = values.split(',');
if(v[0] != values){
cell.values = v;
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells.AlwaysEdit", dgc.Cell, {
// summary:
// grid cell that is always in an editable state, regardless of grid editing state
alwaysEditing: true,
_formatNode: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
this.formatNode(this.getEditNode(inRowIndex), inDatum, inRowIndex);
applyStaticValue: function(inRowIndex){
var e = this.grid.edit;
e.applyCellEdit(this.getValue(inRowIndex), this, inRowIndex);
e.start(this, inRowIndex, true);
dgc.AlwaysEdit.markupFactory = function(node, cell){
dgc.Cell.markupFactory(node, cell);
dojo.declare("dojox.grid.cells.Bool", dgc.AlwaysEdit, {
// summary:
// grid cell that provides a standard checkbox that is always on for editing
_valueProp: "checked",
formatEditing: function(inDatum, inRowIndex){
return '';
doclick: function(e){
if( == 'INPUT'){
dgc.Bool.markupFactory = function(node, cell){
dgc.AlwaysEdit.markupFactory(node, cell);