module Spree::BaseHelper def link_to_cart(text = t('cart')) return "" if current_page?(cart_path) css_class = nil if current_order.nil? or current_order.line_items.empty? text = "#{text}: (#{t('empty')})" css_class = 'empty' else text = "#{text}: (#{current_order.item_count}) #{order_price(current_order)}" css_class = 'full' end link_to text, cart_path, :class => css_class end def order_price(order, options={}) options.assert_valid_keys(:format_as_currency, :show_vat_text, :show_price_inc_vat) options.reverse_merge! :format_as_currency => true, :show_vat_text => true # overwrite show_vat_text if show_price_inc_vat is false options[:show_vat_text] = Spree::Config[:show_price_inc_vat] amount = options.delete(:format_as_currency) ? number_to_currency(amount) : amount end def todays_short_date utc_to_local( end def yesterdays_short_date utc_to_local( end # human readable list of variant options def variant_options(v, allow_back_orders = Spree::Config[:allow_backorders], include_style = true) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("variant_options method is deprecated, and will be removed in 0.80.0", caller) list = v.options_text # We shouldn't show out of stock if the product is infact in stock # or when we're not allowing backorders. unless (allow_back_orders || v.in_stock?) list = if include_style content_tag(:span, "(#{t(:out_of_stock)}) #{list}", :class => "out-of-stock") else "#{t(:out_of_stock)} #{list}" end end list end Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:styles].each do |style, v| define_method "#{style}_image" do |product, *options| options = options.first || {} if product.images.empty? image_tag "noimage/#{style}.png", options else image = product.images.first options.reverse_merge! :alt => image.alt.blank? ? : image.alt image_tag image.attachment.url(style), options end end end def meta_data_tags object = instance_variable_get('@'+controller_name.singularize) meta = { :keywords => Spree::Config[:default_meta_keywords], :description => Spree::Config[:default_meta_description] } if object.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) meta[:keywords] = object.meta_keywords if object[:meta_keywords].present? meta[:description] = object.meta_description if object[:meta_description].present? end do |name, content| tag('meta', :name => name, :content => content) end.join("\n") end def body_class @body_class ||= content_for?(:sidebar) ? 'two-col' : 'one-col' @body_class end def stylesheet_tags(paths=stylesheet_paths) paths.blank? ? '' : stylesheet_link_tag(paths, :cache => true) end def stylesheet_paths paths = Spree::Config[:stylesheets] if (paths.blank?) [] else paths.split(',') end end def logo(image_path=Spree::Config[:logo]) link_to image_tag(image_path), root_path end def flash_messages [:notice, :error].map do |msg_type| if flash[msg_type] content_tag :div, flash[msg_type], :class => "flash #{msg_type}" else '' end end.join("\n").html_safe end def breadcrumbs(taxon, separator=" » ") return "" if current_page?("/") || taxon.nil? separator = raw(separator) crumbs = [content_tag(:li, link_to(t(:home) , root_path) + separator)] if taxon crumbs << content_tag(:li, link_to(t('products') , products_path) + separator) crumbs << taxon.ancestors.collect { |ancestor| content_tag(:li, link_to( , seo_url(ancestor)) + separator) } unless taxon.ancestors.empty? crumbs << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, else crumbs << content_tag(:li, content_tag(:span, t('products'))) end crumb_list = content_tag(:ul, raw({|li| li.mb_chars}.join)) content_tag(:div, crumb_list + tag(:br, {:class => 'clear'}, false, true), :id => 'breadcrumbs') end def taxons_tree(root_taxon, current_taxon, max_level = 1) return '' if max_level < 1 || root_taxon.children.empty? content_tag :ul, :class => 'taxons-list' do do |taxon| css_class = (current_taxon && current_taxon.self_and_ancestors.include?(taxon)) ? 'current' : nil content_tag :li, :class => css_class do link_to(, seo_url(taxon)) + taxons_tree(taxon, current_taxon, max_level - 1) end end.join("\n").html_safe end end def available_countries return Country.all unless zone = Zone.find_by_name(Spree::Config[:checkout_zone]) zone.country_list end def format_price(price, options={}) options.assert_valid_keys(:show_vat_text) options.reverse_merge! :show_vat_text => Spree::Config[:show_price_inc_vat] formatted_price = number_to_currency price if options[:show_vat_text] I18n.t(:price_with_vat_included, :price => formatted_price) else formatted_price end end # generates nested url to product based on supplied taxon def seo_url(taxon, product = nil) return '/t/' + taxon.permalink if product.nil? warn "DEPRECATION: the /t/taxon-permalink/p/product-permalink urls are "+ "not used anymore. Use product_url instead. (called from #{caller[0]})" return product_url(product) end def current_orders_product_count if current_order.blank? || current_order.item_count < 1 return 0 else return current_order.item_count end end end