require 'digest/md5' module Ginatra # Helpers used in the views, and not only. module Helpers # Escapes string to HTML entities def h(text) Rack::Utils.escape_html(text) end # Checks X-PJAX header def is_pjax? request.env['HTTP_X_PJAX'] end # Sets title for pages def title(*args) @title ||= [] @title_options ||= { headline: nil, sitename: h(Ginatra.config.sitename) } options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} @title += args @title_options.merge!(options) t = @title.clone t << @title_options[:headline] t << @title_options[:sitename] t.compact.join ' - ' end # Constructs the URL used in the layout's base tag def prefix_url(rest_of_url='') prefix = Ginatra.config.prefix.to_s if prefix.length > 0 && prefix[-1].chr == '/' prefix.chop! end "#{prefix}/#{rest_of_url}" end # Returns hint to set repository description def empty_description_hint_for(repo) return '' unless repo.description.empty? hint_text = "Edit `#{repo.path}description` file to set the repository description." "" end # Returns file icon depending on filemode def file_icon(filemode) case filemode # symbolic link (120000) when 40960 then "" # executable file (100755) when 33261 then "" else "" end end # Masks original email def secure_mail(email) local, domain = email.split('@') "#{local[0..3]}...@#{domain}" end # Takes an email and returns an image tag with gravatar # # @param [String] email the email address # @param [Hash] options alt, class and size options for image tag # @return [String] html image tag def gravatar_image_tag(email, options={}) alt = options.fetch(:alt, email.gsub(/@\S*/, '')) size = options.fetch(:size, 40) url = "{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)}?s=#{size}" if options[:lazy] placeholder = '' tag = "" else tag = "" end tag end # Reformats the date into a user friendly date with html entities # # @param [#strftime] date object to format nicely # @return [String] html string formatted using # +"%b %d, %Y – %H:%M"+ def nicetime(date) date.strftime("%b %d, %Y – %H:%M") end # Returns an html time tag for the given time # # @param [Time] time object # @return [String] time tag formatted using # +"%B %d, %Y %H:%M"+ def time_tag(time) datetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') title = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') "" end # Returns a string including the link to download a patch for a certain # commit to the repo # # @param [Rugged::Commit] commit the commit you want a patch for # @param [String] repo_param the url-sanitised name for the repo # (for the link path) # # @return [String] the HTML link to the patch def patch_link(commit, repo_param) patch_url = prefix_url("#{repo_param}/commit/#{commit.oid}.patch") "Download Patch" end # Spits out a HTML link to the atom feed for a given ref of a given repo # # @param [Sting] repo_param the url-sanitised-name of a given repo # @param [String] ref the ref to link to. # # @return [String] the HTML containing the link to the feed. def atom_feed_url(repo_param, ref=nil) ref.nil? ? prefix_url("#{repo_param}.atom") : prefix_url("#{repo_param}/#{ref}.atom") end # Returns a HTML (+
tags without any options, then modified
# more later.
# @param [String] text the text you want formatted
# @return [String] the formatted text
def simple_format(text)
text.gsub!(/ +/, " ")
text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
text.gsub!(/\n/, "
# Truncates a given text to a certain number of letters, including a special ending if needed.
# @param [String] text the text to truncate
# @option options [Integer] :length (30) the length you want the output string
# @option options [String] :omission ("...") the string to show an omission.
# @return [String] the truncated text.
def truncate(text, options={})
options[:length] ||= 30
options[:omission] ||= "..."
if text
l = options[:length] - options[:omission].length
chars = text
stop = options[:separator] ? (chars.rindex(options[:separator], l) || l) : l
(chars.length > options[:length] ? chars[0...stop] + options[:omission] : text).to_s
# Returns the rfc representation of a date, for use in the atom feeds.
# @param [DateTime] datetime the date to format
# @return [String] the formatted datetime
def rfc_date(datetime)
datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z
# Returns the Hostname of the given install, for use in the atom feeds.
# @return [String] the hostname of the server. Respects HTTP-X-Forwarded-For
def hostname
(request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] =~ /[a-z]*/) ? request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] : request.env['HTTP_HOST']