require 'optparse' require 'pp' module Svn2Git DEFAULT_AUTHORS_FILE = "~/.svn2git/authors" class Migration attr_reader :dir def initialize(args) @options = parse(args) show_help_message("Missing SVN_URL parameter") if args.empty? show_help_message('Too many arguments') if args.size > 1 @url = args.first end def run! clone! fix_tags fix_branches fix_trunk optimize_repos end def parse(args) # Set up reasonable defaults for options. options = {} options[:verbose] = false options[:rootistrunk] = false options[:trunk] = 'trunk' options[:branches] = 'branches' options[:tags] = 'tags' options[:exclude] = [] if File.exists?(File.expand_path(DEFAULT_AUTHORS_FILE)) options[:authors] = DEFAULT_AUTHORS_FILE end # Parse the command-line arguments. @opts = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: svn2git SVN_URL [options]' opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Specific options:' opts.on('--trunk TRUNK_PATH', 'Subpath to trunk from repository URL (default: trunk)') do |trunk| options[:trunk] = trunk end opts.on('--branches BRANCHES_PATH', 'Subpath to branches from repository URL (default: branches)') do |branches| options[:branches] = branches end opts.on('--tags TAGS_PATH', 'Subpath to tags from repository URL (default: tags)') do |tags| options[:tags] = tags end opts.on('--rootistrunk', 'Use this if the root level of the repo is equivalent to the trunk and there are no tags or branches') do options[:rootistrunk] = true options[:trunk] = nil options[:branches] = nil options[:tags] = nil end opts.on('--notrunk', 'Do not import anything from trunk') do options[:trunk] = nil end opts.on('--nobranches', 'Do not try to import any branches') do options[:branches] = nil end opts.on('--notags', 'Do not try to import any tags') do options[:tags] = nil end opts.on('--authors AUTHORS_FILE', "Path to file containing svn-to-git authors mapping (default: #{DEFAULT_AUTHORS_FILE})") do |authors| options[:authors] = authors end opts.on('--exclude REGEX', 'Specify a Perl regular expression to filter paths when fetching; can be used multiple times') do |regex| options[:exclude] << regex end opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'Be verbose in logging -- useful for debugging issues') do options[:verbose] = true end opts.separator "" # No argument, shows at tail. This will print an options summary. # Try it and see! opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end end @opts.parse! args options end private def clone! trunk = @options[:trunk] branches = @options[:branches] tags = @options[:tags] rootistrunk = @options[:rootistrunk] authors = @options[:authors] exclude = @options[:exclude] if rootistrunk # Non-standard repository layout. The repository root is effectively 'trunk.' run_command("git svn init --no-metadata --trunk=#{@url}") else cmd = "git svn init --no-metadata " # Add each component to the command that was passed as an argument. cmd += "--trunk=#{trunk} " unless trunk.nil? cmd += "--tags=#{tags} " unless tags.nil? cmd += "--branches=#{branches} " unless branches.nil? cmd += @url run_command(cmd) end run_command("git config svn.authorsfile #{authors}") if authors cmd = "git svn fetch" unless exclude.empty? # Add exclude paths to the command line; some versions of git support # this for fetch only, later also for init. regex = [] unless rootistrunk regex << "#{trunk}[/]" unless trunk.nil? regex << "#{tags}[/][^/]+[/]" unless tags.nil? regex << "#{branches}[/][^/]+[/]" unless branches.nil? end regex = '^(?:' + regex.join('|') + ')(?:' + exclude.join('|') + ')' cmd += "'--ignore-paths=#{regex}'" end run_command(cmd) get_branches end def get_branches @remote = `git branch -r`.split(/\n/) @tags = @remote.find_all { |b| b.strip =~ %r{^tags\/} } end def fix_tags @tags.each do |tag| id = tag.strip.gsub(%r{^tags\/}, '') subject = `git log -1 --pretty=format:"%s" #{tag.strip()}` date = `git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ci" #{tag.strip()}` run_command("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE='#{date}' git tag -a -m '#{subject}' '#{id.strip()}' '#{tag.strip()}'") run_command("git branch -d -r #{tag.strip()}") end end def fix_branches svn_branches = @remote.find_all { |b| not @tags.include?(b) } svn_branches.each do |branch| branch = branch.strip next if branch == 'trunk' run_command("git checkout #{branch}") run_command("git checkout -b #{branch}") end end def fix_trunk trunk = @remote.find { |b| b.strip == 'trunk' } if trunk run_command("git checkout trunk") run_command("git branch -D master") run_command("git checkout -f -b master") run_command("git branch -d -r trunk") end end def optimize_repos run_command("git gc") end def run_command(cmd) log "Running command: #{cmd}" IO.popen(cmd) do |stdout| stdout.each do |line| log line end end end def log(msg) puts msg if @options[:verbose] end def show_help_message(msg) puts "Error starting script: #{msg}\n\n" puts exit end end end