class DummyAPI < Grape::API version 'v1', using: :path format :json formatter :json, IntrospectiveGrape::Formatter::CamelJson default_format :json include ErrorHandlers helpers PermissionsHelper helpers ApiHelpers USER_NOT_CONFIRMED = 'user_not_confirmed'.freeze BAD_LOGIN = 'bad_login'.freeze before do # sets server date in response header. This can be used on the client side header "X-Server-Date", header "Expires", 1.year.ago.httpdate # Convert incoming camel case params to snake case: grape will totally blow this # if the params hash is not a Hashie::Mash, so make it one of those: #@params = end before_validation do "With params: #{params.to_hash.inspect}" end after do unless self.options[:path].first =~ /swagger/ verify_authorized # Ensure that all endpoints are authorized by a policy class end end # Load the in-memory database for the test app load "#{Rails.root}/db/schema.rb" # Mount every api endpoint under app/api/dummy/. Dir.glob(Rails.root+"app"+"api"+'dummy'+'*.rb').each do |f| api = "Dummy::#{File.basename(f, '.rb').camelize.sub(/Api$/,'API')}".constantize mount api if api.respond_to? :endpoints end # configure grape-swagger to auto-generate swagger docs add_swagger_documentation({ base_path: "/api", doc_version: 'v1', hide_documentation_path: true, format: :json, hide_format: true, security_definitions: { api_key: { type: "apiKey", name: "api_key", in: "header" } } }) end