require 'json' require 'faraday' module EOS class Client def initialize(server='http://localhost:8888', hc=false) @server = server @hc = hc load_specs end def new('') end private def connection @connection ||={|f| f.adapter :net_http_persistent } end def version 'v1' end # Load API specification from spec files def load_specs @specs = {} spec_files.each do |name| @specs[name] = read_spec(name) end end def specs_path "#{File.dirname __dir__}/specs/" end def spec_files Dir["#{specs_path}*"].map{|filename| File.basename(filename, '.json') }.compact end def read_spec(name) JSON.parse("#{specs_path}#{name}.json")) end # Add API methods to class for seamless usage def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if respond_to_missing?(method_name) api_call(method_name, args.first) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) return true if @hc api, endpoint = extract_endpoint(method_name) @specs.key?(api) && @specs[api].key?(endpoint) end def extract_endpoint(name) name.to_s.split('_',2) end def known_params(method_name) api, endpoint = extract_endpoint(method_name) return {} unless @specs[api] && @specs[api][endpoint] @specs[api][endpoint]['params'] || {} end def path(method_name) api, endpoint = extract_endpoint(method_name) "/#{version}/#{api}/#{endpoint}" end # The actual http call def api_call(method_name, args) args ||= {} known = known_params(method_name) body = @hc ? args :{ |key, _| known.include?(key.to_s) } post path(method_name), body end def post(path, body) headers = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} response = path, body.to_json, headers JSON.parse(response.body) end end end