{ "name": "Feature Text", "keyword": "Feature", "description": "In order to test multiline forms", "tags": [ {"name": "@tag1"}, {"name": "@tag2"} ], "elements": [ { "type": "background", "description": "", "name": "", "keyword": "Background", "steps": [ { "name": "this is a background step", "keyword": "Given " }, { "name": "this is another one", "keyword": "When ", "line": 412 } ] }, { "type": "scenario_outline", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "An Scenario Outline", "description": "", "tags": [ {"name": "@foo"} ], "steps": [ { "name": "A step with a table", "keyword": "Given ", "multiline_arg": { "type": "table", "value" : [ {"cells": [ "a","row","for","a","step" ] } ] } } ], "examples": [ { "name": "Sweet Example", "keyword": "Examples", "description": "", "rows" : [ {"cells" : [ "Fill","In" ] }, {"cells" : [ "The","Blanks" ] } ], "tags" : [ {"name": "@exampletag"} ] } ] }, { "type" : "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "name" : "Reading a Scenario", "description": "", "tags" : [ {"name": "@tag3"}, {"name": "@tag4"} ], "steps" : [ { "name" : "there is a step", "keyword": "Given "}, { "name" : "not another step", "keyword": "But " } ] }, { "type" : "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "name" : "Reading a second scenario", "description": "With two lines of text", "tags" : [ {"name": "@tag3"} ], "steps" : [ { "name" : "a third step with a table", "keyword": "Given ", "multiline_arg": { "type": "table", "value": [ { "cells" : [ "a","b" ], "line" : 987 }, { "cells" : [ "c","d" ] }, { "cells" : [ "e", "f" ] } ] } }, { "name" : "I am still testing things", "keyword": "Given ", "multiline_arg": { "type": "table", "value": [ { "cells" : [ "g","h" ] }, { "cells" : [ "e","r" ] }, { "cells" : [ "k", "i" ] }, { "cells" : [ "n", "" ] } ] } }, { "name" : "I am done testing these tables", "keyword": "Given " }, { "name" : "I am happy", "keyword": "Given " } ] }, { "type" : "scenario", "keyword": "Scenario", "name" : "Hammerzeit", "description": "", "steps" : [ { "name" : "All work and no play", "keyword": "Given ", "multiline_arg": { "type": "doc_string", "value": "Makes Homer something something\nAnd something else", "line": 777 } }, { "name" : "crazy", "keyword": "Given " } ] } ] }