# # This file is part of the ballast gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun@cowtech.it>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Ballast::AjaxResponse do describe "#initialize" do it "should save arguments" do subject = Ballast::AjaxResponse.new(status: "STATUS", data: "DATA", error: "ERROR", transport: "TRANSPORT") expect(subject.status).to eq("STATUS") expect(subject.data).to eq("DATA") expect(subject.error).to eq("ERROR") expect(subject.transport).to eq("TRANSPORT") end end describe "#numeric_status" do it "should return the status as an integer" do expect(Ballast::AjaxResponse.new.numeric_status).to eq(200) expect(Ballast::AjaxResponse.new(status: :forbidden).numeric_status).to eq(403) expect(Ballast::AjaxResponse.new(status: :whatever).numeric_status).to eq(500) end end describe "#as_json" do it "should serialize correctly" do subject = Ballast::AjaxResponse.new(data: "DATA", error: "ERROR", transport: "TRANSPORT") expect(subject.as_json).to eq({status: 200, data: "DATA", error: "ERROR"}) expect(subject.as_json(original_status: true)).to eq({status: :ok, data: "DATA", error: "ERROR"}) end end describe "#reply" do before(:example) do @transport = OpenStruct.new(request: OpenStruct.new(format: :json), params: {}, performed?: false) end subject { Ballast::AjaxResponse.new(status: 200, data: "DATA", error: "ERROR", transport: @transport) } it "should setup the right content type for text" do expect(@transport).to receive(:render).with(text: "{\"status\":200,\"data\":\"DATA\",\"error\":\"ERROR\"}", status: 200, callback: nil, content_type: "text/plain") subject.reply(format: :text) end it "should set the right callback for JSONP" do @transport.params[:callback] = "callback" expect(@transport).to receive(:render).with(jsonp: "{\"status\":200,\"data\":\"DATA\",\"error\":\"ERROR\"}", status: 200, callback: "callback", content_type: nil) subject.reply(format: :jsonp) end it "should fallback to transport request format" do subject.status = 403 expect(@transport).to receive(:render).with(json: "{\"status\":403,\"data\":\"DATA\",\"error\":\"ERROR\"}", status: 403, callback: nil, content_type: nil) subject.reply(format: nil) end end end