module Gemsmith module CLIHelpers # Answers default editor. # NOTE: This will be replaced by the Thor+ gem in the future. def editor ENV["EDITOR"] end # Answers the gem name (snake case). # ==== Parameters # * +name+ - Optional. The gem name. Default: nil def gem_name name = nil @gem_name ||= Thor::Util.snake_case name end # Answers the gem class (camel case). # ==== Parameters # * +name+ - Optional. The gem class. Default: nil def gem_class name = nil @gem_class ||= Thor::Util.camel_case name end # Answers all gem template options. def template_options @template_options end module_function # Converts hash keys from strings to symbols (if any). # ===== Parameters # * +options+ - Optional. The hash to convert. Default: {} def enforce_symbol_keys options = {} options.each.with_object({}) { |(key, value), hash| hash[key.to_sym] = value } end # Prints currently installed gem name and version information. # ===== Parameters # * +gems+ - Required. The array of gem names (i.e. gem specifications). def print_gems gems say "Multiple versions found:" gems.each.with_index do |spec, index| say "#{index + 1}. #{} #{spec.version.version}" end end # Picks a gem specification for processing. # ===== Parameters # * +gems+ - Required. The array of gem specifications. # * +name+ - Required. The gem name to search for. def pick_gem gems, name result = ask "Please pick one (or type 'q' to quit):" return if result == 'q' # Exit early. if (1..gems.size).include?(result.to_i) Gem::Specification.find_by_name name, gems[result.to_i - 1].version.version else error "Invalid option: #{result}" nil end end # Opens selected gem within default editor. # ===== Parameters # * +spec+ - Required. The gem specification. def open_gem spec `#{editor} #{spec.full_gem_path}` if spec end # Opens selected gem within default browser. # ===== Parameters # * +spec+ - Required. The gem specification. def read_gem spec `open #{spec.homepage}` if spec end # Processes a gem for given name and command. # ===== Parameters # * +name+ - Required. The gem name. # * +command+ - Required. The command to process the gem. def process_gem name, command specs = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name name case when specs.size == 1 send "#{command}_gem", specs.first when specs.size > 1 print_gems specs send "#{command}_gem", pick_gem(specs, name) else say "Unable to find gem: #{name}" end end end end