RSpec.feature "Translations", :js do stub_authorization! given(:language) { Spree.t(:this_file_language, scope: 'i18n', locale: 'pt-BR') } given!(:store) { create(:store) } background do [:en, :'pt-BR'].each do |locale| create(:store, default_locale: locale) end end context "products" do given(:product) { create(:product) } context "fills in translations fields" do scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_product_path(product) click_on "Translations" within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "Pearl Jam" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Geleia de perola" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('products', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value='Geleia de perola']") end end context "product properties" do given!(:product_property) { create(:product_property, value: "red") } xscenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_product_product_properties_path(product_property.product) within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "vermelho" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_product_product_properties_path(product_property.product) expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=vermelho]") end end context "option types" do given!(:option_type) { create(:option_value).option_type } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_option_types_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "shirt sizes" } within("#attr_list") { click_on "Presentation" } within("#attr_fields .presentation.en") { fill_in_name "size" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "tamanho" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('option_types', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' click_on 'Presentation' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=tamanho]") end # Regression test for issue #354 scenario "successfully creates an option type and go to its edit page" do visit spree.admin_option_types_path click_link "New Option Type" fill_in "Name", with: "Shirt Size" fill_in "Presentation", with: "Sizes" click_button "Create" expect(page).to have_text_like 'has been successfully created' expect(page).to have_text_like 'Option Values' end end context "option values" do given!(:option_type) { create(:option_value).option_type } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_option_types_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "big" } within("#attr_list") { click_on "Presentation" } within("#attr_fields .presentation.en") { fill_in_name "big" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "grande" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('option_types', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' click_on 'Presentation' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=grande]") end end context "properties" do given!(:property) { create(:property) } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_properties_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Modelo" } within("#attr_list") { click_on "Presentation" } within("#attr_fields .presentation.en") { fill_in_name "Model" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Modelo" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('properties', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=Modelo]") end end end context "promotions" do given!(:promotion) { create(:promotion) } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_promotions_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "All free" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Salve salve" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('promotions', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value='Salve salve']") end it "render edit route properly" do visit spree.admin_promotions_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } click_on 'Cancel' expect(page).to have_css('.content-header') end end context "taxonomies" do given!(:taxonomy) { create(:taxonomy) } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_taxonomies_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "Guitars" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Guitarras" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('taxonomies', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=Guitarras]") end end context 'taxons' do given!(:taxonomy) { create(:taxonomy) } given!(:taxon) { create(:taxon, taxonomy: taxonomy, parent_id: } scenario "saves translated attributes properly" do visit spree.admin_translations_path('taxons', within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "Acoustic" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Acusticas" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('taxons', # ensure we're not duplicating translated records on database expect { click_on "Update" }.not_to change { taxon.translations.count } # ensure taxon is in root or it will not be visible expect(taxonomy.root.children.count).to be(1) visit spree.admin_translations_path('taxons', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value=Acusticas]") end end context "store" do scenario 'saves translated attributes properly' do visit spree.admin_translations_path('stores', within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "nome store" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('stores', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value='nome store']") end end context "shipping methods" do given(:shipping_category) { create(:shipping_category) } given!(:shipping_method) { create(:shipping_method, shipping_categories:[shipping_category]) } scenario 'saves translated attributes properly' do visit spree.admin_translations_path('shipping_methods', within("#attr_fields .name.en") { fill_in_name "Urgent elivery" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "Entrega urgente" } click_on "Update" visit spree.admin_translations_path('shipping_methods', select2 'Português (pt-BR)', from: 'Select locale' expect(page).to have_selector("input[value='Entrega urgente']") end it "render edit route properly" do visit spree.admin_shipping_methods_path within_row(1) { click_icon :translate } click_on 'Cancel' expect(page).to have_css('.content-header') end end context "permalink routing" do given(:language) { Spree.t(:this_file_language, scope: 'i18n', locale: 'de') } given(:product) { create(:product) } scenario "finds the right product with permalink in a not active language" do [:en, :de].each do |locale| create(:store, default_locale: locale) end visit spree.admin_product_path(product) click_on "Translations" click_on "Slug" within("#attr_fields .slug.en") { fill_in_name "en_link" } within("#attr_fields") { fill_in_name "de_link" } click_on "Update" visit spree.product_path 'en_link' expect(page).to have_text_like 'Product' visit spree.product_path 'de_link' expect(page).to have_text_like 'Product' end end private def fill_in_name(value) fill_in first("input[type='text']")["name"], with: value end end