# frozen_string_literal: true require "mobilis/generic_project" require "mobilis/os" module Mobilis class RailsProject < GenericProject def child_env_vars [ "#{ name.upcase }_HOST=#{ name }" ] end def controllers @data[:controllers] end def models @data[:models] end def database links.each do |link| project = @metaproject.project_by_name link return project if project.instance_of? Mobilis::PostgresqlInstance return project if project.instance_of? Mobilis::MysqlInstance end return nil end def toggle_rails_api_mode if options.include? :api then remove_rails_option :api add_rails_option :haml else add_rails_option :api remove_rails_option :haml end end def add_rails_option option remove_rails_option option options << option end def remove_rails_option option options.reject! {|x| x == option } end def add_controller name controller = {name: name, actions: []} @data[:controllers] << controller controller end def add_model name model = {name: name, fields: []} @data[:models] << model model end def rails_builder_image "#{ @metaproject.username }/rails-builder" end def rails_run_command command run_docker "run --rm -v #{ getwd }:/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app #{ rails_builder_image } #{ command }" end def bundle_run command rails_run_command "./bundle_run.sh #{ command }" end def generate rails_run_command rails_new_command_line Dir.chdir name do git_commit_all "rails new" generate_bundle_run read_rails_master_key install_rspec if options.include? :rspec install_factory_bot if options.include? :factory_bot git_commit_all "add Gems" generate_Dockerfile generate_entrypoint_sh generate_build_sh git_commit_all "add Dockerfile and build script etc" end end def read_rails_master_key @data[:attributes][:rails_master_key] = File.read("config/master.key") end def rails_master_key @data[:attributes][:rails_master_key] end def generate_Dockerfile set_file_contents "Dockerfile", 'FROM ruby:latest RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y nodejs postgresql-client dos2unix WORKDIR /myapp COPY Gemfile /myapp/Gemfile COPY Gemfile.lock /myapp/Gemfile.lock RUN bundle install COPY . /myapp # Add a script to be executed every time the container starts. RUN chmod +x /myapp/entrypoint.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/myapp/entrypoint.sh"] EXPOSE 3000 RUN dos2unix /myapp/entrypoint.sh # Configure the main process to run when running the image CMD ["rails", "server", "-b", ""] ' end def generate_entrypoint_sh set_file_contents "entrypoint.sh", "#!/bin/sh # https://stackoverflow.com/a/38732187/1935918 set -e if [ -f /app/tmp/pids/server.pid ]; then rm /app/tmp/pids/server.pid fi bundle exec rake db:migrate 2>/dev/null || bundle exec rake db:setup exec bundle exec \"$@\" " end def install_rspec Mobilis.logger.info "Installing rspec" append_line "Gemfile", 'gem "rspec-rails", group: [:development, :test]' bundle_run "rails generate rspec:install" end def install_factory_bot Mobilis.logger.info "Installing FactoryBot" append_line "Gemfile", "gem 'factory_bot_rails'" set_file_contents "spec/support/factory_bot.rb", "RSpec.configure do |config| config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods end " end def generate_bundle_run Mobilis.logger.info "Installing bundle_run.sh" set_file_contents "bundle_run.sh", "#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail bundle install $@ " end def install_super_diff append_line "Gemfile", "gem 'super_diff', group: [:development]" set_second_line 'spec/spec_helper.rb', 'require "super_diff/rspec"' end def rails_new_command_line pieces = ["bundle", "exec", "rails", "new", name, "."] pieces << "--api" if options.include? :api my_db = database if my_db then pieces << "--database=#{ my_db.type }" end if Mobilis::OS.linux? pieces << "-u #{ Process.uid }:#{ Process.gid }" end pieces.join " " end end end