module Lumberg
  module Cpanel
    class Email < Base
      # Public: Get info about how the main email account handles
      # undeliverable mail.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def main_discard(options = {})
          api_function: "checkmaindiscard"

      # Public: Add a forwarder.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain    - String forwarder domain.
      #   :email     - String local part ("user" if "").
      #   :fwdopt    - String type of forwarder. Accepted values:
      #                "pipe", "fwd", "system", "blackhole", "fail"
      #   :fwdemail  - String Destination email address.
      #   :fwdsystem - String system account to forward to (optional). Should
      #                only be used if :fwdopt is set to "system".
      #   :failmsgs  - String failure message (optional). Only used if "fwdopt"
      #                is set to "fail".
      #   :pipefwd -   String path to program to pipe to (optional). Only used
      #                if "fwdopt" is set to "pipe"
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def add_forwarder(options = {})
          api_function: "addforward"

      # Public: Get list of forwarders.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String domain for which to retrieve forwarders (optional).
      #   :regex  - String regular expression to filter results (optional).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def forwarders(options = {})
          api_function: "listforwards"

      # Public: Retrieve a list of domains that use aliases and custom
      # catch-all addresses.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def domains_with_aliases(options = {})
          api_function: "listaliasbackups"

      # Public: Add a mailing list. Uses API1 because API2 doesn't provide
      # an equivalent method.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :list     - String mailing liist name.
      #   :password - String mailing list password.
      #   :domain   - String mailing list domain.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def add_mailing_list(options = {})
          api_function: "addlist",
          api_version:  1,
          "arg-0"    => options[:list],
          "arg-1"    => options[:password],
          "arg-2"    => options[:domain]

      # Public: Get list Mailman mailing lists.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String domain for which to retrieve mailing lists
      #             (optional).
      #   :regex  - String regular expression to filter results (optional).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def mailing_lists(options = {})
          api_function: "listlists"

      # Public: Get list of domains that can send/receive mail.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :skipmain - String skip main domain by passing "1" (optional).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def domains(options = {})
          api_function: "listmaildomains"

      # Public: Change values for a specific MX record
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain        - String domain for the MX record you wish to change.
      #   :exchange      - String name of the new exchanger.
      #   :oldexchange   - String name of the exchanger to replace (optional).
      #   :oldpreference - Integer priority value of the old exchanger.
      #   :preference    - Integer priority value for the new exchange.
      #   :alwaysaccept  - String setting to define behavior for the exchanger.
      #                    Accepted: "backup", "local", "secondary", "remote".
      #                    (optional)
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def change_mx(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "changemx" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Add an MX record
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain       - String domain for the MX record you wish to change.
      #   :exchange     - String name of the new exchanger.
      #   :preference   - Integer priority value for the new exchange.
      #   :alwaysaccept - String setting to define behavior for the exchanger.
      #                   Accepted: "backup", "local", "secondary", "remote".
      #                   (optional)
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def add_mx(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "addmx" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Get list of mail exchanger information.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String domain for which to retrieve mail exchangers.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def mx(options = {})
          api_function: "listmxs"

      # Public: Delete an MX record
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain       - String domain for the MX record you wish to change.
      #   :exchange     - String name of the new exchanger.
      #   :preference   - Integer priority value for the new exchange.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def delete_mx(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "delmx" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Set a mail exchanger for a specified domain to local,
      # remote, secondary, or auto
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain       - String domain for the MX record you wish to change.
      #   :mxcheck      - String setting to define behavior for the exchanger.
      #                   Accepted: "auto", "local", "secondary", "remote".
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def set_mx_type(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "setmxcheck" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Set mail delivery for a domain.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain   - String domain corresponding to the mail exchanger to set.
      #   :delivery - String status to set for the mail exchanger. Accepted:
      #               "auto", "local", "secondary", "remote".
      #   :user     - String user of the cPanel account whose domain
      #               corresponds to the mail exchanger you with to set.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def set_mail_delivery(options = {})
          api_function: "setalwaysaccept",
          mxcheck:      options[:delivery]

      # Public: Check cPanel config for local mail delivery setting.
      # This function checks cPanel config, not DNS.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String domain to check. Will return settings for all
      #             domains if omitted.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def check_local_delivery(options = {})
          api_function: "getalwaysaccept"

      # Public: Add a new email filter. See
      # for gory details.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}). Options
      #           with * indicate numeric suffix corresponding to filter
      #           number:
      #   :account       - String value. For user-level filters, enter email
      #                    address. Leave empty for account-level filter. Use
      #                    cPanel username for default address filters.
      #   :action*       - String action taken by filter. Accepted: "deliver",
      #                    "fail", "finish", "save", "pipe"
      #   :dest*         - String destination for mail received by the filter.
      #   :filtername    - String name of filter.
      #   :match*        - String filter match type. Accepted: "is", "matches",
      #                    "contains", "does not contain", "begins", "ends",
      #                    "does not begin", "does not end", "does not match",
      #                    "is above" (numeric), "is not above" (numeric),
      #                    "is below" (numeric), "is not below" (numeric)
      #   :opt*          - String value used to connect conditions. Accepted:
      #                    "or", "and".
      #   :part*         - String part of the email to apply the :match option
      #                    to. Accepted: "$header_from:", "$header_subject:",
      #                    "$header_to:", "$reply_address:", "$message_body",
      #                    "$message_headers",
      #                    'foranyaddress $h_to",$h_cc:,$h_bcc:',
      #                    "not delivered", "error_message",
      #                    "$h_X-Spam-Status:",
      #                    "$h_X-Spam-Score:", and "$h_X-Spam-Bar:". The last 3
      #                    options require SpamAssassin to be enabled. You may
      #                    also use "error_message" or "not delivered" which
      #                    do not require the :match parameter.
      #   :val*          - String value to match.
      #   :oldfiltername - String value. Use current filter name here and
      #                    specify new filter name in :filtername option to
      #                    rename filter (optional).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def add_filter(options = {})
          api_function: "storefilter"

      # Public: Get a list of email filters.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :account   - String value (optional). Lists user-level filters if
      #                email address given. Lists user-level filters
      #                associated with default address if cPanel username
      #                given. Lists account-level filters if omitted.
      #   :old_style - Boolean (optional, default: false). Use deprecated
      #                Email::listfilters.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def filters(options = {})
        func = options.delete(:old_style) ? "listfilters" : "filterlist"

          api_function: func

      # Public: Add a POP account.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain   - String domain for the email account.
      #   :email    - String local part of email address. "user" if
      #               "user@domain".
      #   :password - String password for email account.
      #   :quota    - Integer disk space quota in MB, 0 for unlimited.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def add_account(options = {})
          api_function: "addpop"

      # Public: Get a list of email accounts. Uses the cPanel-preferred
      # API call Email::listpopswithdisk.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #  :domain        - String domain for which to retrieve email accounts
      #                   (optional).
      #  :regex         - String regular expression to filter results
      #                   (optional).
      #  :nearquotaonly - String value. Set to "1" to only view accounts that
      #                   have used >= 95% of their quota (optional).
      #  :no_validate   - String vlaue. Set to "1" to only read data from
      #                   account's ".cpanel/email_accounts.yaml" file. This
      #                   parameter is "off" by default, causing the function
      #                   to check the passwd file, quota files, etc.
      #                   (optional).
      #  :style         - Symbol account list style (optional,
      #                   default: :with_disk). Accepted: :with_disk,
      #                   :without_disk, :with_image, :single.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def accounts(options = {})
        styles = {
          with_disk:    "listpopswithdisk",
          without_disk: "listpops",
          with_image:   "listpopswithimage",
          single:       "listpopssingle"
        func = styles.fetch(options.delete(:style), styles[:with_disk])

          api_function: func

      # Public: Configure a default (catchall) email address.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :fwdopt   - String defines how unroutable mail will be handled.
      #               Valid values are: fail, fwd, blackhole, pipe.
      #   :domain   - String domain to apply the rule.
      #   :failmsgs - String failure message for bounces (Optional).
      #   :fwdemail - String email address to forward to (Optional).
      #   :pipefwd  - String program to pipe messages to (Optional).
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def set_default_address(options = {})
          api_function: "setdefaultaddress"

      # Public: Get default address info.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String efault address domain.
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def default_address(options = {})
          api_function: "listdefaultaddresses"

      # Public: Get disk usage information for an email account.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :domain - String value. "" if ""
      #   :login  - String value. "user" if "".
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def disk_usage(options = {})
          api_function: "getdiskusage"

      # Public: Get full path to a mail folder.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :account - String email address.
      #   :dir     - String mail folder you wish to query for its full path
      #              (optional, default: "mail").
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def mail_dir(options = {})
          api_function: "getabsbrowsedir"

      # Public: Retrieve a list of mail dirs.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #   :account      - String email account (optional).
      #   :dir          - String mail directories to display (optional).
      #                   "default" or "mail" will list all mail dirs.
      #                   Providing a domain will list dirs related to the
      #                   domain.
      #   :showdotfiles - Boolean view hidden directories?
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def mail_dirs(options = {})
          api_function: "browseboxes"

      # Public: Remove an email account
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :domain - String domain for which you wish to remove the email
      #             account
      #   :email  - String email address you wish to remove
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def remove(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: 'delpop' }.merge(options))

      # Public: Modify an email account's quota.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :domain - String domain for which you wish to modify
      #   :email  - String username of the email address you wish to modify,
      #             e.g: 'user' if the address is ''
      #   :quota  - Integer indicating the new disk quota value in MB. Enter 0
      #             for an unlimited quota
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def edit_quota(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: 'editquota' }.merge(options))

      # Public: Retrieve a list of character encodings supported by cPanel
      # Returns Hash API response.
      def acceptable_encodings
        perform_request({ api_function: 'fetchcharmaps' })

      # Public: Retrieve the destination for email forwarded by a domain
      # forwarder
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :domain - String domain corresponding to the forwarder whose
      #             destination you wish to view
      # Returns Hash API response
      def listdomainforwards(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "listdomainforwards" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Retrieve a list of auto responders associated with a domain
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :domain - String domain whose auto responders you wish to view
      #             (default: String)
      #   :regex - String regular expresion to filter search results (default:
      #            String)
      # Returns Hash API response
      def listautoresponders(options = {})
        perform_request({ api_function: "listautoresponders" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Retrieve a list of domains that use domain-level filters
      # Returns Hash API response
      def listfilterbackups
        perform_request({ api_function: "listfilterbackups" })

      # Public: Retrieve a list of email filters
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :account - String parameter allows you to specify an email address or
      #              account username to review user-level filters. Specifying
      #              an email address will cause the function to retrieve user
      #              level filters associated with the account. Entering a
      #              cPanel username will cause the function to return user
      #              level filters associated with your account's default email
      #              address. If you do not specify this value, the function
      #              will retrieve account level filter information (default:
      #              String)
      # Returns Hash API response
      def filterlist(options={})
        perform_request({ api_function: "filterlist" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Test the action of account-level mail filters. You can only
      # test filters for your cPanel account's main domain. This function only
      # tests the body of the message. You must have access to the 'blockers'
      # feature to use this function.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :message - String body of the message you wish to test
      #   :account - String to test old-style Cpanel filters in $home/filters.
      #              By not specifying this parameter, you will test your main
      #              domain's filters found in the /etc/vfilters/ directory (
      #              default: String)
      # Returns Hash API response
      def tracefilter(options={})
        options[:msg] = options.delete(:message)
        perform_request({ api_function: "tracefilter" }.merge(options))

      # Public: Retrieve information about an auto responder used by a
      # specified email address
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {})
      #   :email - String email address corresponding to the auto responder
      #            information you wish to review
      # Returns Hash API response
      def fetchautoresponder(options={})
        perform_request({ api_function: "fetchautoresponder" }.merge(options))
      # Public: This function changes an email account's password.
      # options - Hash options for API call params (default: {}):
      #  :domain   - String domain for the email address for which you wish
      #              to change the password.
      #  :email    - String username for the email address for
      #              which you wish to change the password.
      #  :password - String value. The desired password for the account.
      # Returns Hash API response
      def change_password(options={})
        perform_request({ api_function: "passwdpop" }.merge(options))