= ShortURL 0.8.1 == Summary ShortURL is a very simple library to use URL shortening services such as TinyURL or RubyURL. == Installation ShortURL is available as a gem, installation is just like any other gem: <tt>$ gem install -r shorturl</tt> You can also download the tar.bz2 archive at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=732 if you do not want to use the gem. == Supported services Here is the list of the services supported by ShortURL: * http://rubyurl.com * http://tinyurl.com * http://shorl.com * http://snipurl.com * http://metamark.net * http://makeashorterlink.com * http://skinnylink.com * http://linktrim.com * http://shorterlink.com * http://minilink.org * http://ln-s.net * http://fyad.org * http://d62.net * http://shiturl.com * http://littlink.com * http://clipurl.com * http://shortify.com * http://0rz.net * http://skinnylink.com == Usage: call-seq: require "shorturl" puts WWW::ShortURL.shorten("http://mypage.com") puts WWW::ShortURL.shorten("http://mypage.com", :tinyurl) The second parameter represents the service you want to use. These are: * <tt>:rubyurl</tt> * <tt>:tinyurl</tt> * <tt>:shorl</tt> * <tt>:snipurl</tt> * <tt>:metamark</tt> * <tt>:makeashorterlink</tt> * <tt>:skinnylink</tt> * <tt>:linktrim</tt> * <tt>:shorterlink</tt> * <tt>:minlink</tt> * <tt>:lns</tt> * <tt>:fyad</tt> * <tt>:d62</tt> * <tt>:shiturl</tt> * <tt>:littlink</tt> * <tt>:clipurl</tt> * <tt>:shortify</tt> * <tt>:orz</tt> * <tt>:skinnylink</tt> You can use <tt>ShortURL.valid_services</tt> to obtain a list of the valid services (in case I forget to update the documentation) You can also use the small script in bin/ which can be used from the command line: call-seq: $ shorturl www.google.com http://rubyurl.com/fuuUw $ shorturl -s tinyurl www.google.com http://tinyurl.com/1c2 $ == Thanks - Marcel Molina Jr., Devin Mullins for some ideas - imperator from #ruby-lang (I don't know your real name, sorry) for helping me with creating and uploading a RubyGem - Daniel Dipaolo for telling me about ln-s.net and fyad.org == Author Vincent Foley