# Effective use of Rails' routes can help create a tidy and elegant set of URLs,
# and is a significant part of creating an external API for your web application.
# When developing plugins which contain controllers, it seems obvious that including
# the corresponding routes would be extremely useful. This is particularly true
# when exposing RESTful resources using the new REST-ian features of Rails 1.2.
# == Including routes in your plugin
# The engines plugin makes it possible to include a set of routes within your plugin
# very simply, as it turns out. In your plugin, you simply include a <tt>routes.rb</tt> 
# file like the one below at the root of your plugin:
#   connect "/login", :controller => "my_plugin/account", :action => "login"
#   # add a named route
#   logout "/logout", :controller => "my_plugin/account", :action => "logout"
#   # some restful stuff
#   resources :things do |t|
#     t.resources :other_things
#   end
# Everywhere in a normal <tt>RAILS_ROOT/config/routes.rb</tt> file 
# where you might have <tt>map.connect</tt>, you just use <tt>connect</tt> in your 
# plugin's <tt>routes.rb</tt>.
# === Hooking it up in your application
# While it would be possible to have each plugin's routes automagically included into
# the application's route set, to do so would actually be a stunningly bad idea. Route
# priority is the key issue here. You, the application developer, needs to be in complete
# control when it comes to specifying the priority of routes in your application, since 
# the ordering of your routes directly affects how Rails will interpret incoming requests.
# To add plugin routes into your application's <tt>routes.rb</tt> file, you need to explicitly 
# map them in using the Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing#from_plugin method:
#   ApplicationController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
#     map.connect "/app_stuff", :controller => "application_thing" # etc...
#     # This line includes the routes from the given plugin at this point, giving you
#     # control over the priority of your application routes 
#     map.from_plugin :your_plugin
#     map.connect ":controller/:action/:id"
#   end
# By including routes in plugins which have controllers, you can now share in a simple way 
# a compact and elegant URL scheme which corresponds to those controllers.
# ---
# The Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing module defines extensions to Rails' 
# routing (ActionController::Routing) mechanism such that routes can be loaded 
# from a given plugin.
# The key method is Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing#from_plugin, which can be called 
# within your application's <tt>config/routes.rb</tt> file to load plugin routes at that point.
module Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing
  # Loads the set of routes from within a plugin and evaluates them at this
  # point within an application's main <tt>routes.rb</tt> file.
  # Plugin routes are loaded from <tt><plugin_root>/routes.rb</tt>.
  def from_plugin(name)
    # At the point in which routing is loaded, we cannot guarantee that all
    # plugins are in Rails.plugins, so instead we need to use find_plugin_path
    path = Engines.find_plugin_path(name)
    routes_path = File.join(path, name.to_s, "routes.rb")
    logger.debug "loading routes from #{routes_path}"
    eval(IO.read(routes_path), binding, routes_path) if File.file?(routes_path)

::ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing)