require 'ddbcli/ddb-client' require 'ddbcli/' require 'ddbcli/ddb-iteratorable' require 'forwardable' require 'strscan' module DynamoDB class Driver extend Forwardable MAX_NUMBER_BATCH_PROCESS_ITEMS = 25 class Rownum def initialize(rownum) @rownum = rownum end def to_i @rownum end end # Rownum def initialize(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, endpoint_or_region) @client =, secretAccessKey, endpoint_or_region) @consistent = false @iteratable = false end def_delegators( :@client, :endpoint, :region, :timeout, :'timeout=', :set_endpoint_and_region, :retry_num, :'retry_num=', :retry_intvl, :'retry_intvl=', :debug, :'debug=') attr_accessor :consistent attr_accessor :iteratable def execute(query, opts = {}) parsed, script_type, script = Parser.parse(query) command ='::').last.to_sym if command != :NEXT @last_action = nil @last_parsed = nil @last_evaluated_key = nil end retval = case command when :SHOW_TABLES do_show_tables(parsed) when :SHOW_TABLE_STATUS do_show_table_status(parsed) when :SHOW_REGIONS do_show_regions(parsed) when :SHOW_CREATE_TABLE do_show_create_table(parsed) when :ALTER_TABLE do_alter_table(parsed) when :ALTER_TABLE_INDEX do_alter_table_index(parsed) when :USE do_use(parsed) when :CREATE do_create(parsed) when :CREATE_LIKE do_create_like(parsed) when :DROP do_drop(parsed) when :DESCRIBE do_describe(parsed) when :SELECT do_select('Query', parsed) when :SCAN do_select('Scan', parsed) when :GET do_get(parsed) when :UPDATE do_update(parsed) when :UPDATE_ALL do_update_all(parsed) when :DELETE do_delete(parsed) when :DELETE_ALL do_delete_all(parsed) when :INSERT do_insert(parsed) when :INSERT_SELECT do_insert_select('Query', parsed) when :INSERT_SCAN do_insert_select('Scan', parsed) when :NEXT if @last_action and @last_parsed and @last_evaluated_key do_select(@last_action, @last_parsed, :last_evaluated_key => @last_evaluated_key) else [] end when :NULL nil else raise 'must not happen' end begin case script_type when :ruby retval = if retval.kind_of?(DynamoDB::Iteratorable) retval.instance_eval(script) when :shell retval = if retval.kind_of?(DynamoDB::Iteratorable) IO.popen(script, "r+") do |f| f.puts(retval.kind_of?(Array) ? {|i| i.to_s }.join("\n") : retval.to_s) f.close_write end when :overwrite open(script, 'wb') {|f| print_json(retval, f, opts.merge(:show_rows => false, :strip => true)) } retval = nil when :append open(script, 'ab') {|f| print_json(retval, f, opts.merge(:show_rows => false, :strip => true)) } retval = nil else retval end rescue Exception => e raise DynamoDB::Error, e.message, e.backtrace end end def import(table, items) n = 0 until (chunk = items.slice!(0, MAX_NUMBER_BATCH_PROCESS_ITEMS)).empty? operations = [] req_hash = { 'RequestItems' => { table => operations, }, } chunk.each do |item| h = {} operations << { 'PutRequest' => { 'Item' => h, }, } item.each do |name, val| h[name] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end batch_write_item(req_hash) n += chunk.length end return n end private def do_show_tables(parsed) do_show_tables0(, parsed.limit) end def do_show_tables0(like, limit = nil) like = like ? like_to_regexp(like) : nil req_hash = {} table_names = [] req_hash['Limit'] = limit if limit list = lambda do |last_evaluated_table_name| req_hash['ExclusiveStartTableName'] = last_evaluated_table_name if last_evaluated_table_name res_data = @client.query('ListTables', req_hash) table_names.concat(res_data['TableNames']) res_data['LastEvaluatedTableName'] end letn = nil loop do letn = if limit or not letn break end end return like ? {|i| i =~ like } : table_names end def do_show_table_status(parsed) table_names = do_show_tables0( h = {} do |table_name| table_info = @client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' => table_name)['Table'] h[table_name] = {} %w(TableStatus ItemCount TableSizeBytes).each do |i| h[table_name][i] = table_info[i] end provisioned_throughput = table_info['ProvisionedThroughput'] %w(ReadCapacityUnits WriteCapacityUnits).each do |i| h[table_name][i] = provisioned_throughput[i] end lsis = table_info.fetch('LocalSecondaryIndexes', []) unless lsis.empty? lsi_h = h[table_name]['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] = {} lsis.each do |lsi| lsi_h[lsi['IndexName']] = { 'IndexSizeBytes' => lsi['IndexSizeBytes'], 'ItemCount' => lsi['ItemCount'], } end end gsis = table_info.fetch('GlobalSecondaryIndexes', []) unless gsis.empty? gsi_h = h[table_name]['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] = {} gsis.each do |gsi| gsi_h[gsi['IndexName']] = { 'IndexSizeBytes' => gsi['IndexSizeBytes'], 'IndexStatus' => gsi['IndexStatus'], 'ItemCount' => gsi['ItemCount'], 'ProvisionedThroughput' => { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => gsi['ProvisionedThroughput']['ReadCapacityUnits'], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => gsi['ProvisionedThroughput']['WriteCapacityUnits'], }, } end end end return h end def do_show_regions(parsed) DynamoDB::Endpoint.regions end def do_show_create_table(parsed) table_info = @client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' => parsed.table)['Table'] table_name = table_info['TableName'] attr_types = {} table_info['AttributeDefinitions'].each do |i| name = i['AttributeName'] attr_types[name] = { 'S' => 'STRING', 'N' => 'NUMBER', 'B' => 'BINARY', }.fetch(i['AttributeType']) end key_schema = {} table_info['KeySchema'].map do |i| name = i['AttributeName'] key_type = i['KeyType'] key_schema[name] = key_type end indexes = {} (table_info['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] || []).each do |i| index_name = i['IndexName'] key_name = i['KeySchema'].find {|j| j['KeyType'] == 'RANGE' }['AttributeName'] proj_type = i['Projection']['ProjectionType'] proj_attrs = i['Projection']['NonKeyAttributes'] indexes[index_name] = [key_name, proj_type, proj_attrs] end global_indexes = {} (table_info['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] || []).each do |i| index_name = i['IndexName'] next unless i['KeySchema'] key_names = i['KeySchema'].map {|j| j['AttributeName'] } proj_type = i['Projection']['ProjectionType'] proj_attrs = i['Projection']['NonKeyAttributes'] idx_throughput = i['ProvisionedThroughput'] idx_throughput = { :read => idx_throughput['ReadCapacityUnits'], :write => idx_throughput['WriteCapacityUnits'], } global_indexes[index_name] = [key_names, proj_type, proj_attrs, idx_throughput] end throughput = table_info['ProvisionedThroughput'] throughput = { :read => throughput['ReadCapacityUnits'], :write => throughput['WriteCapacityUnits'], } stream = table_info['StreamSpecification'] quote = lambda {|i| '`' + i.gsub('`', '``') + '`' } # ` buf = "CREATE TABLE #{quote[table_name]} (" buf << "\n " + {|name, key_type| attr_type = attr_types[name] "#{quote[name]} #{attr_type} #{key_type}" }.join(",\n ") unless indexes.empty? buf << ",\n " + {|index_name, key_name_proj| key_name, proj_type, proj_attrs = key_name_proj attr_type = attr_types[key_name] index_clause = "INDEX #{quote[index_name]} (#{quote[key_name]} #{attr_type}) #{proj_type}" index_clause << " (#{proj_attrs.join(', ')})" if proj_attrs index_clause }.join(",\n ") end unless global_indexes.empty? buf << ",\n " + {|index_name, key_names_proj_itp| key_names, proj_type, proj_attrs, idx_throughput = key_names_proj_itp index_clause = "GLOBAL INDEX #{quote[index_name]} (" index_clause << {|key_name| attr_type = attr_types[key_name] "#{quote[key_name]} #{attr_type}" }.join(', ') index_clause << ") #{proj_type}" index_clause << " (#{proj_attrs.join(', ')})" if proj_attrs index_clause << ' ' + {|k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' ') index_clause }.join(",\n ") end buf << "\n)" buf << ' ' + {|k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(' ') if stream and stream['StreamEnabled'] buf << " stream=#{stream['StreamViewType']}" end buf << "\n\n" return buf end def do_alter_table(parsed) req_hash = {'TableName' => parsed.table} if parsed.capacity req_hash['ProvisionedThroughput'] = { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:read], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:write], } end unless if view_type = ( == true) ? 'KEYS_ONLY' : req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = { 'StreamEnabled' => true, 'StreamViewType' => view_type, } else req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = {'StreamEnabled' => false} end end @client.query('UpdateTable', req_hash) nil end def do_alter_table_index(parsed) req_hash = {'TableName' => parsed.table} index_definition = parsed.index_definition gsi_updates = req_hash['GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates'] = [] case parsed.action when 'Update' gsi_updates << { 'Update' => { 'IndexName' => index_definition[:name], 'ProvisionedThroughput' => { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => index_definition[:capacity][:read], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => index_definition[:capacity][:write], }, }, } when 'Create' attr_defs = req_hash['AttributeDefinitions'] = [] gsi_updates << { 'Create' => define_index(index_definition, attr_defs, :global => true), } when 'Delete' gsi_updates << { 'Delete' => { 'IndexName' => index_definition[:name], }, } end @client.query('UpdateTable', req_hash) nil end def do_use(parsed) eor = parsed.endpoint_or_region if %r|\A\w+://| =~ eor or /:\d+\Z/ =~ eor eor = "http://#{eor}" unless eor =~ %r|\A\w+://| eor = URI.parse(eor) unless /\Ahttps?\Z/ =~ eor.scheme raise URI::InvalidURIError, "invalid shceme: #{parsed.endpoint_or_region}" end end set_endpoint_and_region(eor) nil end def do_create(parsed) req_hash = { 'TableName' => parsed.table, 'ProvisionedThroughput' => { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:read], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:write], }, } if view_type = ( == true) ? 'KEYS_ONLY' : req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = { 'StreamEnabled' => true, 'StreamViewType' => view_type, } end # hash key req_hash['AttributeDefinitions'] = [ { 'AttributeName' => parsed.hash[:name], 'AttributeType' => parsed.hash[:type], } ] req_hash['KeySchema'] = [ { 'AttributeName' => parsed.hash[:name], 'KeyType' => 'HASH', } ] # range key if parsed.range req_hash['AttributeDefinitions'] << { 'AttributeName' => parsed.range[:name], 'AttributeType' => parsed.range[:type], } req_hash['KeySchema'] << { 'AttributeName' => parsed.range[:name], 'KeyType' => 'RANGE', } end # secondary index local_indices = (parsed.indices || []).select {|i| not i[:global] } global_indices = (parsed.indices || []).select {|i| i[:global] } # local secondary index unless local_indices.empty? req_hash['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] = [] local_indices.each do |idx_def| local_secondary_index = define_index(idx_def, req_hash['AttributeDefinitions'], :global => false, :hash_name => parsed.hash[:name]) req_hash['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] << local_secondary_index end end # global secondary index unless global_indices.empty? req_hash['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] = [] global_indices.each do |idx_def| global_secondary_index = define_index(idx_def, req_hash['AttributeDefinitions'], :global => true, :capacity => parsed.capacity) req_hash['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] << global_secondary_index end end @client.query('CreateTable', req_hash) nil end def define_attribute(attr_name, attr_type, attr_defs) same_attr = attr_defs.find {|i| i['AttributeName'] == attr_name } if same_attr if same_attr['AttributeType'] != attr_type raise DynamoDB::Error, "different types have been defined: #{attr_name}" end else attr_defs << { 'AttributeName' => attr_name, 'AttributeType' => attr_type, } end end def define_index(idx_def, attr_defs, def_idx_opts) global_idx = def_idx_opts[:global] if global_idx idx_def[:keys].each do |key_type, name_type| define_attribute(name_type[:key], name_type[:type], attr_defs) end else define_attribute(idx_def[:key], idx_def[:type], attr_defs) end secondary_index = { 'IndexName' => idx_def[:name], 'Projection' => { 'ProjectionType' => idx_def[:projection][:type], } } if global_idx secondary_index['KeySchema'] = [] [:hash, :range].each do |key_type| name_type = idx_def[:keys][key_type] if name_type secondary_index['KeySchema'] << { 'AttributeName' => name_type[:key], 'KeyType' => key_type.to_s.upcase, } end end else secondary_index['KeySchema'] = [ { 'AttributeName' => def_idx_opts.fetch(:hash_name), 'KeyType' => 'HASH', }, { 'AttributeName' => idx_def[:key], 'KeyType' => 'RANGE', }, ] end if idx_def[:projection][:attrs] secondary_index['Projection']['NonKeyAttributes'] = idx_def[:projection][:attrs] end if global_idx capacity = idx_def[:capacity] || def_idx_opts.fetch(:capacity) secondary_index['ProvisionedThroughput'] = { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => capacity[:read], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => capacity[:write], } end secondary_index end def do_create_like(parsed) table_info = @client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' =>['Table'] req_hash = { 'TableName' => parsed.table, 'AttributeDefinitions' => table_info['AttributeDefinitions'], 'KeySchema' => table_info['KeySchema'], } local_secondary_indexes = (table_info['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] || []) unless local_secondary_indexes.empty? req_hash['LocalSecondaryIndexes'] = do |lsi| h = {} %w(IndexName KeySchema Projection).each do |i| h[i] = lsi[i] end h end end global_secondary_indexes = (table_info['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] || []) unless global_secondary_indexes.empty? req_hash['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'] = do |gsi| h = {} %w(IndexName KeySchema Projection).each do |i| h[i] = gsi[i] end h['ProvisionedThroughput'] = h_pt = {} %w(ReadCapacityUnits WriteCapacityUnits).each do |i| h_pt[i] = gsi['ProvisionedThroughput'][i] end h end end if parsed.capacity req_hash['ProvisionedThroughput'] = { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:read], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => parsed.capacity[:write], } else req_hash['ProvisionedThroughput'] = { 'ReadCapacityUnits' => table_info['ProvisionedThroughput']['ReadCapacityUnits'], 'WriteCapacityUnits' => table_info['ProvisionedThroughput']['WriteCapacityUnits'], } end if not if view_type = ( == true) ? 'KEYS_ONLY' : req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = { 'StreamEnabled' => true, 'StreamViewType' => view_type, } else req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = {'StreamEnabled' => false} end elsif table_info['StreamSpecification'] req_hash['StreamSpecification'] = table_info['StreamSpecification'] end @client.query('CreateTable', req_hash) nil end def do_drop(parsed) parsed.tables.each do |table_name| @client.query('DeleteTable', 'TableName' => table_name) end nil end def do_describe(parsed) (@client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' => parsed.table) || {}).fetch('Table', {}) end def do_select(action, parsed, opts = {}) do_select0(action, parsed, opts) do |i| convert_to_ruby_value(i) end end def do_select0(action, parsed, opts = {}) select_proc = lambda do |last_evaluated_key| req_hash = {'TableName' => parsed.table} req_hash['AttributesToGet'] = parsed.attrs unless parsed.attrs.empty? req_hash['Limit'] = parsed.limit if parsed.limit req_hash['ExclusiveStartKey'] = last_evaluated_key if last_evaluated_key case action when 'Query' req_hash['ConsistentRead'] = @consistent if @consistent req_hash['IndexName'] = parsed.index if parsed.index req_hash['ScanIndexForward'] = parsed.order_asc unless parsed.order_asc.nil? when 'Scan' req_hash['Segment'] = parsed.segment if parsed.segment req_hash['TotalSegments'] = parsed.total_segments if parsed.total_segments req_hash['IndexName'] = parsed.index if parsed.index end # XXX: req_hash['ReturnConsumedCapacity'] = ... if parsed.count req_hash['Select'] = 'COUNT' elsif not parsed.attrs.empty? req_hash['Select'] = 'SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES' end # key conditions / scan filter if parsed.conds param_name = (action == 'Query') ? 'KeyConditions' : 'ScanFilter' req_hash[param_name] = {} parsed.conds.each do |key, operator, values| h = req_hash[param_name][key] = { 'ComparisonOperator' => operator.to_s } h['AttributeValueList'] = do |val| convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end end # key conditions / scan filter # query filter if action == 'Query' and parsed.having req_hash['QueryFilter'] = {} parsed.having.each do |key, operator, values| h = req_hash['QueryFilter'][key] = { 'ComparisonOperator' => operator.to_s } h['AttributeValueList'] = do |val| convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end end # query filter rd = nil begin rd = @client.query(action, req_hash) rescue DynamoDB::Error => e if action == 'Query' and['__type'] == '' and not (['message'] ||['Message']) table_info = (@client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' => parsed.table) || {}).fetch('Table', {}) rescue {} unless table_info.fetch('KeySchema', []).any? {|i| i ||= {}; i['KeyType'] == 'RANGE' } e.message << 'Query can be performed only on a table with a HASH,RANGE key schema' end end raise e end rd end res_data =[:last_evaluated_key]) retval = nil if parsed.count retval = res_data['Count'] while res_data['LastEvaluatedKey'] res_data =['LastEvaluatedKey']) retval += res_data['Count'] end else retval = block_given? ? res_data['Items'].map {|i| yield(i) } : res_data['Items'] limit_orig = parsed.limit if @iteratable or opts[:iteratable] or (parsed.limit and retval.length < parsed.limit) parsed.limit -= retval.length if parsed.limit while res_data['LastEvaluatedKey'] res_data =['LastEvaluatedKey']) items = block_given? ? res_data['Items'].map {|i| yield(i) } : res_data['Items'] retval.concat(items) if parsed.limit parsed.limit -= items.length break if parsed.limit < 1 end end end end parsed.limit = limit_orig; if res_data['LastEvaluatedKey'] @last_action = action @last_parsed = parsed @last_evaluated_key = res_data['LastEvaluatedKey'] retval =, res_data['LastEvaluatedKey']) else @last_action = nil @last_parsed = nil @last_evaluated_key = nil end return retval end def do_get(parsed) req_hash = {'TableName' => parsed.table} req_hash['AttributesToGet'] = parsed.attrs unless parsed.attrs.empty? req_hash['ConsistentRead'] = @consistent if @consistent # key req_hash['Key'] = {} parsed.conds.each do |key, val| req_hash['Key'][key] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end # key convert_to_ruby_value(@client.query('GetItem', req_hash)['Item']) end def do_update(parsed) req_hash = { 'TableName' => parsed.table, } # key req_hash['Key'] = {} parsed.conds.each do |key, val| req_hash['Key'][key] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end # key # attribute updates req_hash['AttributeUpdates'] = {} parsed.attrs.each do |attr, val| h = req_hash['AttributeUpdates'][attr] = {} h['Action'] = parsed.action.to_s.upcase if h['Action'] != 'DELETE' h['Value'] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end # attribute updates @client.query('UpdateItem', req_hash) end def do_update_all(parsed) items = scan_for_update(parsed) return if items.empty? n = items.length items.each do |key_hash| req_hash = { 'TableName' => parsed.table, } # key req_hash['Key'] = {} key_hash.each do |key, val| req_hash['Key'][key] = val end # key # attribute updates req_hash['AttributeUpdates'] = {} parsed.attrs.each do |attr, val| h = req_hash['AttributeUpdates'][attr] = {} h['Action'] = parsed.action.to_s.upcase if h['Action'] != 'DELETE' h['Value'] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end # attribute updates @client.query('UpdateItem', req_hash) end end def do_delete(parsed) req_hash = { 'TableName' => parsed.table, } # key req_hash['Key'] = {} parsed.conds.each do |key, val| req_hash['Key'][key] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end # key @client.query('DeleteItem', req_hash) end def do_delete_all(parsed) items = scan_for_update(parsed) return if items.empty? n = items.length until (chunk = items.slice!(0, MAX_NUMBER_BATCH_PROCESS_ITEMS)).empty? operations = [] req_hash = { 'RequestItems' => { parsed.table => operations, }, } chunk.each do |key_hash| operations << { 'DeleteRequest' => { 'Key' => key_hash, }, } end batch_write_item(req_hash) end end def scan_for_update(parsed) # DESCRIBE key_names = @client.query('DescribeTable', 'TableName' => parsed.table)['Table']['KeySchema'] key_names = {|h| h['AttributeName'] } items = [] # SCAN scan = lambda do |last_evaluated_key| req_hash = {'TableName' => parsed.table} req_hash['AttributesToGet'] = key_names req_hash['Limit'] = parsed.limit if parsed.limit req_hash['Select'] = 'SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES' req_hash['ExclusiveStartKey'] = last_evaluated_key if last_evaluated_key # XXX: req_hash['ReturnConsumedCapacity'] = ... # scan filter if parsed.conds req_hash['ScanFilter'] = {} parsed.conds.each do |key, operator, values| h = req_hash['ScanFilter'][key] = { 'ComparisonOperator' => operator.to_s } h['AttributeValueList'] = do |val| convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end end # scan filter res_data = @client.query('Scan', req_hash) res_data_items = res_data['Items'] parsed.limit -= res_data_items.length if parsed.limit items.concat(res_data_items) res_data['LastEvaluatedKey'] end lek = nil loop do lek = if not lek or (parsed.limit and parsed.limit < 1) break end end return items end def convert_to_attribute_value(val) case val when Array {'L' => {|i| convert_to_attribute_value(i) }} when Hash h = {} val.each {|k, v| h[k] = convert_to_attribute_value(v) } {'M' => h} when TrueClass, FalseClass {'BOOL' => val.to_s} when NilClass {'NULL' => "true"} else suffix = '' obj = val if val.kind_of?(Set) suffix = 'S' obj = val.first val = {|i| i.to_s } else val = val.to_s end case obj when DynamoDB::Binary {"B#{suffix}" => val} when String {"S#{suffix}" => val} when Numeric {"N#{suffix}" => val} else raise 'must not happen' end end end def convert_to_ruby_value(item) h = {} (item || {}).sort_by {|a, b| a }.map do |name, val| h[name] = convert_to_ruby_value0(val) end return h end def convert_to_ruby_value0(val) val = do |val_type, ddb_val| case val_type when 'L' {|i| convert_to_ruby_value0(i) } when 'M' h = {} {|k, v| h[k] = convert_to_ruby_value0(v) } h when 'NS' {|i| str_to_num(i) } when 'N' str_to_num(ddb_val) when 'NULL' nil else ddb_val end end val = val.first if val.length == 1 val end def do_insert(parsed) n = 0 until (chunk = parsed.values.slice!(0, MAX_NUMBER_BATCH_PROCESS_ITEMS)).empty? operations = [] req_hash = { 'RequestItems' => { parsed.table => operations, }, } chunk.each do |val_list| h = {} operations << { 'PutRequest' => { 'Item' => h, }, } if parsed.attrs.length != val_list.length raise DynamoDB::Error, "number of attribute name and value are different: #{parsed.attrs.inspect} != #{val_list.inspect}" end do |name, val| h[name] = convert_to_attribute_value(val) end end batch_write_item(req_hash) n += chunk.length end end def do_insert_select(action, parsed) if raise DynamoDB::Error, '"COUNT(*)" cannot be inserted.' end items = do_select0(action,, :iteratable => true) items = if items.kind_of?(Iteratorable) n = 0 until (chunk = items.slice!(0, MAX_NUMBER_BATCH_PROCESS_ITEMS)).empty? operations = [] req_hash = { 'RequestItems' => { parsed.table => operations, }, } chunk.each do |item| operations << { 'PutRequest' => {'Item' => item} } end batch_write_item(req_hash) n += chunk.length end end def str_to_num(str) str =~ /\./ ? str.to_f : str.to_i end def batch_write_item(req_hash) res_data = @client.query('BatchWriteItem', req_hash) until (res_data['UnprocessedItems'] || {}).empty? req_hash['RequestItems'] = res_data['UnprocessedItems'] res_data = @client.query('BatchWriteItem', req_hash) end end def like_to_regexp(like) ss = tok = nil regexp = '' until ss.eos? if (tok = ss.scan /\\\\/) regexp << '\\' elsif (tok = ss.scan /\\%/) regexp << '%' elsif (tok = ss.scan /\\_/) regexp << '_' elsif (tok = ss.scan /%/) regexp << '.*' elsif (tok = ss.scan /_/) regexp << '.' elsif (tok = ss.scan /[^\\%_]+/) regexp << tok end end Regexp.compile("\\A#{regexp}\\Z") end end # Driver end # DynamoDB