# frozen_string_literal: true desc "Generate a secret key for use in sessions, token generation, and beyond" task :secret do require "securerandom" puts SecureRandom.hex(64) # rubocop:disable Bridgetown/NoPutsAllowed end namespace :frontend do desc "Run frontend bundler independently" task :watcher, :sidecar do |_task, args| # sidecar is when the task is running alongside the start command sidecar = args[:sidecar] == true Bridgetown::Utils::Aux.run_process "Frontend", :yellow, "bundle exec bridgetown frontend:dev" if sidecar # give FE bundler time to boot before returning control to the start command sleep Bridgetown::Utils.frontend_bundler_type == :esbuild ? 3 : 4 else trap("INT") do Bridgetown::Utils::Aux.kill_processes sleep 0.5 exit(0) end loop { sleep 1000 } end end end namespace :roda do desc "Prints out the Roda routes file" task :routes do require "bridgetown-core/rack/boot" Bridgetown::Rack::Roda.print_routes end end desc "Prerequisite task which loads site and provides automation" task :environment do # rubocop:todo Metrics/BlockLength class HammerActions < Thor # rubocop:disable Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock include Thor::Actions include Bridgetown::Commands::Actions def self.source_root Dir.pwd end def self.exit_on_failure? true end private def site(context: :rake) @site ||= begin config = Bridgetown::Current.preloaded_configuration config.run_initializers! context: context Bridgetown::Site.new(config) end end end define_singleton_method :automation do |*args, &block| @hammer ||= HammerActions.new @hammer.instance_exec(*args, &block) end %i(site run_initializers).each do |meth| define_singleton_method meth do |**kwargs| @hammer ||= HammerActions.new @hammer.send(:site, **kwargs) end end end