Feature: Row elements can be modeled. Acceptance criteria All conceptual pieces of a Row can be modeled: 1. the row's source line 2. the row's cells Background: Test file setup. Given the following feature file: """ Feature: Scenario Outline: * a step Examples: | param1 | param2 | extra param | | x | y | ? | | 1 | 2 | 3 | Examples: | param1 | | a | """ And parameter delimiters of "*" and "*" When the file is read Scenario: The row's source line is modeled. Then the test example block "1" row "1" is found to have the following properties: | source_line | 6 | And the test example block "1" row "2" is found to have the following properties: | source_line | 7 | And the test example block "1" row "3" is found to have the following properties: | source_line | 8 | And the test example block "2" row "1" is found to have the following properties: | source_line | 10 | And the test example block "2" row "2" is found to have the following properties: | source_line | 11 | Scenario: The row's cells are modeled. Then the test example block "1" row "1" cells are as follows: | param1 | | param2 | | extra param | And the test example block "1" row "2" cells are as follows: | x | | y | | ? | And the test example block "1" row "3" cells are as follows: | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | And the test example block "2" row "1" cells are as follows: | param1 | And the test example block "2" row "2" cells are as follows: | a | Scenario Outline: Row models pass all other specifications Exact specifications detailing the API for Row models. Given that there are "" detailing models When the corresponding unit tests are run Then all of those specifications are met Examples: | additional specifications | | row_unit_spec.rb |