// Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. // All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. function prepBulkrax(event) { var refresh_button = $('.refresh-set-source'); var base_url = $('#importer_parser_fields_base_url'); var initial_base_url = base_url.val(); var file_path_value = $('#importer_parser_fields_import_file_path').val(); handleFileToggle(file_path_value); // Initialize the uploader only if hyraxUploader is defined if (typeof $.fn.hyraxUploader === 'function') { // Initialize the uploader $('.fileupload-bulkrax').hyraxUploader({ maxNumberOfFiles: 1 }); // Function to toggle 'required' attribute based on uploaded files function toggleRequiredAttribute() { const fileInput = $('#addfiles'); const uploadedFilesTable = $('.fileupload-bulkrax tbody.files'); if (uploadedFilesTable.find('tr.template-download').length > 0) { // Remove 'required' if there are uploaded files fileInput.removeAttr('required'); } else { // Add 'required' if no uploaded files fileInput.attr('required', 'required'); } } // Check the required attribute when a file is added or removed $('#addfiles').on('change', function() { toggleRequiredAttribute(); }); // Also check when an upload completes or is canceled $('.fileupload-bulkrax').on('fileuploadcompleted fileuploaddestroyed', function() { toggleRequiredAttribute(); }); // Ensure 'required' is only added if there are no files on form reset $('#file-upload-cancel-btn').on('click', function() { $('#addfiles').attr('required', 'required'); $('#addfiles').val(''); // Clear file input to ensure 'required' behavior resets }); // Initial check in case files are already uploaded toggleRequiredAttribute(); } // handle refreshing/loading of external sets via button click $('body').on('click', '.refresh-set-source', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); external_set_select = $("#importer_parser_fields_set"); handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select); }); // handle refreshing/loading of external sets via blur event for the base_url field $('body').on('blur', '#importer_parser_fields_base_url', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // retrieve the latest base_url base_url = $('#importer_parser_fields_base_url'); // ensure we don't make another query if the value is the same -- this can be forced by clicking the refresh button if (initial_base_url != base_url.val()) { external_set_select = $("#importer_parser_fields_set"); handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select); initial_base_url = base_url.val(); } }); // hide and show correct parser fields depending on klass setting $('body').on('change', '#importer_parser_klass', function(e) { handleParserKlass(); }); handleParserKlass(); // observer for cloud files being added var form = document.getElementById('new_importer'); if (form == null) { form = document.getElementsByClassName('edit_importer')[0]; } // only setup the observer on the new and edit importer pages if (form != null) { var config = { childList: true, attributes: true }; var callback = function(mutationsList) { for(var mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type == 'childList') { browseButton = document.getElementById('browse'); var exp = /selected_files\[[0-9]*\]\[url\]/; for (var node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.attributes != undefined) { var name = node.attributes.name.value; if (exp.test(name)) { browseButton.innerHTML = 'Cloud Files Added'; browseButton.style.backgroundColor = 'green'; browseButton.after(document.createElement("br"), node.value.toString()); } } } } } }; var observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(form, config); } } function handleFileToggle(file_path) { if (file_path === undefined || file_path.length === 0) { $('#file_path').hide(); $('#file_upload').hide(); $('#cloud').hide(); $('#existing_options').hide(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', null); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', null); } else { $('#file_path').show(); $('#file_upload').hide(); $('#cloud').hide(); $('#existing_options').hide(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', 'required'); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', null); $('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_specify_a_path_on_the_server').attr('checked', true); } $('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_upload_a_file').click(function(e){ $('#file_path').hide(); $('#file_upload').show(); $('#cloud').hide(); $('#existing_options').hide(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', null); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', 'required'); }); $('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_specify_a_path_on_the_server').click(function(e){ $('#file_path').show(); $('#file_upload').hide(); $('#cloud').hide(); $('#existing_options').hide(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', 'required'); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', null); }); $('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_add_cloud_file').click(function(e){ $('#file_path').hide(); $('#file_upload').hide(); $('#cloud').show(); $('#existing_options').hide(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', null); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', null); }); $('#importer_parser_fields_file_style_existing_entries').click(function(e){ $('#file_path').hide(); $('#file_upload').hide(); $('#cloud').hide(); $('#existing_options').show(); $('#file_path input').attr('required', null); $('#file_upload input').attr('required', null); }); } function handleParserKlass() { <% Bulkrax.parsers.map{ |p| p[:partial]}.uniq.each do |partial| %> if($('.<%= partial %>').length > 0) { window.<%= partial %> = $('.<%= partial %>').detach(); } <% end %> var parser_klass = $("#importer_parser_klass option:selected"); if(parser_klass.length > 0 && parser_klass.data('partial') && parser_klass.data('partial').length > 0) { $('.parser_fields').append(window[parser_klass.data('partial')]); } handleBrowseEverything(); var file_path_value = $('#importer_parser_fields_import_file_path').val(); handleFileToggle(file_path_value); } function handleBrowseEverything(){ var button = $("button[data-toggle='browse-everything']"); if(button.length == 0) { return; } button.browseEverything({ route: button.data('route'), target: button.data('target') }).done(function(data) { var evt = { isDefaultPrevented: function() { return false; } }; $('.ev-browser.show').removeClass('show'); if($('#fileupload').length > 0) { var files = $.map(data, function(d) { return { name: d.file_name, size: d.file_size, id: d.url }; }); $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.done.call($('#fileupload').fileupload(), evt, { result: { files: files }}); } return true; }).cancel(function() { $('.ev-browser.show').removeClass('show'); }).fail(function(status, error, text) { $('.ev-browser.show').removeClass('show'); }); } function handleSourceLoad(refresh_button, base_url, external_set_select) { if (base_url.val() == "") { // ignore empty base_url value return; } var initial_button_text = refresh_button.html(); refresh_button.html('Refreshing...'); refresh_button.attr('disabled', true); $.post('/importers/external_sets', { base_url: base_url.val(), }, function(res) { if (!res.error) { genExternalSetOptions(external_set_select, res.sets); } else { setError(external_set_select, res.error); } refresh_button.html(initial_button_text); refresh_button.attr('disabled', false); }); } function genExternalSetOptions(selector, sets) { out = ''; out += sets.map(function(set) { return ''; }); selector.html(out); selector.attr('disabled', false); } function setError(selector, error) { selector.html(''); selector.attr('disabled', true); } $(document).on({'ready': prepBulkrax, 'turbolinks:load': prepBulkrax});