({ initComponent() { this.callParent(); this.mainPanel = this.down('panel[itemId="main_panel"]'); this.menuBar = this.down('container[itemId="menu_bar"]'); const statusBar = (this.statusBar = this.down( 'container[itemId="status_bar"]' )); // Setting the "busy" indicator for Ajax requests Ext.Ajax.on("beforerequest", function() { statusBar.showBusy(); }); Ext.Ajax.on("requestcomplete", function() { statusBar.hideBusy(); }); Ext.Ajax.on("requestexception", function() { statusBar.hideBusy(); }); this.setRouting(); this.netzkeInitComponentCallback(); }, setRouting() { this.router = Ext.util.History; this.router.init(); this.router.on("change", this.loadRoute, this); }, loadRoute(token) { if (token) { this.netzkeLoadComponent(token, { container: this.mainPanel }); } else { this.mainPanel.removeAll(); } }, afterRender() { this.callParent(); const currentToken = this.router.getToken(); if (typeof currentToken == "string" && currentToken.length > 0) { this.loadRoute(currentToken); } }, appLoadComponent(name) { this.router.add(name); }, netzkeLoadComponentByAction(action) { this.router.add(action.name.underscore()); }, onToggleConfigMode(_params) { this.toggleConfigMode(); }, netzkeInitComponentCallback() {}, // FIXME: move to netzke netzkeCallEndpoint(action) { const selected = this.getSelectionModel() .getSelection() .map((r) => r.id); const endpointName = action.endpointName || action.name; const camelCasedEndpointName = endpointName.replace(/_([a-z])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase() ); const requireConfirmation = action.requireConfirmation || action.confirmationMessage; const handlerFunction = this.server[camelCasedEndpointName]; if (!requireConfirmation) { return handlerFunction(selected, () => { this.unmask(); }); } const confirmationTitle = action.confirmationTitle || action.name; const confirmationMessage = action.confirmationMessage || "Are you sure?"; const inProgressMessage = action.inProgressMessage || "In progress..."; return Ext.Msg.confirm( confirmationTitle, Ext.String.format(confirmationMessage), (btn, _value, _cfg) => { if (btn !== "yes") { return null; } this.mask(inProgressMessage); return handlerFunction(selected, () => { this.unmask(); }); } ); } });