# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2017 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU class Cloud class Google # A load balancer as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::loadbalancers} class LoadBalancer < MU::Cloud::LoadBalancer @lb = nil attr_reader :targetgroups # Initialize this cloud resource object. Calling +super+ will invoke the initializer defined under {MU::Cloud}, which should set the attribtues listed in {MU::Cloud::PUBLIC_ATTRS} as well as applicable dependency shortcuts, like @vpc, for us. # @param args [Hash]: Hash of named arguments passed via Ruby's double-splat def initialize(**args) super @mu_name ||= @deploy.getResourceName(@config["name"]) end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id backends = {} targets = {} if @config['targetgroups'] threads = [] @config['targetgroups'].each { |tg| threads << Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) if !@config['private'] backends[tg['name']] = createBackendService(tg) targets[tg['name']] = createProxy(tg, backends[tg['name']]) else backends[tg['name']] = createBackendService(tg) end } } threads.each do |t| t.join end end @config["listeners"].each { |l| ruleobj = nil if !@config["private"] #TODO ip_address, port_range, target realproto = ["HTTP", "HTTPS"].include?(l['lb_protocol']) ? l['lb_protocol'] : "TCP" ruleobj = ::Google::Apis::ComputeV1::ForwardingRule.new( name: MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name+"-"+l['targetgroup']), description: @deploy.deploy_id, load_balancing_scheme: "EXTERNAL", target: targets[l['targetgroup']].self_link, ip_protocol: realproto, port_range: l['lb_port'].to_s ) else # TODO network, subnetwork, port_range, target ruleobj = ::Google::Apis::ComputeV1::ForwardingRule.new( name: MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name+"-"+l['targetgroup']), description: @deploy.deploy_id, load_balancing_scheme: "INTERNAL", backend_service: backends[l['targetgroup']].self_link, ip_protocol: l['lb_protocol'], ports: [l['lb_port'].to_s] ) end if @config['global'] MU.log "Creating Global Forwarding Rule #{@mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: ruleobj MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_global_forwarding_rule( @project_id, ruleobj ) else MU.log "Creating regional Forwarding Rule #{@mu_name} in #{@config['region']}", MU::NOTICE, details: ruleobj MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_forwarding_rule( @project_id, @config['region'], ruleobj ) end } end # Return the metadata for this LoadBalancer # @return [Hash] def notify rules = {} resp = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_global_forwarding_rules( @project_id, filter: "description eq #{@deploy.deploy_id}" ) if resp.nil? or resp.items.nil? or resp.items.size == 0 resp = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).list_forwarding_rules( @project_id, @config['region'], filter: "description eq #{@deploy.deploy_id}" ) end if !resp.nil? and !resp.items.nil? resp.items.each { |rule| rules[rule.name] = rule.to_h rules[rule.name].delete(:label_fingerprint) } end rules["project_id"] = @project_id rules end # Register a Server node with an existing LoadBalancer. # # @param instance_id [String] A node to register. # @param targetgroups [Array] The target group(s) of which this node should be made a member. Not applicable to classic LoadBalancers. If not supplied, the node will be registered to all available target groups on this LoadBalancer. def registerNode(instance_id, targetgroups: nil) end # Does this resource type exist as a global (cloud-wide) artifact, or # is it localized to a region/zone? # @return [Boolean] def self.isGlobal? true end # Denote whether this resource implementation is experiment, ready for # testing, or ready for production use. def self.quality MU::Cloud::RELEASE end # Remove all load balancers associated with the currently loaded deployment. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, region: nil, credentials: nil, flags: {}) flags["project"] ||= MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject(credentials) return if !MU::Cloud::Google::Habitat.isLive?(flags["project"], credentials) filter = %Q{(labels.mu-id = "#{MU.deploy_id.downcase}")} if !ignoremaster and MU.mu_public_ip filter += %Q{ AND (labels.mu-master-ip = "#{MU.mu_public_ip.gsub(/\./, "_")}")} end MU.log "Placeholder: Google LoadBalancer artifacts do not support labels, so ignoremaster cleanup flag has no effect", MU::DEBUG, details: filter if region ["forwarding_rule", "region_backend_service"].each { |type| MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: credentials).delete( type, flags["project"], region, noop ) } end if flags['global'] ["global_forwarding_rule", "target_http_proxy", "target_https_proxy", "url_map", "backend_service", "health_check", "http_health_check", "https_health_check"].each { |type| MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: credentials).delete( type, flags["project"], nil, noop ) } end end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param _config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(_config) toplevel_required = [] schema = { "named_ports" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "object", "required" => ["name", "port"], "additionalProperties" => false, "description" => "A named network port for a Google instance group, used for health checks and forwarding targets.", "properties" => { "name" => { "type" => "string" }, "port" => { "type" => "integer" } } } } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::loadbalancers}, bare and unvalidated. # @param lb [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param _configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(lb, _configurator) ok = true if lb['classic'] MU.log "LoadBalancer 'classic' flag has no meaning in Google Cloud", MU::WARN end if lb['app_cookie_stickiness_policy'] MU.log "LoadBalancer 'app_cookie_stickiness_policy' option has no meaning in Google Cloud", MU::WARN lb.delete('app_cookie_stickiness_policy') end if lb['ip_stickiness_policy'] if !lb['private'] if lb['ip_stickiness_policy']['map_port'] MU.log "Can only use map_port in IP stickiness policy with private LoadBalancers", MU::ERR ok = false end if lb['ip_stickiness_policy']['map_proto'] MU.log "Can only use map_proto in IP stickiness policy with private LoadBalancers", MU::ERR ok = false end elsif lb['ip_stickiness_policy']['map_port'] and !lb['ip_stickiness_policy']['map_proto'] MU.log "Can't use map_port in IP stickiness policy without map_proto", MU::ERR ok = false end end if lb['private'] and lb['global'] MU.log "Private Google Cloud LoadBalancer requested, setting 'global' flag to false", MU::WARN lb['global'] = false end lb["listeners"].each { |l| if lb["private"] and !["TCP", "UDP"].include?(l['lb_protocol']) MU.log "Only TCP and UDP listeners are valid for private LoadBalancers in Google Cloud", MU::ERR ok = false end if lb['global'] and l['lb_protocol'] == "UDP" MU.log "UDP LoadBalancers can only be per-region in Google Cloud. Setting 'global' to false.", MU::WARN lb['global'] = false end if lb['global'] and !["HTTP", "HTTPS"].include?(l['instance_protocol']) MU.log "Global LoadBalancers in Google Cloud can only target HTTP or HTTPS backends", MU::ERR, details: l ok = false end } lb["targetgroups"].each { |tg| if tg["healthcheck"] target = tg["healthcheck"]['target'].match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)(.*)/) if tg["proto"] != target[1] MU.log "LoadBalancer #{lb['name']} can't mix and match target group and health check protocols in Google Cloud", MU::ERR, details: tg ok = false end else # health checks are required; create a generic one tg["healthcheck"] = { "timeout" => 5, "interval" => 30, "unhealthy_threshold" => 2, "healthy_threshold" => 2, } if tg["proto"] == "HTTP" or tg["proto"] == "HTTPS" if lb['private'] MU.log "Private GCP LoadBalancers can only target TCP or UDP protocols, changing #{tg["proto"]} to TCP", MU::NOTICE tg["proto"] = "TCP" end tg["healthcheck"]["target"] = tg["proto"]+":"+tg["port"].to_s+"/" tg["healthcheck"]["httpcode"] = "200,301,302" else tg["healthcheck"]["target"] = tg["proto"]+":"+tg["port"].to_s end MU.log "No healthcheck declared for target group #{tg['name']} in LoadBalancer #{lb['name']}, creating one.", details: tg end } ok end # Locate an existing LoadBalancer or LoadBalancers and return an array containing matching Google resource descriptors for those that match. # @return [Hash]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching LoadBalancers def self.find(**args) args = MU::Cloud::Google.findLocationArgs(args) end private def createProxy(tg, backend) name = MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@deploy.getResourceName(tg["name"])) urlmap_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:UrlMap).new( name: name, description: @deploy.deploy_id, # TODO this is where path_matchers, host_rules, and tests go (the sophisticated # Layer 7 stuff) default_service: backend.self_link ) MU.log "Creating url map #{tg['name']}", details: urlmap_obj urlmap = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_url_map( @project_id, urlmap_obj ) desc = { :name => name, :description => @deploy.deploy_id, :url_map => urlmap.self_link } if tg['proto'] == "HTTP" target_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:TargetHttpProxy).new(desc) MU.log "Creating http target proxy #{tg['name']}", details: target_obj MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_target_http_proxy( @project_id, target_obj ) else certdata = @deploy.nodeSSLCerts(self, false, 2048) cert_pem = certdata[0].to_s+File.read("/etc/pki/Mu_CA.pem") gcpcert = MU::Cloud::Google.createSSLCertificate(@mu_name.downcase+"-"+tg['name'], cert_pem, certdata[1], credentials: @config['credentials']) # TODO we need a method like MU::Cloud::AWS.findSSLCertificate, with option to hunt down an existing one desc[:ssl_certificates] = [gcpcert.self_link] target_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:TargetHttpsProxy).new(desc) MU.log "Creating https target proxy #{tg['name']}", details: target_obj MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_target_https_proxy( @project_id, target_obj ) end end def createBackendService(tg) desc = { :name => MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@deploy.getResourceName(tg["name"])), :description => @deploy.deploy_id, :load_balancing_scheme => @config['private'] ? "INTERNAL" : "EXTERNAL", :global => @config['global'], :protocol => tg['proto'], :timeout_sec => @config['idle_timeout'] } # TODO EXTERNAL only: port_name, enable_cdn if @config['connection_draining_timeout'] > 0 desc[:connection_draining] = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:ConnectionDraining).new( draining_timeout_sec: @config['connection_draining_timeout'] ) end if @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy'] and !@config["private"] desc[:session_affinity] = "GENERATED_COOKIE" desc[:affinity_cookie_ttl_sec] = @config['lb_cookie_stickiness_policy']['timeout'] elsif @config['ip_stickiness_policy'] and tg['proto'] != "UDP" desc[:session_affinity] = "CLIENT_IP" if @config["private"] if @config['ip_stickiness_policy']["map_port"] desc[:session_affinity] += "_PORT" end if @config['ip_stickiness_policy']["map_proto"] desc[:session_affinity] += "_PROTO" end end else desc[:session_affinity] = "NONE" end if tg["healthcheck"] hc = createHealthCheck(tg["healthcheck"], tg["name"]) desc[:health_checks] = [hc.self_link] end backend_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:BackendService).new(desc) MU.log "Creating backend service #{MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@deploy.getResourceName(tg["name"]))}", details: backend_obj if @config['private'] and !@config['global'] return MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_region_backend_service( @project_id, @config['region'], backend_obj ) else return MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_backend_service( @project_id, backend_obj ) end end def createHealthCheck(hc, namebase) # MU.log "HEALTH CHECK", MU::NOTICE, details: hc target = hc['target'].match(/^([^:]+):(\d+)(.*)/) proto = target[1] port = target[2] path = target[3] name = MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@deploy.getResourceName(namebase+"-hc-"+proto.downcase+"-"+port.to_s)) if proto == "HTTP" or proto == "HTTPS" hc_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(proto == "HTTP" ? :HttpHealthCheck : :HttpsHealthCheck).new( check_interval_sec: hc["interval"], timeout_sec: hc["timeout"], unhealthy_threshold: hc["unhealthy_threshold"], healthy_threshold: hc["healthy_threshold"], description: @deploy.deploy_id, name: name, port: port, request_path: path ? path : "/" ) # other types: # type: SSL, HTTP2 MU.log "Creating #{proto} health check #{name}", details: hc_obj if proto == "HTTP" return MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_http_health_check( @project_id, hc_obj ) else return MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_https_health_check( @project_id, hc_obj ) end else desc = { :check_interval_sec => hc["interval"], :timeout_sec => hc["timeout"], :unhealthy_threshold => hc["unhealthy_threshold"], :healthy_threshold => hc["healthy_threshold"], :description => @deploy.deploy_id, :name => name } if proto == "TCP" desc[:type] = "TCP" desc[:tcp_health_check] = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:TcpHealthCheck).new( port: port, proxy_header: "NONE", request: "", response: "" ) elsif proto == "SSL" desc[:type] = "SSL" desc[:ssl_health_check] = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:SslHealthCheck).new( port: port, proxy_header: "NONE", request: "", # XXX needs to be configurable response: "" # XXX needs to be configurable ) elsif proto == "UDP" desc[:type] = "UDP" desc[:udp_health_check] = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:UdpHealthCheck).new( port: port, request: "ORLY", # XXX needs to be configurable response: "YARLY" # XXX needs to be configurable ) end hc_obj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:HealthCheck).new(desc) MU.log "INSERTING HEALTH CHECK", MU::NOTICE, details: hc_obj return MU::Cloud::Google.compute(credentials: @config['credentials']).insert_health_check( @project_id, hc_obj ) end end end end end end