% form_tag(admin_mail_settings_path, :method => :put) do -%>
<%= check_box_tag('preferences[enable_mail_delivery]', "1", Spree::Config[:enable_mail_delivery]) %> <%= t('Enable Mail Delivery') %>
<%= t("SMTP domain") %> <%= text_field_tag('preferences[mail_domain]', Spree::Config[:mail_domain]) %>
<%= t('SMTP Mail Host') %> <%= text_field_tag('preferences[mail_host]', Spree::Config[:mail_host])%>
<%= t('SMTP Port') %> <%= text_field_tag('preferences[mail_port]', Spree::Config[:mail_port])%>
<%= t('Secure Connection Type') %> <%= select_tag('preferences[secure_connection_type]', options_for_select( AppConfiguration::SECURE_CONNECTION_TYPES, Spree::Config[:secure_connection_type])) %>
<%= t('SMTP Authentication Type') %> <%= select_tag('preferences[mail_auth_type]', options_for_select(AppConfiguration::MAIL_AUTH, Spree::Config[:mail_auth_type])) %>
<%= t('SMTP Username') %> <%= text_field_tag('preferences[smtp_username]', Spree::Config[:smtp_username])%>
<%= t('SMTP Password') %> <%= password_field_tag('preferences[smtp_password]', Spree::Config[:smtp_password])%>
<%= t('Send mails as') %>
<%= text_field_tag('preferences[mails_from]', Spree::Config[:mails_from], :maxlength => 256)%>
Send all mails as from the following address.
<%= t('Send copy of all mails to') %>
<%= text_field_tag('preferences[mail_bcc]', Spree::Config[:mail_bcc], :size => 40, :maxlength => 256)%>
Sends a copy of all outgoing mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas.
<%= t('Send order mails as') %>
<%= text_field_tag('preferences[order_from]', Spree::Config[:order_from], :maxlength => 256)%>
Send orders mails as from the following address.
<%= t('Send copy of orders mails to') %>
<%= text_field_tag('preferences[order_bcc]', Spree::Config[:order_bcc], :size => 40, :maxlength => 256)%>
Sends a copy of all order's mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas.