class Tracksperanto::Import::FlameStabilizer < Tracksperanto::Import::Base # Flame setups contain clear size indications def self.autodetects_size? true end def self.distinct_file_ext ".stabilizer" end def self.human_name "Flame .stabilizer file" end T = ::Tracksperanto::Tracker K = ::Tracksperanto::Keyframe class ChannelBlock < Array include ::Tracksperanto::Casts cast_to_string :name cast_to_float :base_value def <=>(o) @name <=> end def initialize(io, channel_name) @name = channel_name.strip base_value_matcher = /Value ([\-\d\.]+)/ keyframe_count_matcher = /Size (\d+)/ indent = nil keyframes = [] while line = io.gets indent ||= line.scan(/^(\s+)/)[1] if line =~ keyframe_count_matcher $1.to_i.times { push(extract_key_from(io)) } elsif line =~ base_value_matcher && empty? self.base_value = $1 elsif line.strip == "#{indent}End" break end end raise "Parsed a channel #{@name} with no keyframes" if (empty? && !base_value) end def extract_key_from(io) frame = nil frame_matcher = /Frame ([\-\d\.]+)/ value_matcher = /Value ([\-\d\.]+)/ until io.eof? line = io.gets if line =~ frame_matcher frame = $1.to_i elsif line =~ value_matcher value = $1.to_f return [frame,value] end end raise "Did not detect any keyframes!" end end def parse(io) self.width, self.height = extract_width_and_height_from_stream(io) channels = extract_channels_from_stream(io) raise "The setup contained no channels that we could process" if channels.empty? raise "A channel was nil" if channels.find{|e| e.nil? } scavenge_trackers_from_channels(channels) end private def extract_width_and_height_from_stream(io) w, h = nil, nil w_matcher = /FrameWidth (\d+)/ h_matcher = /FrameHeight (\d+)/ until io.eof? line = io.gets if line =~ w_matcher w = $1 elsif line =~ h_matcher h = $1 end return [w, h] if (w && h) end end =begin Here's how a Flame channel looks like The Size will not be present if there are no keyframes Channel tracker1/ref/x Extrapolation constant Value 770.41 Size 4 KeyVersion 1 Key 0 Frame 1 Value 770.41 Interpolation constant End Key 1 Frame 44 Value 858.177 Interpolation constant RightSlope 2.31503 LeftSlope 2.31503 End Key 2 Frame 74 Value 939.407 Interpolation constant RightSlope 2.24201 LeftSlope 2.24201 End Key 3 Frame 115 Value 1017.36 Interpolation constant End Colour 50 50 50 End =end def extract_channels_from_stream(io) channels = [] channel_matcher = /Channel (.+)\n/ until io.eof? line = io.gets if line =~ channel_matcher channels << extract_channel_from(io, $1) end end channels end def extract_channel_from(io, channel_name), channel_name) end REF_CHANNEL = "ref" # or "track" - sometimes works sometimes don't def scavenge_trackers_from_channels(channels) trackers = []{|e| =~ /\/#{REF_CHANNEL}\/x/}.each do | track_x | trackers << grab_tracker(channels, track_x) end trackers end def grab_tracker(channels, track_x) t = =>'/').shift) report_progress("Extracting tracker #{}") track_y = channels.find{|e| == "#{}/#{REF_CHANNEL}/y" } shift_x = channels.find{|e| == "#{}/shift/x" } shift_y = channels.find{|e| == "#{}/shift/y" } shift_tuples = zip_curve_tuples(shift_x, shift_y) track_tuples = zip_curve_tuples(track_x, track_y) base_x, base_y = begin find_base_x_and_y(track_tuples, shift_tuples) rescue UseBase [track_x.base_value, track_y.base_value] end total_kf = 1 t.keyframes = do | (at, x, y) | # Flame keyframes are sort of minus-one based, so to start at frame 0 # we need to decrement one frame, always. Also, the shift value is inverted! kf_x, kf_y = base_x - x.to_f, base_y - y.to_f report_progress("Extracting keyframe #{total_kf += 1} of #{}") => (at - 1), :abs_x => kf_x, :abs_y => kf_y) end return t end UseBase = RuntimeError def find_base_x_and_y(track_tuples, shift_tuples) base_track_tuple = track_tuples.find do | track_tuple | shift_tuples.find { |shift_tuple| shift_tuple[0] == track_tuple [0] } end if base_track_tuple base_track_tuple[1..2] elsif track_tuples[0] track_tuples[0][1..2] else raise UseBase end end end