## HEAD (unreleased) ## 2.0.1 (29th Aug 2019) Authors: David Wilkie, hosseintoussi, Maxim Polunin, Tristan Harmer, Bartosz Żurkowski, Kris Leech * fix: support nested temporary global listeners * docs: add threadsafe notes to README for global and temporary listeners * docs: fix spelling mistakes in README * fix: safely get signing key in gemspec when HOME is not set * adds: add console to aid experiments and REPL driven development * adds: Latest Ruby to CI ## 2.0.0 (7th Mar 2017) Authors: Sergey Mostovoy, Andrew Kozin, Kyle Tolle, Martin, Rob Miller, Mike Dalto, orthographic-pedant, Drew Ulmer, Mikey Hogarth, Attila Domokos, Josh Miltz, Pascal Betz, Vasily Kolesnikov, Julien Letessier, Kris Leech * Fix: logger raises exception if hash is passed as an argument to a listener #133, #136 * Fix: deprecation warnings #120 * Doc improvements: #106, #111, #116, #122, #128, #130, #147, #149, #150, #151 * Adds: Allow configuration of default prefix when using `prefix: true`. #105 * Adds: Allow unsubscribing of global listeners #118 * Adds: Helpful error message when passing a block to `#subscribe` of `#on` #125 * Adds: raise an error message when `#on` is not passed a block #146 * Adds: Support for JRuby 9.x #148 * Adds: Support for MRI 2.4.0 #155 * Refactor specs #126, #131 ## 2.0.0.rc1 (17 Dec 2014) Authors: Kris Leech * remove: deprecated methods * remove: rspec matcher and stubbing (moved to [wisper-rspec](https://github.com/krisleech/wisper-rspec)) * feature: add regexp support to `on` argument * remove: announce alias for broadcasting * docs: add Code of Conduct * drop support for Ruby 1.9 ## 1.6.0 (25 Oct 2014) Authors: Kris Leech * deprecate: add_listener, add_block_listener and respond_to * internal: make method naming more consistent ## 1.5.0 (6th Oct 2014) Authors: Kris Leech * feature: allow events to be published asynchronously * feature: broadcasting of events is plugable and configurable * feature: broadcasters can be aliased via a symbol * feature: logging broadcaster ## 1.4.0 (8th Sept 2014) Authors: Kris Leech, Marc Ignacio, Ahmed Abdel Razzak, kmehkeri, Jake Hoffner * feature: matcher for rspec 3 * fix: temporary global listeners are cleared if an exception is raised * refactor: update all specs to rspec 3 expect syntax * docs: update README to rspec 3 expect syntax * feature: combine global and temporary listener methods as `Wisper.subscribe` * deprecate: `Wisper.add_listener` and `Wisper.with_listeners,` use `Wisper.subscribe` instead ## 1.3.0 (18th Jan 2014) Authors: Kris Leech, Yan Pritzker, Charlie Tran * feature: global subscriptions can be scoped to a class (and sub-classes) * upgrade: use rspec 3 * feature: allow prefixing of events with 'on' * feature: Allow stubbed publisher method to accept arbitrary args ## 1.2.1 (7th Oct 2013) Authors: Kris Leech, Tomasz Szymczyszyn, Alex Heeton * feature: global subscriptions can be passed options * docs: improve README examples * docs: add license to gemspec ## 1.2.0 (21st July 2013) Authors: Kris Leech, Darren Coxall * feature: support for multiple events at once * fix: clear global listeners after each spec ## 1.1.0 (7th June 2013) Authors: Kris Leech, chatgris * feature: add temporary global listeners * docs: improve ActiveRecord example * refactor: improve specs * upgrade: add Ruby 2.0 support * fix: make listener collection immutable * remove: async publishing and Celluloid dependency * fix: Make global listeners getter and setter threadsafe [9] ## 1.0.1 (2nd May 2013) Authors: Kris Leech, Yan Pritzker * feature: add async publishing using Celluloid * docs: improve README examples * feature: `stub_wisper_publisher` rspec helper * feature: global listeners * refactor: improve specs ## 1.0.0 (7th April 2013) Authors: Kris Leech * refactor: specs * refactor: registrations * feature: Add `with` argument to `subscribe` * docs: improve README examples * feature: Allow subscriptions to be chainable * feature: Add `on` syntax for block subscription * remove: Remove support for Ruby 1.8.7 * docs: Add badges to README ## 0.0.2 (30th March 2013) Authors: Kris Leech * remove: ActiveSupport dependency * docs: fix syntax highlighting in README ## 0.0.1 (30th March 2013) Authors: Kris Leech * docs: add README * feature: registration of objects and blocks