# # Module Math provides methods for basic trigonometric, logarithmic, and # transcendental functions, and for extracting roots. # # You can write its constants and method calls thus: # # Math::PI # => 3.141592653589793 # Math::E # => 2.718281828459045 # Math.sin(0.0) # => 0.0 # Math.cos(0.0) # => 1.0 # # If you include module Math, you can write simpler forms: # # include Math # PI # => 3.141592653589793 # E # => 2.718281828459045 # sin(0.0) # => 0.0 # cos(0.0) # => 1.0 # # For simplicity, the examples here assume: # # include Math # INFINITY = Float::INFINITY # # The domains and ranges for the methods are denoted by open or closed # intervals, using, respectively, parentheses or square brackets: # # * An open interval does not include the endpoints: # # (-INFINITY, INFINITY) # # * A closed interval includes the endpoints: # # [-1.0, 1.0] # # * A half-open interval includes one endpoint, but not the other: # # [1.0, INFINITY) # # # Many values returned by Math methods are numerical approximations. This is # because many such values are, in mathematics, of infinite precision, while in # numerical computation the precision is finite. # # Thus, in mathematics, *cos(π/2)* is exactly zero, but in our computation # `cos(PI/2)` is a number very close to zero: # # cos(PI/2) # => 6.123031769111886e-17 # # For very large and very small returned values, we have added formatted numbers # for clarity: # # tan(PI/2) # => 1.633123935319537e+16 # 16331239353195370.0 # tan(PI) # => -1.2246467991473532e-16 # -0.0000000000000001 # # See class Float for the constants that affect Ruby's floating-point # arithmetic. # # ### What's Here # # #### Trigonometric Functions # # * ::cos: Returns the cosine of the given argument. # * ::sin: Returns the sine of the given argument. # * ::tan: Returns the tangent of the given argument. # # # #### Inverse Trigonometric Functions # # * ::acos: Returns the arc cosine of the given argument. # * ::asin: Returns the arc sine of the given argument. # * ::atan: Returns the arc tangent of the given argument. # * ::atan2: Returns the arg tangent of two given arguments. # # # #### Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions # # * ::cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the given argument. # * ::sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine of the given argument. # * ::tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given argument. # # # #### Inverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions # # * ::acosh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the given argument. # * ::asinh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the given argument. # * ::atanh: Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the given argument. # # # #### Exponentiation and Logarithmic Functions # # * ::exp: Returns the value of a given value raised to a given power. # * ::log: Returns the logarithm of a given value in a given base. # * ::log10: Returns the base 10 logarithm of the given argument. # * ::log2: Returns the base 2 logarithm of the given argument. # # # #### Fraction and Exponent Functions # # * ::frexp: Returns the fraction and exponent of the given argument. # * ::ldexp: Returns the value for a given fraction and exponent. # # # #### Root Functions # # * ::cbrt: Returns the cube root of the given argument. # * ::sqrt: Returns the square root of the given argument. # # # #### Error Functions # # * ::erf: Returns the value of the Gauss error function for the given # argument. # * ::erfc: Returns the value of the complementary error function for the # given argument. # # # #### Gamma Functions # # * ::gamma: Returns the value of the gamma function for the given argument. # * ::lgamma: Returns the value of the logarithmic gamma function for the # given argument. # # # #### Hypotenuse Function # # * ::hypot: Returns `sqrt(a**2 + b**2)` for the given `a` and `b`. # module Math # # Definition of the mathematical constant E for Euler's number (e) as a Float # number. # E: Float # # Definition of the mathematical constant PI as a Float number. # PI: Float # # Raised when a mathematical function is evaluated outside of its domain of # definition. # # For example, since `cos` returns values in the range -1..1, its inverse # function `acos` is only defined on that interval: # # Math.acos(42) # # *produces:* # # Math::DomainError: Numerical argument is out of domain - "acos" # class DomainError < StandardError end # A type that's passable to `Math` functions: A `Numeric` type that defines `.to_f`. # type double = Numeric & _ToF # # Returns the [arc # cosine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[-1, 1]`. # * Range: `[0, PI]`. # # # Examples: # # acos(-1.0) # => 3.141592653589793 # PI # acos(0.0) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2 # acos(1.0) # => 0.0 # def self.acos: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [inverse hyperbolic # cosine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_hyperbolic_functions) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[1, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[0, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # acosh(1.0) # => 0.0 # acosh(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.acosh: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [arc # sine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[-1, -1]`. # * Range: `[-PI/2, PI/2]`. # # # Examples: # # asin(-1.0) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI/2 # asin(0.0) # => 0.0 # asin(1.0) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2 # def self.asin: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [inverse hyperbolic # sine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_hyperbolic_functions) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # asinh(-INFINITY) # => -Infinity # asinh(0.0) # => 0.0 # asinh(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.asinh: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [arc # tangent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_trigonometric_functions) of # `x`. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-PI/2, PI/2] `. # # # Examples: # # atan(-INFINITY) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI2 # atan(-PI) # => -1.2626272556789115 # atan(-PI/2) # => -1.0038848218538872 # atan(0.0) # => 0.0 # atan(PI/2) # => 1.0038848218538872 # atan(PI) # => 1.2626272556789115 # atan(INFINITY) # => 1.5707963267948966 # PI/2 # def self.atan: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [arc tangent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2) of `y` and `x` # in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain of `y`: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Domain of `x`: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-PI, PI]`. # # # Examples: # # atan2(-1.0, -1.0) # => -2.356194490192345 # -3*PI/4 # atan2(-1.0, 0.0) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI/2 # atan2(-1.0, 1.0) # => -0.7853981633974483 # -PI/4 # atan2(0.0, -1.0) # => 3.141592653589793 # PI # def self.atan2: (double y, double x) -> Float # # Returns the [inverse hyperbolic # tangent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_hyperbolic_functions) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[-1, 1]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # atanh(-1.0) # => -Infinity # atanh(0.0) # => 0.0 # atanh(1.0) # => Infinity # def self.atanh: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [cube root](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cube_root) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # cbrt(-INFINITY) # => -Infinity # cbrt(-27.0) # => -3.0 # cbrt(-8.0) # => -2.0 # cbrt(-2.0) # => -1.2599210498948732 # cbrt(1.0) # => 1.0 # cbrt(0.0) # => 0.0 # cbrt(1.0) # => 1.0 # cbrt(2.0) # => 1.2599210498948732 # cbrt(8.0) # => 2.0 # cbrt(27.0) # => 3.0 # cbrt(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.cbrt: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [cosine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine_and_cosine) of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY)`. # * Range: `[-1.0, 1.0]`. # # # Examples: # # cos(-PI) # => -1.0 # cos(-PI/2) # => 6.123031769111886e-17 # 0.0000000000000001 # cos(0.0) # => 1.0 # cos(PI/2) # => 6.123031769111886e-17 # 0.0000000000000001 # cos(PI) # => -1.0 # def self.cos: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [hyperbolic # cosine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_functions) of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[1, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # cosh(-INFINITY) # => Infinity # cosh(0.0) # => 1.0 # cosh(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.cosh: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the value of the [Gauss error # function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_function) for `x`. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-1, 1]`. # # # Examples: # # erf(-INFINITY) # => -1.0 # erf(0.0) # => 0.0 # erf(INFINITY) # => 1.0 # # Related: Math.erfc. # def self.erf: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the value of the [complementary error # function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_function#Complementary_error_fun # ction) for `x`. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[0, 2]`. # # # Examples: # # erfc(-INFINITY) # => 2.0 # erfc(0.0) # => 1.0 # erfc(INFINITY) # => 0.0 # # Related: Math.erf. # def self.erfc: (double x) -> Float # # Returns `e` raised to the `x` power. # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[0, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # exp(-INFINITY) # => 0.0 # exp(-1.0) # => 0.36787944117144233 # 1.0/E # exp(0.0) # => 1.0 # exp(0.5) # => 1.6487212707001282 # sqrt(E) # exp(1.0) # => 2.718281828459045 # E # exp(2.0) # => 7.38905609893065 # E**2 # exp(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.exp: (double x) -> Float # # Returns a 2-element array containing the normalized signed float `fraction` # and integer `exponent` of `x` such that: # # x = fraction * 2**exponent # # See [IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: # binary64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format # #IEEE_754_double-precision_binary_floating-point_format:_binary64). # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # frexp(-INFINITY) # => [-Infinity, -1] # frexp(-2.0) # => [-0.5, 2] # frexp(-1.0) # => [-0.5, 1] # frexp(0.0) # => [0.0, 0] # frexp(1.0) # => [0.5, 1] # frexp(2.0) # => [0.5, 2] # frexp(INFINITY) # => [Infinity, -1] # # Related: Math.ldexp (inverse of Math.frexp). # def self.frexp: (double x) -> [Float, Integer] # # Returns the value of the [gamma # function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function) for `x`. # # * Domain: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY]` excluding negative integers. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # gamma(-2.5) # => -0.9453087204829431 # gamma(-1.5) # => 2.3632718012073513 # gamma(-0.5) # => -3.5449077018110375 # gamma(0.0) # => Infinity # gamma(1.0) # => 1.0 # gamma(2.0) # => 1.0 # gamma(3.0) # => 2.0 # gamma(4.0) # => 6.0 # gamma(5.0) # => 24.0 # # Related: Math.lgamma. # def self.gamma: (double x) -> Float # # Returns `sqrt(a**2 + b**2)`, which is the length of the longest side `c` (the # hypotenuse) of the right triangle whose other sides have lengths `a` and `b`. # # * Domain of `a`: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Domain of +ab: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[0, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # hypot(0.0, 1.0) # => 1.0 # hypot(1.0, 1.0) # => 1.4142135623730951 # sqrt(2.0) # hypot(3.0, 4.0) # => 5.0 # hypot(5.0, 12.0) # => 13.0 # hypot(1.0, sqrt(3.0)) # => 1.9999999999999998 # Near 2.0 # # Note that if either argument is `INFINITY` or `-INFINITY`, the result is # `Infinity`. # def self.hypot: (double x, double y) -> Float # # Returns the value of `fraction * 2**exponent`. # # * Domain of `fraction`: `[0.0, 1.0)`. # * Domain of `exponent`: `[0, 1024]` (larger values are equivalent to 1024). # # # See [IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format: # binary64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format # #IEEE_754_double-precision_binary_floating-point_format:_binary64). # # Examples: # # ldexp(-INFINITY, -1) # => -Infinity # ldexp(-0.5, 2) # => -2.0 # ldexp(-0.5, 1) # => -1.0 # ldexp(0.0, 0) # => 0.0 # ldexp(-0.5, 1) # => 1.0 # ldexp(-0.5, 2) # => 2.0 # ldexp(INFINITY, -1) # => Infinity # # Related: Math.frexp (inverse of Math.ldexp). # def self.ldexp: (double fraction, int exponent) -> Float # # Returns a 2-element array equivalent to: # # [Math.log(Math.gamma(x).abs), Math.gamma(x) < 0 ? -1 : 1] # # See [logarithmic gamma # function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function#The_log-gamma_function) # . # # * Domain: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range of first element: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Second element is -1 or 1. # # # Examples: # # lgamma(-4.0) # => [Infinity, -1] # lgamma(-3.0) # => [Infinity, -1] # lgamma(-2.0) # => [Infinity, -1] # lgamma(-1.0) # => [Infinity, -1] # lgamma(0.0) # => [Infinity, 1] # # lgamma(1.0) # => [0.0, 1] # lgamma(2.0) # => [0.0, 1] # lgamma(3.0) # => [0.6931471805599436, 1] # lgamma(4.0) # => [1.7917594692280545, 1] # # lgamma(-2.5) # => [-0.05624371649767279, -1] # lgamma(-1.5) # => [0.8600470153764797, 1] # lgamma(-0.5) # => [1.265512123484647, -1] # lgamma(0.5) # => [0.5723649429247004, 1] # lgamma(1.5) # => [-0.12078223763524676, 1] # lgamma(2.5) # => [0.2846828704729205, 1] # # Related: Math.gamma. # def self.lgamma: (double x) -> [Float, -1 | 1] # # Returns the base `base` [logarithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithm) # of `x`. # # * Domain: `[0, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY)]`. # # # Examples: # # log(0.0) # => -Infinity # log(1.0) # => 0.0 # log(E) # => 1.0 # log(INFINITY) # => Infinity # # log(0.0, 2.0) # => -Infinity # log(1.0, 2.0) # => 0.0 # log(2.0, 2.0) # => 1.0 # # log(0.0, 10.0) # => -Infinity # log(1.0, 10.0) # => 0.0 # log(10.0, 10.0) # => 1.0 # def self.log: (double x, ?double base) -> Float # # Returns the base 10 [logarithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithm) of # `x`. # # * Domain: `[0, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # log10(0.0) # => -Infinity # log10(1.0) # => 0.0 # log10(10.0) # => 1.0 # log10(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.log10: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the base 2 [logarithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logarithm) of # `x`. # # * Domain: `[0, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # log2(0.0) # => -Infinity # log2(1.0) # => 0.0 # log2(2.0) # => 1.0 # log2(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.log2: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [sine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine_and_cosine) of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY)`. # * Range: `[-1.0, 1.0]`. # # # Examples: # # sin(-PI) # => -1.2246063538223773e-16 # -0.0000000000000001 # sin(-PI/2) # => -1.0 # sin(0.0) # => 0.0 # sin(PI/2) # => 1.0 # sin(PI) # => 1.2246063538223773e-16 # 0.0000000000000001 # def self.sin: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [hyperbolic # sine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_functions) of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # sinh(-INFINITY) # => -Infinity # sinh(0.0) # => 0.0 # sinh(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.sinh: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the principal (non-negative) [square # root](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_root) of `x`. # # * Domain: `[0, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[0, INFINITY]`. # # # Examples: # # sqrt(0.0) # => 0.0 # sqrt(0.5) # => 0.7071067811865476 # sqrt(1.0) # => 1.0 # sqrt(2.0) # => 1.4142135623730951 # sqrt(4.0) # => 2.0 # sqrt(9.0) # => 3.0 # sqrt(INFINITY) # => Infinity # def self.sqrt: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [tangent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions) # of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY)`. # * Range: `(-INFINITY, INFINITY)`. # # # Examples: # # tan(-PI) # => 1.2246467991473532e-16 # -0.0000000000000001 # tan(-PI/2) # => -1.633123935319537e+16 # -16331239353195370.0 # tan(0.0) # => 0.0 # tan(PI/2) # => 1.633123935319537e+16 # 16331239353195370.0 # tan(PI) # => -1.2246467991473532e-16 # -0.0000000000000001 # def self.tan: (double x) -> Float # # Returns the [hyperbolic # tangent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_functions) of `x` in # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Radians_versus # _degrees). # # * Domain: `[-INFINITY, INFINITY]`. # * Range: `[-1, 1]`. # # # Examples: # # tanh(-INFINITY) # => -1.0 # tanh(0.0) # => 0.0 # tanh(INFINITY) # => 1.0 # def self.tanh: (double x) -> Float end