Compass.ErpApp.Utility.createNamespace("ErpApp.CompassAccessNegotiator"); /** * @class ErpApp.CompassAccessNegotiator.CompassUser **/ ErpApp.CompassAccessNegotiator.CompassUser = function (user) { =, this.username = user.username, this.roles = user.roles, this.capabilities = user.capabilities, this.lastloginAt = user.lastloginAt, this.lastActivityAt = user.lastActivityAt, this.failedLoginCount = user.failedLoginCount, =, this.description = user.description, this.partyId = user.partyId; /** * Checks to see if the passed roles exists in this.roles * @param {String or Array} internal_identifier of role or array of internal_identifiers */ this.hasRole = function (role) { var result = false; if (role instanceof Array) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < role.length; i++) { if (self.hasRole(role[i])) { result = true; break; } } } else { if (this.roles.contains(role)) { result = true; } else { result = false; } } return result; }, this.hasCapability = function (capability_type_iid, klass) { for (var i = 0; i < this.capabilities.length; i++) { if (this.capabilities[i].capability_type_iid == capability_type_iid && this.capabilities[i].capability_resource_type == klass) { return true; } } return false; }, // this.hasWidgetCapability = function(xtype, capability){ // return this.applicationRoleManager.hasWidgetCapability(xtype, capability, this); // }, // this.hasAccessToWidget = function(xtype){ // return this.applicationRoleManager.hasAccessToWidget(xtype, this); // }, // this.validWidgets = function(application_iid, filters){ // return this.applicationRoleManager.validWidgets(application_iid, filters, this); // }, /** * Use when role check fails, displays message add logging if needed. * @param {String} message to overwrite default * @param {fn} function to call when complete */ this.showInvalidAccess = function (options) { if (Compass.ErpApp.Utility.isBlank(options)) options = {}; if (options['invalidUserCallback']) { options['invalidUserCallback'](); } else if (window['Ext']) {{ title: 'Warning', msg: options['msg'] || 'You do not have permission to perform this action.', buttons: Ext.Msg.OK, fn: options['fn'] || null, iconCls: 'icon-warning' }); } else { Alert('You do not have permission to perform this action.') } }; };