Feature: Ordered list Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Getting the first element from the ordered list When I get the first item from the ordered list Then the list item's text should be "Number One" @name Scenario Outline: Locating ordered lists on the page When I locate the ordered list by "" And I get the first item from the list Then the list item's text should be "Number One" And the list should contain 3 items And each item should contain "Number" Examples: | locate_by | | id | | class | | xpath | | index | | name | | css | @multi Scenario Outline: Locating ordered lists using multiple parameters When I search for the ordered list by "" and "" And I get the first item from the list Then the list items text should be "Number One" Examples: | param1 | param2 | | class | index | | name | index | @locator Scenario: Finding a ordered list dynamically When I search for the ordered list while the script is executing Then I should see that the ordered list exists When I get the first item from the list Then the list items text should be "Number One" Scenario: Getting the text for an ordered list Then the text for the ordered list should contain "Number One" And the text for the ordered list should contain "Number Two" And the text for the ordered list should contain "Number Three"