require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_record' require "acts_as_removable/version" module ActsAsRemovable extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Add ability to remove ActiveRecord instances # # acts_as_removable # acts_as_removable column_name: 'other_column_name' # # ===== Options # # * :column_name - A symbol or string with the column to use for removal timestamp. def acts_as_removable(options = {}) _acts_as_removable_options.merge!(options) scope :removed, -> { where(all.table[_acts_as_removable_options[:column_name]].not_eq(nil).to_sql) } scope :actives, -> { where(all.table[_acts_as_removable_options[:column_name]].eq(nil).to_sql) } define_model_callbacks :remove, :unremove class_eval do def self.before_remove(*args, &block) set_callback(:remove, :before, *args, &block) end def self.after_remove(*args, &block) set_callback(:remove, :after, *args, &block) end def self.before_unremove(*args, &block) set_callback(:unremove, :before, *args, &block) end def self.after_unremove(*args, &block) set_callback(:unremove, :after, *args, &block) end def removed? send(self.class._acts_as_removable_options[:column_name]).present? end def remove(options = {}) _update_remove_attribute(:remove,, false, options) end def remove!(options = {}) _update_remove_attribute(:remove,, true, options) end def unremove(options = {}) _update_remove_attribute(:unremove, nil, false, options) end def unremove!(options = {}) _update_remove_attribute(:unremove, nil, true, options) end def _update_remove_attribute(callback, value, with_bang = false, options = {}) self.class.transaction do run_callbacks callback.to_sym do send("#{self.class._acts_as_removable_options[:column_name]}=", value) with_bang ? save!(options) : save(options) end end end end end def _acts_as_removable_options @_acts_as_removable_options ||= { column_name: 'removed_at' } end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActsAsRemovable)