# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU # Plugins under this namespace serve as interfaces to host configuration # management tools, like Chef or Puppet. class Groomer # Support for Chef as a host configuration management layer. class Chef Object.class_eval { def self.const_missing(symbol) if symbol.to_sym == :Chef or symbol.to_sym == :ChefVault MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib return Object.const_get(symbol) end end def const_missing(symbol) if symbol.to_sym == :Chef or symbol.to_sym == :ChefVault MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib(@server.deploy.chef_user, @server.deploy.environment, @server.deploy.mu_user) return Object.const_get(symbol) end end } @chefloaded = false @chefload_semaphore = Mutex.new # Autoload is too brain-damaged to get Chef's subclasses/submodules, so # implement our own lazy loading. def self.loadChefLib(user = MU.chef_user, env = "dev", mu_user = MU.mu_user) @chefload_semaphore.synchronize { if !@chefloaded MU.log "Loading Chef libraries as user #{user}...", MU::DEBUG start = Time.now # need to find which classes are actually needed instead of loading chef require 'chef' require 'chef/api_client_v1' require 'chef/knife' require 'chef/knife/ssh' require 'chef/knife/bootstrap' require 'chef/knife/node_delete' require 'chef/knife/client_delete' require 'chef/knife/data_bag_delete' require 'chef/knife/vault_delete' require 'chef/scan_access_control' require 'chef/file_access_control/unix' require 'chef-vault' require 'chef-vault/item' # XXX kludge to get at knife-windows when it's installed from # a git repo and bundler sticks it somewhere in a corner $LOAD_PATH.each { |path| if path.match(/\/gems\/aws\-sdk\-core\-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/lib$/) addpath = path.sub(/\/gems\/aws\-sdk\-core\-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/lib$/, "")+"/bundler/gems" Dir.glob(addpath+"/knife-windows-*").each { |version| $LOAD_PATH << version+"/lib" } end } require 'chef/knife/bootstrap_windows_winrm' require 'chef/knife/bootstrap_windows_ssh' ::Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = "https://#{MU.mu_public_addr}:7443/organizations/#{user}" if File.exist?("#{Etc.getpwnam(mu_user).dir}/.chef/knife.rb") MU.log "Loading Chef configuration from #{Etc.getpwnam(mu_user).dir}/.chef/knife.rb", MU::DEBUG ::Chef::Config.from_file("#{Etc.getpwnam(mu_user).dir}/.chef/knife.rb") end ::Chef::Config[:environment] = env ::Chef::Config[:yes] = true if mu_user != "root" ::Chef::Config.trusted_certs_dir = "#{Etc.getpwnam(mu_user).dir}/.chef/trusted_certs" end @chefloaded = true MU.log "Chef libraries loaded (took #{(Time.now-start).to_s} seconds)", MU::DEBUG end } end @knife = "cd #{MU.myRoot} && env -i HOME=#{Etc.getpwnam(MU.mu_user).dir} PATH=/opt/chef/embedded/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin knife" # The canonical path to invoke Chef's *knife* utility with a clean environment. # @return [String] def self.knife; @knife; end attr_reader :knife @vault_opts = "--mode client -u #{MU.chef_user} -F json" # The canonical set of arguments for most `knife vault` commands # @return [String] def self.vault_opts; @vault_opts; end attr_reader :vault_opts @chefclient = "env -i HOME=#{Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir} PATH=/opt/chef/embedded/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin chef-client" # The canonical path to invoke Chef's *chef-client* utility with a clean environment. # @return [String] def self.chefclient; @chefclient; end attr_reader :chefclient # @param node [MU::Cloud::Server]: The server object on which we'll be operating def initialize(node) @config = node.config @server = node if node.mu_name.nil? or node.mu_name.empty? raise MuError, "Cannot groom a server that doesn't tell me its mu_name" end @secrets_semaphore = Mutex.new @secrets_granted = {} end # Indicate whether our server has been bootstrapped with Chef def haveBootstrapped? self.class.loadChefLib MU.log "Chef config", MU::DEBUG, details: ::Chef::Config.inspect nodelist = ::Chef::Node.list() nodelist.has_key?(@server.mu_name) end # @param vault [String]: A repository of secrets to create/save into. # @param item [String]: The item within the repository to create/save. # @param data [Hash]: Data to save # @param permissions [String]: An implementation-specific string describing what node or nodes should have access to this secret. def self.saveSecret(vault: @server.mu_name, item: nil, data: nil, permissions: nil) loadChefLib if item.nil? or !item.is_a?(String) raise MuError, "item argument to saveSecret must be a String" end if data.nil? or !data.is_a?(Hash) raise MuError, "data argument to saveSecret must be a Hash" end cmd = "update" begin MU.log "Checking for existence of #{vault} #{item}", MU::DEBUG, details: caller ::ChefVault::Item.load(vault, item) rescue ::ChefVault::Exceptions::KeysNotFound cmd = "create" end if permissions MU.log "knife vault #{cmd} #{vault} #{item} --search #{permissions}" ::Chef::Knife.run(['vault', cmd, vault, item, JSON.generate(data).gsub(/'/, '\\1'), '--search', permissions]) else MU.log "knife vault #{cmd} #{vault} #{item}" ::Chef::Knife.run(['vault', cmd, vault, item, JSON.generate(data).gsub(/'/, '\\1')]) end end # see {MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret} def saveSecret(vault: @server.mu_name, item: nil, data: nil, permissions: "name:#{@server.mu_name}") self.class.saveSecret(vault: vault, item: item, data: data, permissions: permissions) end # Retrieve sensitive data, which hopefully we're storing and retrieving # in a secure fashion. # @param vault [String]: A repository of secrets to search # @param item [String]: The item within the repository to retrieve # @param field [String]: OPTIONAL - A specific field within the item to return. # @return [Hash] def self.getSecret(vault: nil, item: nil, field: nil) loadChefLib loaded = nil if !item.nil? begin loaded = ::ChefVault::Item.load(vault, item) rescue ::ChefVault::Exceptions::KeysNotFound => e raise MuNoSuchSecret, "Can't load the Chef Vault #{vault}:#{item}. Does it exist? Chef user: #{MU.chef_user}" end else # If we didn't ask for a particular item, list what we have. begin loaded = ::Chef::DataBag.load(vault).keys.select { |k, v| !k.match(/_keys$/) } rescue Net::HTTPServerException raise MuNoSuchSecret, "Failed to retrieve Vault #{vault}" end end if loaded.nil? raise MuNoSuchSecret, "Failed to retrieve Vault #{vault}:#{item}" end if !field.nil? if loaded.has_key?(field) return loaded[field] else raise MuNoSuchSecret, "No such field in Vault #{vault}:#{item}" end else return loaded end end # see {MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret} def getSecret(vault: nil, item: nil, field: nil) self.class.getSecret(vault: vault, item: item, field: field) end # Delete a Chef data bag / Vault # @param vault [String]: A repository of secrets to delete def self.deleteSecret(vault: nil, item: nil) loadChefLib raise MuError, "No vault specified, nothing to delete" if vault.nil? MU.log "Deleting #{vault}:#{item} from vaults" knife_cmds = [] if item.nil? knife_cmds << ::Chef::Knife::DataBagDelete.new(['data', 'bag', 'delete', vault]) else knife_cmds << ::Chef::Knife::DataBagDelete.new(['data', 'bag', 'delete', vault, item]) knife_cmds << ::Chef::Knife::DataBagDelete.new(['data', 'bag', 'delete', vault, item+"_keys"]) end begin knife_cmds.each { |knife_db| knife_db.config[:yes] = true knife_db.run } rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e # We don't want to raise an error here. As an example we might be cleaning up a dead node in a server pool and this will then fail for no god reasons. MU.log "Tried to delete vault #{vault} but got #{e.inspect}, giving up", MU::ERR end end # see {MU::Groomer::Chef.deleteSecret} def deleteSecret(vault: nil) self.class.deleteSecret(vault: vault) end # Invoke the Chef client on the node at the other end of a provided SSH # session. # @param purpose [String]: A string describing the purpose of this client run. # @param max_retries [Integer]: The maximum number of attempts at a successful run to make before giving up. # @param output [Boolean]: Display Chef's regular (non-error) output to the console # @param override_runlist [String]: Use the specified run list instead of the node's configured list def run(purpose: "Chef run", update_runlist: true, max_retries: 5, output: true, override_runlist: nil, reboot_first_fail: false, timeout: 1800) self.class.loadChefLib if update_runlist and !@config['run_list'].nil? knifeAddToRunList(multiple: @config['run_list']) end pending_reboot_count = 0 chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load(@server.mu_name) if !@config['application_attributes'].nil? MU.log "Setting node:#{@server.mu_name} application_attributes", MU::DEBUG, details: @config['application_attributes'] chef_node.normal['application_attributes'] = @config['application_attributes'] chef_node.save end if !@config['groomer_variables'].nil? chef_node.normal['mu'] = @config['groomer_variables'] chef_node.save end if @server.deploy.original_config.has_key?('parameters') MU.log "Setting node:#{@server.mu_name} parameters", MU::DEBUG, details: @server.deploy.original_config['parameters'] chef_node.normal['mu_parameters'] = @server.deploy.original_config['parameters'] chef_node.save end saveDeployData retries = 0 try_upgrade = false output_lines = [] error_signal = "CHEF EXITED BADLY: "+(0...25).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join runstart = nil cmd = nil ssh = nil winrm = nil windows_try_ssh = false begin runstart = Time.new if !@server.windows? or windows_try_ssh MU.log "Invoking Chef over ssh on #{@server.mu_name}: #{purpose}" ssh = @server.getSSHSession(@server.windows? ? 1 : max_retries) if @server.windows? cmd = "chef-client.bat --color || echo #{error_signal}" elsif !@config["ssh_user"].nil? and !@config["ssh_user"].empty? and @config["ssh_user"] != "root" upgrade_cmd = try_upgrade ? "sudo curl -L https://chef.io/chef/install.sh | sudo version=#{MU.chefVersion} sh &&" : "" cmd = "#{upgrade_cmd} sudo chef-client --color || echo #{error_signal}" else upgrade_cmd = try_upgrade ? "curl -L https://chef.io/chef/install.sh | version=#{MU.chefVersion} sh &&" : "" cmd = "#{upgrade_cmd} chef-client --color || echo #{error_signal}" end Timeout::timeout(timeout) { retval = ssh.exec!(cmd) { |ch, stream, data| puts data output_lines << data raise MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail if data.match(/REBOOT_SCHEDULED| WARN: Reboot requested:|Rebooting server at a recipe's request|Chef::Exceptions::Reboot/) if data.match(/#{error_signal}/) error_msg = "" clip = false output_lines.each { |chunk| chunk.split(/\n/).each { |line| if !clip and line.match(/^========+/) clip = true elsif clip and line.match(/^Running handlers:/) break end if clip and line.match(/[a-z0-9]/) error_msg += line.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)m/, '')+"\n" end } } raise MU::Groomer::RunError, error_msg end } } else MU.log "Invoking Chef over WinRM on #{@server.mu_name}: #{purpose}" winrm = @server.getWinRMSession(haveBootstrapped? ? 1 : max_retries) if @server.windows? and @server.windowsRebootPending?(winrm) # Windows frequently gets stuck here if retries > 5 @server.reboot(true) elsif retries > 3 @server.reboot end raise MU::Groomer::RunError, "#{@server.mu_name} has a pending reboot" end if try_upgrade pp winrm.run("Invoke-WebRequest -useb https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.ps1 | Invoke-Expression; Install-Project -version:#{MU.chefVersion} -download_directory:$HOME") end output_lines = [] cmd = "c:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client.bat --color" if override_runlist cmd = cmd + " -o '#{override_runlist}'" end resp = nil Timeout::timeout(timeout) { resp = winrm.run(cmd) do |stdout, stderr| if stdout print stdout if output output_lines << stdout end if stderr MU.log stderr, MU::ERR output_lines << stderr end end } if resp.exitcode == 1 and output_lines.join("\n").match(/Chef Client finished/) MU.log "resp.exit code 1" elsif resp.exitcode != 0 raise MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail if resp.exitcode == 35 or output_lines.join("\n").match(/REBOOT_SCHEDULED| WARN: Reboot requested:|Rebooting server at a recipe's request|Chef::Exceptions::Reboot/) raise MU::Groomer::RunError, output_lines.slice(output_lines.length-50, output_lines.length).join("") end end rescue MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail MU.log "#{@server.mu_name} rebooting from Chef, waiting then resuming", MU::NOTICE sleep 30 # weird failures seem common in govcloud if MU::Cloud::AWS.isGovCloud?(@config['region']) @server.reboot(true) sleep 30 end retry rescue RuntimeError, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ECONNRESET, IOError, Net::SSH::Exception, MU::Groomer::RunError, WinRM::WinRMError, MU::MuError => e begin ssh.close if !ssh.nil? rescue Net::SSH::Exception, IOError => e if @server.windows? MU.log "Windows has probably closed the ssh session before we could. Waiting before trying again", MU::DEBUG else MU.log "ssh session to #{@server.mu_name} was closed unexpectedly, waiting before trying again", MU::NOTICE end sleep 10 end if e.instance_of?(MU::Groomer::RunError) and retries == 0 and max_retries > 1 and purpose != "Base Windows configuration" MU.log "Got a run error, will attempt to install/update Chef Client on next attempt", MU::NOTICE try_upgrade = true else try_upgrade = false end if e.is_a?(MU::Groomer::RunError) if reboot_first_fail try_upgrade = true begin preClean(true) # drop any Chef install that's not ours @server.reboot # try gently rebooting the thing rescue Exception => e # it's ok to fail here (and to ignore failure) MU.log "preclean err #{e.inspect}", MU::ERR end reboot_first_fail = false end end if retries < max_retries retries += 1 MU.log "#{@server.mu_name}: Chef run '#{purpose}' failed after #{Time.new - runstart} seconds, retrying (#{retries}/#{max_retries})", MU::WARN, details: e.message.dup if purpose != "Base Windows configuration" windows_try_ssh = !windows_try_ssh end if e.is_a?(WinRM::WinRMError) if @server.windows? and retries >= 3 and retries % 3 == 0 # Mix in a hard reboot if WinRM isn't answering @server.reboot(true) end end sleep 30 retry else @server.deploy.sendAdminSlack("Chef run '#{purpose}' failed on `#{@server.mu_name}` :crying_cat_face:", msg: e.message) raise MU::Groomer::RunError, "#{@server.mu_name}: Chef run '#{purpose}' failed #{max_retries} times, last error was: #{e.message}" end rescue Exception => e @server.deploy.sendAdminSlack("Chef run '#{purpose}' failed on `#{@server.mu_name}` :crying_cat_face:", msg: e.inspect) raise MU::Groomer::RunError, "Caught unexpected #{e.inspect} on #{@server.mu_name} in @groomer.run at #{e.backtrace[0]}" end saveDeployData end # Make sure we've got a Splunk admin vault for any mu-splunk-servers to # use, and set it up if we don't. def splunkVaultInit self.class.loadChefLib begin loaded = ::ChefVault::Item.load("splunk", "admin_user") rescue ::ChefVault::Exceptions::KeysNotFound => e pw = Password.pronounceable(12..14) creds = { "username" => "admin", "password" => pw, "auth" => "admin:#{pw}" } saveSecret( vault: "splunk", item: "admin_user", data: creds, permissions: "role:mu-splunk-server" ) end end # Expunge def preClean(leave_ours = false) remove_cmd = nil if !@server.windows? if @server.config['ssh_user'] == "root" remove_cmd = "rm -rf /var/chef/ /etc/chef /opt/chef/ /usr/bin/chef-* ; yum -y erase chef ; rpm -e chef; apt-get -y remove chef ; touch /opt/mu_installed_chef" else remove_cmd = "sudo yum -y erase chef ; sudo rpm -e chef ; sudo rm -rf /var/chef/ /etc/chef /opt/chef/ /usr/bin/chef-* ; sudo apt-get -y remove chef ; sudo touch /opt/mu_installed_chef" end guardfile = "/opt/mu_installed_chef" retries = 0 begin ssh = @server.getSSHSession(25) Timeout::timeout(60) { if leave_ours MU.log "Expunging pre-existing Chef install on #{@server.mu_name}, if we didn't create it", MU::NOTICE begin ssh.exec!(%Q{test -f #{guardfile} || (#{remove_cmd}) ; touch #{guardfile}}) rescue IOError => e # TO DO - retry this in a cleaner way MU.log "Got #{e.inspect} while trying to clean up chef, retrying", MU::NOTICE, details: %Q{test -f #{guardfile} || (#{remove_cmd}) ; touch #{guardfile}} ssh = @server.getSSHSession(15) ssh.exec!(%Q{test -f #{guardfile} || (#{remove_cmd}) ; touch #{guardfile}}) end else MU.log "Expunging pre-existing Chef install on #{@server.mu_name}", MU::NOTICE ssh.exec!(remove_cmd) end } rescue Timeout::Error if retries < 5 retries += 1 sleep 5 retry else raise MuError, "Failed to preClean #{@server.mu_name} after repeated timeouts" end end ssh.close else remove_cmd = %Q{ $uninstall_string = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\* | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "chef client*"}).UninstallString if($uninstall_string){ $uninstall_string = ($uninstall_string -Replace "msiexec.exe","" -Replace "/I","" -Replace "/X","").Trim() $($uninstall_string -Replace '[\\s\\t]+', ' ').Split() | ForEach { start-process "msiexec.exe" -arg "/X $_ /qn" -Wait } } Remove-Item c:/chef/ -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue Remove-Item c:/opscode/ -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue Remove-Item C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/bootstrap*.bat -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue Remove-Item C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/chef-* -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue } shell = @server.getWinRMSession(15) removechef = true if leave_ours resp = shell.run("Test-Path c:/mu_installed_chef") if resp.stdout.chomp == "True" MU.log "Found existing Chef installation created by Mu, leaving it alone" removechef = false end end # remove_cmd = %Q{$my_chef = (Get-ItemProperty $location | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "chef client*"}).DisplayName if removechef MU.log "Expunging pre-existing Chef install on #{@server.mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: remove_cmd # pp shell.run(remove_cmd) end end end # Forcibly (re)install Chef. Useful for upgrading or overwriting a # broken existing install. def reinstall try_winrm = false if !@server.windows? cmd = %Q{curl -LO https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh && sudo bash ./install.sh -v #{MU.chefVersion} && rm install.sh} else try_winrm = true cmd = %Q{Invoke-WebRequest -useb https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.ps1 | Invoke-Expression; Install-Project -version:#{MU.chefVersion} -download_directory:$HOME} end if try_winrm begin MU.log "Attempting Chef upgrade via WinRM on #{@server.mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: cmd winrm = @server.getWinRMSession(1, 30, winrm_retries: 2) pp winrm.run(cmd) return rescue Net::SSH::Disconnect, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Net::SSH::Proxy::ConnectError, SocketError, Net::SSH::Disconnect, Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, IOError, Net::HTTPServerException, SystemExit, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPIPE, WinRM::WinRMError, HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError, RuntimeError, MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail, MU::MuError => e MU.log "WinRM failure attempting Chef upgrade on #{@server.mu_name}, will fall back to ssh", MU::WARN cmd = %Q{powershell.exe -inputformat none -noprofile "#{cmd}"} end end MU.log "Attempting Chef upgrade via ssh on #{@server.mu_name}", MU::NOTICE, details: cmd ssh = @server.getSSHSession(1) retval = ssh.exec!(cmd) { |ch, stream, data| puts data } end # Bootstrap our server with Chef def bootstrap self.class.loadChefLib stashHostSSLCertSecret splunkVaultInit if !@config['cleaned_chef'] begin leave_ours = @config['scrub_groomer'] ? false : true preClean(leave_ours) rescue RuntimeError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR sleep 10 retry end @config['cleaned_chef'] = true end nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_addr, ssh_user, ssh_key_name = @server.getSSHConfig MU.log "Bootstrapping #{@server.mu_name} (#{canonical_addr}) with knife" run_list = ["recipe[mu-tools::newclient]"] run_list << "mu-tools::gcloud" if @server.cloud == "Google" or @server.config['cloud'] == "Google" json_attribs = {} if !@config['application_attributes'].nil? json_attribs['application_attributes'] = @config['application_attributes'] json_attribs['skipinitialupdates'] = @config['skipinitialupdates'] end if !@config['vault_access'].nil? vault_access = @config['vault_access'] else vault_access = [] end @server.windows? ? max_retries = 25 : max_retries = 10 @server.windows? ? timeout = 1800 : timeout = 300 retries = 0 begin if !@server.windows? kb = ::Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.new([canonical_addr]) kb.config[:use_sudo] = true kb.name_args = "#{canonical_addr}" kb.config[:distro] = 'chef-full' kb.config[:ssh_user] = ssh_user kb.config[:forward_agent] = ssh_user kb.config[:identity_file] = "#{Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir}/.ssh/#{ssh_key_name}" else kb = ::Chef::Knife::BootstrapWindowsWinrm.new([@server.mu_name]) kb.name_args = [@server.mu_name] kb.config[:manual] = true kb.config[:winrm_transport] = :ssl kb.config[:host] = @server.mu_name kb.config[:winrm_port] = 5986 kb.config[:session_timeout] = timeout kb.config[:operation_timeout] = timeout kb.config[:winrm_authentication_protocol] = :cert kb.config[:winrm_client_cert] = "#{MU.mySSLDir}/#{@server.mu_name}-winrm.crt" kb.config[:winrm_client_key] = "#{MU.mySSLDir}/#{@server.mu_name}-winrm.key" # kb.config[:ca_trust_file] = "#{MU.mySSLDir}/Mu_CA.pem" # XXX ca_trust_file doesn't work for some reason, so we have to set the below for now kb.config[:winrm_ssl_verify_mode] = :verify_none kb.config[:msi_url] = "https://www.chef.io/chef/download?p=windows&pv=2012&m=x86_64&v=#{MU.chefVersion}" end # XXX this seems to break Knife Bootstrap # if vault_access.size > 0 # v = {} # vault_access.each { |vault| # v[vault['vault']] = [] if v[vault['vault']].nil? # v[vault['vault']] << vault['item'] # } # kb.config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = JSON.generate(v) # end kb.config[:json_attribs] = JSON.generate(json_attribs) if json_attribs.size > 1 kb.config[:run_list] = run_list kb.config[:chef_node_name] = @server.mu_name kb.config[:bootstrap_version] = MU.chefVersion # XXX key off of MU verbosity level kb.config[:log_level] = :debug # kb.config[:ssh_gateway] = "#{nat_ssh_user}@#{nat_ssh_host}" if !nat_ssh_host.nil? # Breaking bootsrap MU.log "Knife Bootstrap settings for #{@server.mu_name} (#{canonical_addr}), timeout set to #{timeout.to_s}", MU::NOTICE, details: kb.config if @server.windows? and @server.windowsRebootPending? raise MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail, "#{@server.mu_name} has a pending reboot" end Timeout::timeout(timeout) { require 'chef' MU::Cloud.handleNetSSHExceptions kb.run } # throws Net::HTTPServerException if we haven't really bootstrapped ::Chef::Node.load(@server.mu_name) rescue Net::SSH::Disconnect, SystemCallError, Timeout::Error, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Net::SSH::Proxy::ConnectError, SocketError, Net::SSH::Disconnect, Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, IOError, Net::HTTPServerException, SystemExit, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPIPE, WinRM::WinRMError, HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError, RuntimeError, MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail, Net::SSH::Exception, Net::SSH::ConnectionTimeout => e if retries < max_retries retries += 1 # Bad Chef installs are possible culprits of bootstrap failures, so # try scrubbing them when that happens. # On Windows, even a fresh install comes up screwy disturbingly # often, so we let it start over from scratch if needed. Except for # the first attempt, which usually fails due to WinRM funk. if !e.is_a?(MU::Cloud::BootstrapTempFail) and !(e.is_a?(WinRM::WinRMError) and @config['forced_preclean']) and !@config['forced_preclean'] begin preClean(false) # it's ok for this to fail rescue Exception => e end MU::Groomer::Chef.cleanup(@server.mu_name, nodeonly: true) @config['forced_preclean'] = true @server.reboot if @server.windows? # *sigh* end MU.log "#{@server.mu_name}: Knife Bootstrap failed #{e.inspect}, retrying in #{(10*retries).to_s}s (#{retries} of #{max_retries})", MU::WARN, details: e.backtrace sleep 10*retries retry else raise MuError, "#{@server.mu_name}: Knife Bootstrap failed too many times with #{e.inspect}" end rescue Exception => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace sleep 10*retries retry end # Now that we're done, remove one-shot bootstrap recipes from the # node's final run list ["mu-tools::newclient"].each { |recipe| begin ::Chef::Knife.run(['node', 'run_list', 'remove', @server.mu_name, "recipe[#{recipe}]"], {}) rescue SystemExit => e MU.log "#{@server.mu_name}: Run list removal of recipe[#{recipe}] failed with #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN end } knifeAddToRunList("role[mu-node]") knifeAddToRunList("mu-tools::selinux") grantSecretAccess(@server.mu_name, "windows_credentials") if @server.windows? grantSecretAccess(@server.mu_name, "ssl_cert") saveChefMetadata knifeAddToRunList("recipe[mu-tools::updates]") if !@config['skipinitialupdates'] # Making sure all Windows nodes get the mu-tools::windows-client recipe if @server.windows? knifeAddToRunList("recipe[mu-tools::windows-client]") run(purpose: "Base Windows configuration", update_runlist: false, max_retries: 20) elsif !@config['skipinitialupdates'] run(purpose: "Base configuration", update_runlist: false, max_retries: 20) end ::Chef::Knife.run(['node', 'run_list', 'remove', @server.mu_name, "recipe[mu-tools::updates]"], {}) if !@config['skipinitialupdates'] ::Chef::Knife.run(['node', 'run_list', 'remove', @server.mu_name, "recipe[mu-tools::selinux]"], {}) # This will deal with Active Directory integration. if !@config['active_directory'].nil? if @config['active_directory']['domain_operation'] == "join" knifeAddToRunList("recipe[mu-activedirectory::domain-node]") run(purpose: "Join Active Directory", update_runlist: false, max_retries: max_retries) elsif @config['active_directory']['domain_operation'] == "create" knifeAddToRunList("recipe[mu-activedirectory::domain]") run(purpose: "Create Active Directory Domain", update_runlist: false, max_retries: 15) elsif @config['active_directory']['domain_operation'] == "add_controller" knifeAddToRunList("recipe[mu-activedirectory::domain-controller]") run(purpose: "Add Domain Controller to Active Directory", update_runlist: false, max_retries: 15) end end if !@config['run_list'].nil? knifeAddToRunList(multiple: @config['run_list']) end saveDeployData end # Synchronize the deployment structure managed by {MU::MommaCat} to Chef, # so that nodes can access this metadata. # @return [Hash]: The data synchronized. def saveDeployData self.class.loadChefLib if !haveBootstrapped? MU.log "saveDeployData invoked on #{@server.to_s} before Chef has been bootstrapped!", MU::WARN, details: caller return end @server.describe(update_cache: true) # Make sure we're fresh saveChefMetadata begin chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load(@server.mu_name) # Our deploydata gets corrupted often with server pools, in this case the the deploy data structure of some nodes is corrupt the hashes can become too nested and also invalid. # When we try to merge this invalid structure with our chef node structure we get a 'stack level too deep' error. # The choice here is to either fail more gracefully or try to clean up our deployment data. This is an attempt to implement the second option nodes_to_delete = [] node_class = nil if @server.deploy.deployment.has_key?('servers') @server.deploy.deployment['servers'].each_pair { |nodeclass, server_struct| node_class = nodeclass server_struct.each_pair { |name, server| if server.is_a?(Hash) && !server.has_key?('nodename') MU.log "#{name} deploy data is corrupt, trying to delete section before merging deployment metadata", MU::ERR, details: server nodes_to_delete << name end } } end if !nodes_to_delete.empty? nodes_to_delete.each { |name| @server.deploy.deployment['servers'][node_class].delete(name) } end if !@server.deploy.deployment.nil? and (chef_node.normal['deployment'].nil? or (chef_node.normal['deployment'].to_h <=> @server.deploy.deployment) != 0 ) MU.log "Updating node: #{@server.mu_name} deployment attributes", details: @server.deploy.deployment chef_node.normal['deployment'].merge!(@server.deploy.deployment) chef_node.save end return chef_node['deployment'] rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e MU.log "Attempted to save deployment to Chef node #{@server.mu_name} before it was bootstrapped.", MU::DEBUG end end # Expunge Chef resources associated with a node. # @param node [String]: The Mu name of the node in question. # @param vaults_to_clean [Array]: Some vaults to expunge # @param noop [Boolean]: Skip actual deletion, just state what we'd do # @param nodeonly [Boolean]: Just delete the node and its keys, but leave other artifacts def self.cleanup(node, vaults_to_clean = [], noop = false, nodeonly: false) loadChefLib MU.log "Deleting Chef resources associated with #{node}" if !nodeonly vaults_to_clean.each { |vault| MU::MommaCat.lock("vault-#{vault['vault']}", false, true) MU.log "knife vault remove #{vault['vault']} #{vault['item']} --search name:#{node}", MU::NOTICE ::Chef::Knife.run(['vault', 'remove', vault['vault'], vault['item'], "--search", "name:#{node}"]) if !noop MU::MommaCat.unlock("vault-#{vault['vault']}") } end MU.log "knife node delete #{node}" if !noop knife_nd = ::Chef::Knife::NodeDelete.new(['node', 'delete', node]) knife_nd.config[:yes] = true begin knife_nd.run rescue Net::HTTPServerException end end MU.log "knife client delete #{node}" if !noop knife_cd = ::Chef::Knife::ClientDelete.new(['client', 'delete', node]) knife_cd.config[:yes] = true begin knife_cd.run rescue Net::HTTPServerException end end MU.log "knife data bag delete #{node}" if !noop knife_cd = ::Chef::Knife::ClientDelete.new(['data', 'bag', 'delete', node]) knife_cd.config[:yes] = true begin knife_cd.run rescue Net::HTTPServerException end end return if nodeonly begin deleteSecret(vault: node) if !noop rescue MuNoSuchSecret end ["crt", "key", "csr"].each { |ext| if File.exist?("#{MU.mySSLDir}/#{node}.#{ext}") MU.log "Removing #{MU.mySSLDir}/#{node}.#{ext}" File.unlink("#{MU.mySSLDir}/#{node}.#{ext}") if !noop end } end # Allow a node access to a vault. # @param host [String]: # @param vault [String]: # @param item [String]: def self.grantSecretAccess(host, vault, item) loadChefLib MU::MommaCat.lock("vault-#{vault}", false, true) MU.log "Granting #{host} access to #{vault} #{item}" begin ::Chef::Knife.run(['vault', 'update', vault, item, "--search", "name:#{host}"]) rescue Exception => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: caller end MU::MommaCat.unlock("vault-#{vault}", true) end private # Save common Mu attributes to this node's Chef node structure. def saveChefMetadata self.class.loadChefLib nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_addr, ssh_user, ssh_key_name = @server.getSSHConfig MU.log "Saving #{@server.mu_name} Chef artifacts" begin chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load(@server.mu_name) rescue Net::HTTPServerException @server.deploy.sendAdminSlack("Couldn't load Chef metadata on `#{@server.mu_name}` :crying_cat_face:") raise MU::Groomer::RunError, "Couldn't load Chef node #{@server.mu_name}" end # Figure out what this node thinks its name is system_name = chef_node['fqdn'] if !chef_node['fqdn'].nil? MU.log "#{@server.mu_name} local name is #{system_name}", MU::DEBUG chef_node.normal.app = @config['application_cookbook'] if !@config['application_cookbook'].nil? chef_node.normal["service_name"] = @config["name"] chef_node.normal["credentials"] = @config["credentials"] chef_node.normal["windows_admin_username"] = @config['windows_admin_username'] chef_node.chef_environment = MU.environment.downcase if @server.config['cloud'] == "AWS" chef_node.normal["ec2"] = MU.structToHash(@server.cloud_desc) end if @server.windows? chef_node.normal['windows_admin_username'] = @config['windows_admin_username'] chef_node.normal['windows_auth_vault'] = @server.mu_name chef_node.normal['windows_auth_item'] = "windows_credentials" chef_node.normal['windows_auth_password_field'] = "password" chef_node.normal['windows_auth_username_field'] = "username" chef_node.normal['windows_ec2config_password_field'] = "ec2config_password" chef_node.normal['windows_ec2config_username_field'] = "ec2config_username" chef_node.normal['windows_sshd_password_field'] = "sshd_password" chef_node.normal['windows_sshd_username_field'] = "sshd_username" end # If AD integration has been requested for this node, give Chef what it'll need. if !@config['active_directory'].nil? chef_node.normal['ad']['computer_name'] = @server.mu_windows_name chef_node.normal['ad']['node_class'] = @config['name'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_name'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_name'] chef_node.normal['ad']['node_type'] = @config['active_directory']['node_type'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_operation'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_operation'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_controller_hostname'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_controller_hostname'] if @config['active_directory'].has_key?('domain_controller_hostname') chef_node.normal['ad']['netbios_name'] = @config['active_directory']['short_domain_name'] chef_node.normal['ad']['computer_ou'] = @config['active_directory']['computer_ou'] if @config['active_directory'].has_key?('computer_ou') chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_sid'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_sid'] if @config['active_directory'].has_key?('domain_sid') chef_node.normal['ad']['dcs'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_controllers'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_join_vault'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_join_vault']['vault'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_join_item'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_join_vault']['item'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_join_username_field'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_join_vault']['username_field'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_join_password_field'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_join_vault']['password_field'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_admin_vault'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_admin_vault']['vault'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_admin_item'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_admin_vault']['item'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_admin_username_field'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_admin_vault']['username_field'] chef_node.normal['ad']['domain_admin_password_field'] = @config['active_directory']['domain_admin_vault']['password_field'] end # Amazon-isms, possibly irrelevant awscli_region_widget = { "compile_time" => true, "config_profiles" => { "default" => { "options" => { "region" => @config['region'] } } } } chef_node.normal['awscli'] = awscli_region_widget if !@server.cloud.nil? chef_node.normal['cloudprovider'] = @server.cloud # XXX In AWS this is an OpenStruct-ish thing, but it may not be in # others. chef_node.normal[@server.cloud.to_sym] = MU.structToHash(@server.cloud_desc) end tags = MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags tags.merge!(MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags) if @config['optional_tags'] if !@config['tags'].nil? @config['tags'].each { |tag| tags[tag['key']] = tag['value'] } end chef_node.normal['tags'] = tags chef_node.save # If we have a database make sure we grant access to that vault. # In some cases the cached getLitter response will not have all the resources in the deploy, so lets not use the cache. if @config.has_key?('dependencies') deploy = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(MU.deploy_id, use_cache: false) @config['dependencies'].each{ |dep| if dep['type'] == "database" && deploy.deployment.has_key?("databases") && deploy.deployment["databases"].has_key?(dep['name']) deploy.deployment["databases"][dep['name']].each { |name, database| grantSecretAccess(database['vault_name'], database['vault_item']) if database.has_key?("vault_name") && database.has_key?("vault_item") } end } end # Finally, grant us access to some pre-existing Vaults. if !@config['vault_access'].nil? @config['vault_access'].each { |vault| grantSecretAccess(vault['vault'], vault['item']) } end end def grantSecretAccess(vault, item) return if @secrets_granted["#{vault}:#{item}"] == item self.class.grantSecretAccess(@server.mu_name, vault, item) @secrets_granted["#{vault}:#{item}"] = item end def self.knifeCmd(cmd, showoutput = false) MU.log "knife #{cmd}", MU::NOTICE if showoutput output = `#{MU::Groomer::Chef.knife} #{cmd}` exitstatus = $?.exitstatus if showoutput puts output puts "Exit status: #{exitstatus}" end return [exitstatus, output] end def knifeCmd(cmd, showoutput = false) self.class.knifeCmd(cmd, showoutput) end # Upload the certificate to a Chef Vault for this node def stashHostSSLCertSecret cert, key = @server.deploy.nodeSSLCerts(@server) certdata = { "data" => { "node.crt" => cert.to_pem.chomp!.gsub(/\n/, "\\n"), "node.key" => key.to_pem.chomp!.gsub(/\n/, "\\n") } } saveSecret(item: "ssl_cert", data: certdata, permissions: nil) saveSecret(item: "secrets", data: @config['secrets'], permissions: nil) if !@config['secrets'].nil? certdata end # Add a role or recipe to a node. Optionally, throw a fit if it doesn't # exist. # @param rl_entry [String]: The run-list entry to add. # @param type [String]: One of *role* or *recipe*. # @param ignore_missing [Boolean]: If set to true, will merely warn about missing recipes/roles instead of throwing an exception. # @param multiple [Array]: Add more than one run_list entry. Overrides rl_entry. # @return [void] def knifeAddToRunList(rl_entry = nil, type="role", ignore_missing: false, multiple: []) self.class.loadChefLib return if rl_entry.nil? and multiple.size == 0 if multiple.size == 0 multiple = [rl_entry] end multiple.each { |entry| if !entry.match(/^role|recipe\[/) entry = "#{type}[#{entry}]" end } if !ignore_missing role_list = nil recipe_list = nil missing = false multiple.each { |entry| # Rather than argue about whether to expect a bare entry name or # require entry[rolename], let's just accomodate. if entry.match(/^role\[(.+?)\]/) entry_name = Regexp.last_match(1) if role_list.nil? query=%Q{#{MU::Groomer::Chef.knife} role list}; role_list = %x{#{query}} end if !role_list.match(/(^|\n)#{entry_name}($|\n)/) MU.log "Attempting to add non-existent #{entry} to #{@server.mu_name}", MU::WARN missing = true end elsif entry.match(/^recipe\[(.+?)\]/) entry_name = Regexp.last_match(1) if recipe_list.nil? query=%Q{#{MU::Groomer::Chef.knife} recipe list}; recipe_list = %x{#{query}} end if !recipe_list.match(/(^|\n)#{entry_name}($|\n)/) MU.log "Attempting to add non-existent #{entry} to #{@server.mu_name}", MU::WARN missing = true end end if missing and !ignore_missing raise MuError, "Can't continue with missing roles/recipes for #{@server.mu_name}" end } end rl_string = multiple.join(",") begin query=%Q{#{MU::Groomer::Chef.knife} node run_list add #{@server.mu_name} "#{rl_string}"}; MU.log("Adding #{rl_string} to Chef run_list of #{@server.mu_name}") MU.log("Running #{query}", MU::DEBUG) output=%x{#{query}} # XXX rescue Exception is bad style rescue Exception => e raise MuError, "FAIL: #{MU::Groomer::Chef.knife} node run_list add #{@server.mu_name} \"#{rl_string}\": #{e.message} (output was #{output})" end end end # class Chef end # class Groomer end # Module Mu